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Wisdom and Foolishness

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1 Wisdom and Foolishness
Lesson 2 Wisdom and Foolishness

2 Truths to Know The Bible tells us what the actions of a wise person looks like and what the actions of a fool look like. Wisdom is not about age. It’s about knowing God. We need to check and evaluate our own lives to see if were are acting wise or foolishly.

3 Are you wise or foolish? One of the greatest insights or keys as to whether we have wisdom or foolishness in our hearts is the way we react to such things as rules, correction, instruction, disagreements, and sin in our lives. We can know if we are wise or foolish by how we reaction to certain situations such as rules, correction, instruction, disagreements, and sin.

4 Pride is a killer! If we don’t react well to certain rules and correction, it may be because of pride. Pride doesn’t want to admit weakness. Pride refuses to be corrected Pride doesn’t want to accept rules A proud person cannot be wise.

5 Where does wisdom start?
The Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

6 FEAR What does it mean to fear the LORD? -Respect -Reverence -Awe
-Wonder -Obey

7 What is a proverb? A proverb is a short sentence expressing in a few words a well-known truth or piece of wisdom. Better to ask twice than lose your way once. Follow the villagers when you are in the new village Fall seven times, stand up eight Every mother's child is handsome.

8 Why do we study Proverbs?
To know God To know the Word of God To Know God’s principles To learn how to apply God’s wisdom To give purpose to life

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