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Executive branch.

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1 Executive branch

2 Explain the qualifications of the governor and lieutenant governor.
Both are elected by a Popular Vote Qualifications Governor Lieutenant Governor US Citizenship 15 years GA Citizenship 6 years Age 30 Term of office 4 years -two consecutive terms 4 years -unlimited # of consecutive terms

3 Duties and Formal Powers
Governor Lieutenant Governor Oversees operation of the executive branch Chief law enforcement officer Commander-in-Chief of the state’s National Guard and the Georgia State Patrol Proposes annual budget Recommends new laws Gives “state of the state” address Fills government vacancies and appoints people to state boards and executive offices. Can call special sessions of the General Assembly Take over duties of Governor upon death, resignation, or when out of state Presides over the senate: provides greatest power because he or she can affect the passage of senate bills Appoints Senators to committees Assigns bills to committee Recognizes members of the senate who wish to speak Reads every bill that comes through the legislature

4 State Budget Information
Governor sets the budget and sends it to the legislature for approval. Governor must introduce the state budget within the first FIVE days of the legislative session The General Assembly determines the types of revenue sources and the terms by which they operate. The Department of Revenue is charged with the responsibility of administering and collecting revenue.

5 Where do we get all of that money?

6 Now it is time to play…. NAME THAT TAX!!!!!

7 Tax number 1: Tax on insurance companies that sell insurance in Georgia. These companies are not subject to corporate income taxation. A- Individual Income Tax B- Insurance Premium Tax C- Property Tax D- Excise Tax

8 Tax number 2: A flat tax (6% since 1969) on income that a corporation generates within state boundaries. A- Individual Income Tax B- General Sales Tax C- Corporate Income Tax D- Excise Tax

9 Tax number 3 : A tax placed on customers in retail stores. This tax is a percentage of the price of the item purchased. This rate is between 4-8%. A- Individual Income Tax B- General Sales Tax C- Corporate Income Tax D- Excise Tax

10 Tax number 4: Taxes payable from the property of a deceased person and are related to the federal government’s tax. A- Excise Tax B- Insurance Premium Tax C- Property Tax D- Estate Tax

11 Tax number 5 : Local governments (county and city) collect the largest portion of this tax. This tax is levied on land and/or real estate. A- Individual Income Tax B- Insurance Premium Tax C- Property Tax D- Excise Tax

12 Tax number 6: Graduated tax based on income an individual or married couple generate in the form of salaries, wages, and/or investments. The more money you generate, the more tax you will pay. A- Individual Income Tax B- General Sales Tax C- Corporate Income Tax D- Excise Tax

13 Tax number 7: Tax on items such as gasoline, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco products. These taxes are usually fixed amounts per item as opposed to percentage of the price of the item. A- Individual Income Tax B- General Sales Tax C- Corporate Income Tax D- Excise Tax

14 BONUS Round: Non-tax revenues
There are three more sources for state revenues. Any guess?? Fees State Lottery Settlement Programs

15 We also get money from Fees
8. Also known as regulatory fees. They are collected from: State parks Occupational licenses Recreational licenses

16 State lottery 9. By law, these funds can only be spent for special programs including college and technical school HOPE scholarships, pre-kindergarten, and technology for education

17 10. Settlement Programs Tobacco settlement fund- given to offset the costs to the state from cigarette related health issues Indigent Care Trust fund: helps hospitals cover the costs of providing health care to the poor

18 Extra bonus round

19 What are the TOP THREE sources for Georgia state revenue?
Individual Income tax The state lottery General sales tax


21 40-45 30% 5% 3-5 2% 1-3% Less than 1% Individual Income Tax Sales Tax
Lottery Corporate Income Tax Fees Settlement Programs Insurance Premium Tax Excise Tax Property Tax Estate Tax

22 How do we spend all of this money?
Can you guess Georgia’s TOP three expenses?

23 Georgia’s biggest areas of spending
#3 #1 #2

24 The next Governor’s Election will be November 2018.
Current leadership Governor Nathan Deal Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle 2nd term expires at end of Can he run again? Term expires at end of 2018. Can he run again?

25 How does the executive branch fulfill its role to enforce laws??
The Executive Branch is charged with enforcing the laws passed by the legislative branch. In order to do so, the state government is comprised of agencies to support the implementation of Georgia Law Combined with Governor and Lt. Governor, the numerous state agencies make the executive branch the largest in the state. The Georgia Constitution requires voters to elect the governor, lt governor, and six department heads. These eight officials are referred to as the state’s elected constitutional officers.

26 Office of Secretary of State
Keeper of Georgia’s Great Seal and custodian of the state flag and other symbols. Provides supervision and monitoring of elections in the state Where corporations and non-profit organizations are registered to conduct business in the state. Oversees 30 state boards Brian Kemp

27 The attorney General Chief legal officer
Deals with contracts and legal concerns for the state Represents the state in capital felony cases (death penalty cases) Represents the state in any civil action in any court Responsible for the investigation and prosecution of any state official or anyone working for the state who is accused of wrongdoing Christopher Carr

28 Department of education
Made up of 14 members Managed by State School Superintendent (elected) Made up of FIVE offices: Curriculum and Instruction Finance and Business Operations Instructional Technology and Media Policy and External Affairs Teacher and Student Support Richard Woods

29 Department of insurance
Regulates insurance companies to guarantee insurance rates, rules, and forms comply with state law. Investigates insurance fraud Inspects businesses and houses to prevent fire outbreaks.

30 Department of agriculture
Promotes Georgia’s agriculture industry. Regulates and monitors with businesses such as: Convenience stores Food processing and bottling plants Pest eradication Nursery and garden business State farmer’s markets

31 Department of labor ` Responsible for the state’s workforce programs
Unemployment issues Rehabilitation programs required by the Workforce Investment Act- promotes employment opportunities and job training Workforce education Work conditions and safety on the job Child labor issues

32 Scenarios: What “elected” agency would each scenario fall under?
A local business has been allowing teenagers to work past midnight and more that 40 hours per week.

33 Name that agency Match the agency description with one of the agencies listed. Most are obvious, but use the process of elimination and context clues to figure out the rest.

34 Other Executive Branch Agencies
Responsible for planning, constructing, and maintaining Georgia’s road Department of Transportation 2. Responsible for encouraging economic development Department of Economic Development 3. Administers and enforces the laws that relate to Georgia’s natural resources Department of Natural Resources 4. Seeks to protect and conserve Georgia’s forest resources Georgia Forestry Commission 5. Monitors the safe, dependable, and reasonably priced telecommunications, electric, and natural gas services from competent companies Public Service Commission 6. Administers the tax laws in the state Department of Revenue

35 Other Executive Branch Agencies
7. Assists state’s criminal justice systems in the areas of criminal investigations, forensic laboratory, and criminal justice information Georgia Bureau of Investigations 8. Protects citizens by operating safe and secure facilities while reducing repeated criminal offenses Department of Corrections 9. Oversees the public colleges and university that make up the University System of Georgia and the Georgia Archives and Public Library System Board of Regents 10. Established to protect Georgia’s citizens and their property. Oversees State Patrol, Capitol Police, Motor Carrier Compliance Division Department of Public Safety 11. Reviews requests for parole and pardons, reprieves, remissions, and commutations Board of Pardons and Paroles 12. Holds young offenders accountable for their actions and to be supportive of youth in their communities to become productive citizens Department of Juvenile Justice

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