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1 Soil

2 Soil Composition

3 Soil Uppermost layer of earth’s crust that supports plants, animals and microbes Soil Forming Factors Parent Material Time Climate Vegetation & Organisms Topography

4 1. Parent Material Refers to the rock and minerals from which the soil derives. The nature of the parent rock has a direct effect on the soil texture (think igneous vs sedimentary rocks) Parent material may be native or transported to area by wind , water or glacier.

5 2. Time After enough time, soil reaches maturity.
Depends on several factors On average it takes 500 years to form 1 inch of soil.

6 3. Climate Two most important factors that determine climate are Temperature and Moisture, they affect Weathering processes Microenvironmental conditions for soil organisms Plant growth Decomposition rates Soil pH Chemical reactions in the soil

7 Formation of soil occurs faster in a climate with:
higher temperatures (increase the speed of the reaction) more rainfall (provides water for chemical reactions)

8 Weathering Physical includes temperature changes (freezing and thawing), crystal growth, pressure, plant roots, burrowing animals causes disintegration of parent material and facilitates chemical weathering Chemical always in water includes hydration, hydrolysis, oxidation. examples : oxidation of Fe to form limonite

9 4. Vegetation & Organisms
A single teaspoonful of soil is home to more than a billion organisms. Bacteria and protozoans – around 1 billion Nematode worms—300 Springtails—15 Mites—20 Pseudoscorpions—1

10 Larger Soil Organisms Worms – digest materials that make up humus and produce castings (amazing worm poo) and aerated soils with tunnels Ants – aerate soils with tunnels and chambers, forage for food on surface and leave underground to decompose, bury seeds

11 Ecosystem Services Soil organisms provide ecosystem services
Important environmental benefits that ecosystems provide Examples Decaying and cycling organic material Preventing soil erosion Breaking down toxic materials Cleansing water Soil aeration (especially done by earthworms)

12 Symbiotic Relationships
Mycorrhizae – fungus on the roots of some plants Rhizobium – Soil bacteria that fix Nitrogen (remember them?... ) Found on Legumes (peas, clover, peanuts etc…) NOT ON potatoes! Helps plants absorb essential nutrient minerals from the soil Mycelium – threadlike body of the fungus (extends beyond the roots)

13 5. Topography Physical characteristics of location where soil is formed. Drainage Slope direction Elevation Wind exposure

14 Soil Composition Mineral Particles (45%) Weathered rock
Provides essential nutrients for plants Organic Material (5%) Litter, animal waste, dead remains of plants and animals, humus (picture) Water (25%) Air (25%)

15 Texture of Soil Sand Silt Clay
Relative proportion of sand, silt and clay determines TEXTURE Soil textures are produced by the combination of Sand Silt Clay

16 Sand - Basketball Biggest Can feel individual particles Silt - softball Clay- tip of your pen Smallest Can NOT feel individual particles (think baby powder)


18 Spaces in the Soil 40-60% of volume of soil is normally pore space (space in between the grains) Spaces allow water and air to travel through soil. Plant roots growing in the soil need air

19 Permeability The rate at which water (and air) moves from upper to lower soil layers. Amount of room between grains (pore spaces) determines this Larger pore spaces drain water quickly Smaller pore spaces tend to hold water and drain much slower

20 Sand Silt Clay “Large” “Medium” “Small” Water Water High permeability
Figure 3.25 Natural capital: the size, shape, and degree of clumping of soil particles determine the number and volume of spaces for air and water within a soil. Soils with more pore spaces (left) contain more air and are more permeable to water than soils with fewer pores (right). High permeability Low permeability

21 Loam Soils made of a mixture of: Sand Silt Clay ~40% sand ~40% silt

22 Soil Textural Triangle
What type of soil am I? 55% sand 5% silt 40% clay

23 Soil Textural Triangle
What type of soil am I? 20% sand 75% silt 5% clay

24 Soil Properties Soil texture affects soil properties
Coarse textured soil (sandy) Large Pore Spaces Will not hold water well- flows through easily Fine textured soil (high in clay) Small Pore Spaces Poor drainage Low oxygen levels in soil Due to negatively charged surface, able to hold onto important plant nutrients (K+, Ca2+, NO2-)


26 Soil Nutrients & Layers

27 Soil pH The pH of most soils ranges from 4.0 to 8.0. But, the soil of the Pygmy Forest in California is extremely acidic ( ) and in Death Valley, California, it is very basic (10.5). Proper pH directly affects the availability of plant food nutrients

28 pH Too acidic or basic will not Allow compounds to dissolve
Allow presence of certain ions If soil is too acidic, add ground limestone If soil is too basic, add organic material like cow manure

29 Soil Nutrients Macronutrients
Larger in atomic structure. Ex. Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) & Potassium (K). Micronutrients These are smaller in atomic structure. Plants need them in small amounts. Ex. Selenium, Zinc & Iron.

