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Addressing Success Gaps in Arkansas:

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Presentation on theme: "Addressing Success Gaps in Arkansas:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Addressing Success Gaps in Arkansas:
Thinking about Equity, Inclusion and Opportunity Nancy O’Hara Terry Long

2 This is a judgment free zone!
Meeting Norms This is a judgment free zone! All opinions and thoughts are of value. Everyone is involved in the discussions. Vegas rules apply!

3 Why Equity, Inclusion and Opportunity: Addressing Success Gaps?
Disproportionality (broad term to include discrepancy, significant disproportionality and disproportionate representation) is more than a special education issue. Resolving or improving disproportionality requires whole school/district approaches, and is not limited to special education. Disproportionality for discipline or identification is often the first of disparate outcomes for youth with disabilities throughout their lives. For this presentation, when disproportionality is written in italics, it is referring to the broad inclusive category of significant discrepancy, disproportionate representation and significant disproportionality.

4 Is educational equity really an issue?
Black children represent 18% of preschool enrollment, but 48% of preschool children who receive more than one out of school suspension Annually about 5% of white students are suspended or expelled and 16% of black students Black students are 2.5 times more likely to be identified as a student with intellectual disability as any other student group Nationally

5 Is educational equity really an issue?
Annually, 7.5% of white students receive out of school suspensions of any length and 20.9% of black students receive out of school suspensions of any length In one school district in Arkansas, Black students have been up to nine times as likely to be identified as a student with an intellectual disability as any other race/ethnicity. (this has reduced over time) In Arkansas








13 CRDC: K-12 Discipline 6% of all K-12 students received one or more out-of-school suspensions: 18% for black boys; 10% for black girls; 5% for white boys; and 2% for white girls. American Indian or Alaska Native, Latino, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, and multiracial boys are also disproportionately suspended from school, representing 15% of K-12 students but 19% of K-12 students receiving one or more out-of-school suspensions. Black K-12 students are 3.8 times as likely to receive one or more out- of-school suspensions as white students

14 2013-14 CRDC: Special ED students Discipline
Students with disabilities (12%) are more than twice as likely to receive one or more out-of-school suspensions as students without disabilities (5%). More than one out of five American Indian or Alaska Native (23%), Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (23%), black (25%), and multiracial (27%) boys with disabilities received one or more out-of-school suspensions, compared to one out of ten white (10%) boys with disabilities served by IDEA.



17 AR 2015-16 Disciplinary Suspensions by Type, Length, and Race/Ethnicity
Out of School Suspensions 10 Days or Less Out of School Suspensions More Than 10 Days In-school Suspensions 10 Days or Less In-school Suspensions More Than 10 Days Hispanic/Latino 356 35 634 49 American Indian or Alaska Native 36 2 3 Asian 11 21 Black or African American 2,607 355 2,593 439 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 18 1 32 6 White 2,597 197 4,119 248 Two or more races 133 10 161 17 Total 5,758 600 7,609 762

18 AR 2015-16 Disciplinary Suspensions by Type, Length, and Race/Ethnicity
Number of SWD Removed for 1 Day Number of SWD Removed for 2-10 Days Number of SWD Removed for More Than 10 Days Hispanic/Latino 220 528 118 American Indian/Alaska Native 14 45 8 Asian 13 1 Black or African American 582 3,043 980 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 11 25 7 White 1,413 3,729 689 Two or more races 47 178 30 Total 2,300 7,562 1,833

19 AR 2015-16 Disciplinary Suspensions by Type, Length, and Race/Ethnicity
Percent of Child Count Percent of SWD Removed for 1 Day Percent of SWD Removed for 2-10 Days Percent of SWD Removed for More Than 10 Days Hispanic/Latino 10% 7% 6% Am Indian/Alaska Native 1% 0% Asian Black or African American 24% 25% 40% 53% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander White 62% 61% 49% 38% Two or more races 2% Total 100%

