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Folding and Faulting Chapter 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Folding and Faulting Chapter 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Folding and Faulting Chapter 6

2 Folding The buckling of a rock layer that was once horizontal. Buckles or folds appear on the landscape. The main type of folds are: Anticlines Synclines Faulting Faulting is the result of the movement of the earths plates. Faults occur where there is stress along a weak point in the earths crust.

3 Key points about Caledonian fold mtns:

4 Key points:

5 Key points:

6 Orogeny Doming Terms to understand:
Forces/events that cause changes on the earths crust (eg. Mountain building) The pushing upwards of magma through the crust or compression causing the crust to dome upwards.




10 Folding & Faulting

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