30 Nitrogen Content Stimulates above ground growth
Produces rich green color Influences quality and protein content of fruit A plant’s use of other elements is stimulated by presence of N Replenished naturally by rhizobium on legume roots Fertilizer from manure or Chemicals

31 Phosphorus for Growth Abundant in Strong root system
Increases seed yield and fruit development Parts of root involved in water uptake (hairs) Fertilizer is made from rock phosphate (remember the phosphorus cycle does not cycle through the atmosphere)

32 Potassium Content Potash Important in vigor and vitality of plant
Carries carbohydrates through the plant Improves color of flowers Improves quality of fruit Promotes vigorous root systems Offsets too much N Found naturally in feldspar and mica rocks

33 Soil Horizons O - Rich in organic material A - Topsoil
E – Heavily leached (not always present) B - Lighter colored subsoil C - Weathered parent material

34 Organic Layer (O-horizon)
The uppermost layer; it is rich in organic material. Plant litter accumulates in the O-horizon and gradually decays. In desert soils the O-horizon is completely absent, but in certain organically rich soils it may be the dominant layer.

35 Topsoil (A-horizon) It is dark and rich in accumulated organic matter and humus. It has a granular texture and is somewhat nutrient- poor due to the loss of many nutrient minerals to deeper layers and by leaching.

36 Subsoil (B-horizon) The light-colored subsoil beneath the A-horizon; it is often a zone of illuviation where nutrient minerals have leached out of the topsoil and litter accumulate. It is typically rich in iron and aluminum compounds and clay.

37 Parent Material (C-horizon)
This contains weathered pieces of rock and borders the un-weathered solid parent material (R Layer) . Most roots do not go down this deep and it is often saturated with groundwater.

38 Soil Problems

39 Soil Problems Soil Erosion
Wearing away or removal of soil from the land Caused primarily by water and wind Why a problem? Causes a loss in soil fertility as organic material and nutrients are eroded More fertilizers must be used to replace nutrients lost to erosion Accelerated by poor soil management practices

40 Soil Erosion Moderate Severe Very severe Figure 13.11
Natural capital degradation: desertification of arid and semiarid lands is caused by a combination of prolonged drought and human activities that expose soil to erosion. QUESTION: What three things would you do to reduce desertification? (Data from UN Environment Programme and Harold E. Drengue) Moderate Severe Very severe

41 Soil is eroding faster than it is forming on more than one-third of the world’s cropland.

42 Salinization & Waterlogging

43 Soil Salinization Gradual accumulation of salt in the soil, usually due to improper irrigation techniques Often in arid and semi-arid areas The little precipitation that falls is quickly evaporated Leaves behind salts Salt concentrations get to levels toxic to plants

44 Desertification Degradation of once-fertile rangeland, agricultural land, or tropical dry forest into nonproductive desert Typically a human-induced condition Change in vegetation changes climate, further decreasing precipitation levels (usually in a positive feedback loop scenario) Asia and Africa – largest areas – many droughts

45 American Dust Bowl Great Plains have low precipitation and subject to drought severe drought No natural vegetation roots to hold soil in place Native vegetation replaced by annual crops Winds blew soil as far east as NYC and DC. Farmers went bankrupt

46 Soil Conservation Policies in US
Soil Conservation Act 1935 Authorized formation of Soil Conservation Service, now called Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Assess soil damage and develop policies to improve soil Food Security Act (Farm Bill) 1985 Required farmers with highly erodible soil had to change their farming practices Instituted Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Pays farmers to stop farming highly erodible land

47 Soil Conservation Practices
Conservation Tillage Residues from previous year’s crops are left in place to prevent soil erosion Includes no till agriculture

48 Soil Conservation Practices
Crop Rotation Planting a series of different crops in the same field over a period of years Lessens pest and insect disease Lets nutrients specific for certain plants naturally replenish

49 Soil Conservation Practices
Contour Plowing Plowing around hill (following natural contour of land) instead of up-down Decreases soil erosion

50 Soil Conservation Practices
Strip Cropping Alternating strips of different crops along natural contours

51 Soil Conservation Practices
Terracing Creating terraces on steep slopes to prevent erosion

52 Soil Conservation Practices
Agroforestry Trees and crops are planted together to improve soil fertility in degraded soils Trees grow much longer and provide many soil benefits: - reduces soil erosion - regulates water - provides habitat for natural enemies of crop pests - leaf litter regenerates soil - shade Example: Acacia trees and millet

53 Soil Reclamation Two steps Stabilize land to prevent further erosion
Restoring soil to former fertility Best way to do this is to plant shelterbelts Row of trees planted to reduce wind erosion of soil

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