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REMEMBER - Science Not Communicated is Science Not Done

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Presentation on theme: "REMEMBER - Science Not Communicated is Science Not Done"— Presentation transcript:

1 REMEMBER - Science Not Communicated is Science Not Done
Paper # (if applicable) PPT Guidelines Company logo may only be shown on the Cover slide  Please use font size 16pt or larger  Slides should not look like an outline. Use of charts, pictures and graphics to tell a story is strongly encouraged  If bullets must be used, then no more than 3-5 bullets per slide is encouraged  1-2 slides per minute is standard practice Where appropriate, please recognize contributors prior to the “Thank You” slide  Where appropriate, place final paper # in footer  Please refer to  other helpful hints and ideas to help improve both your presentation  Based upon content, feel free to use the black or white backgrounds for the body of the presentation REMEMBER - Science Not Communicated is Science Not Done 

2 Presentation title Presenter Name Company Logo Here

3 Content

4 Content

5 Thank you Speaker Name Company

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