20 Leaving w/o permission Obscene Language Disrespect Excessive Noise
Do Black Students Misbehave More? . Of 32 infractions, only 8 significant differences White students referred more for: Smoking Vandalism Leaving w/o permission Obscene Language Black students referred more for: Disrespect Excessive Noise Threat Loitering Skiba, R.J., Michael, R.S., Nardo, A.C. & Peterson, R. (2002). The color of discipline: Sources of racial and gender disproportionality in school p Skiba, R.J., Michael, R.S., Nardo, A.C. & Peterson, R. (2002). The color of discipline: Sources of racial and gender disproportionality in school punishment. Urban Review, 34, Skiba, R.J., Michael, R.S., Nardo, A.C. & Peterson, R. (2002). The color of discipline: Sources of racial and gender disproportionality in school punishment. Urban Review, 34,






26 NOTE: Detail may not sum to 100% due to rounding
NOTE: Detail may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Totals: Enrollment is 49 million students, in-school suspension is 3.5 million students, single out-of-school suspension is 1.9 million students, multiple out-of-school suspension is 1.55 million students, and expulsion is 130,000 students. Data reported in this figure represents 99% of responding schools. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Data Collection, SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Data Collection,

27 2013-14 CRDC: Preschool Discipline
Black preschool children are 3.6 times as likely to receive one or more out-of-school suspensions as white preschool children. Black children represent 19% of preschool enrollment, but 47% of preschool children receiving one or more out-of-school suspensions; in comparison, white children represent 41% of preschool enrollment, but 28% of preschool children receiving one or more out-of-school suspensions. Children with disabilities served by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) represent 20% of preschool enrollment, but 15% of preschool children receiving one or more out-of-school suspensions.

28 Note this is preschool Students with disabilities (served by IDEA):  Five (5) states reported a four percentage point or smaller gap in out-of-school suspension rates between students with disabilities served by IDEA and students without disabilities: North Dakota, (2%), Utah (3%), Idaho (4%), Mississippi (4%), and Wyoming (4%).  Five (5) states (and D.C.) reported a ten percentage point or higher gap in out-of-school suspension rates between students with disabilities served by IDEA and students without disabilities: Florida (15%), Nevada (14%), District of Columbia (13%), Wisconsin (11%), and Louisiana (10%). SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Data Collection,

29 Discussion What about the data surprised you?
What does it look like in your district/school? What do you want to learn more about? What do you think are the causes of disproportionality?

30 What is a success gap? Achievement
Identification and/or placement for special education Suspension rates College and career preparation Graduation rates Differences or “gaps” in a variety of educational factors and outcomes that affect the likelihood of educational success for some groups of students compared to their peers We will show you some sample data exemplifying these success gaps.

31 What are the results of success gaps?
Poor long-term outcomes for entire groups of students Before clicking on the answer to make it appear, ask the participants to share thoughts….pick only a couple of participants

32 To address success gaps…
… look closely at equity, inclusion, and opportunity for students who are not being successful!

33 We developed a tool to help states, districts, and schools look at the services and supports they were providing for all students, help them to identify areas where there were gaps (achievement gaps, opportunity gaps, gaps in other areas) for other subgroups of students compared to everyone else or each other. It’s to use to assess the degree to which their systems are being responsive to the diverse needs of all of their students. Purpose of the Success Gaps documents: The “Success Gaps” documents are designed for schools and districts to use to assess the degree to which their systems are being responsive to the diverse needs of all of their students. The “Success Gaps” documents are also designed to help districts/schools identify and then plan to address some of the systemic, contributing factors that result in over-representation of minority students in special education.

34 Investigate the root causes of your success gaps
Data-based decision making Cultural responsiveness High-quality core instructional program Universal screening and progress monitoring Evidence-based interventions and supports Have you implemented these five elements of high quality education? Research shows that paying attention to these five factors can assist districts and schools to achieve more equitable success among all subgroups. Each of these sections are supported by research in the white paper. Many of the documents/articles cited are great resources for more detailed information.

35 Data-Based Decision Making
Use disaggregated data for decisions about Curriculum and instructional programs Academic and behavioral supports Are policies and procedures effective? Make decisions about student interventions using multiple data sources, including Screening Progress monitoring Formative and summative evaluation data

36 Cultural Responsiveness
Recognize diversity across student ethnicity, language, and socio-economic status Provide training and resources so teachers can meet the linguistic needs of all students Include parents from all backgrounds in discussions about the school and about their children’s progress Note about parents included in each section!

37 Core Instructional Program
Rigorous, consistent, and well-articulated K-12 instructional program, aligned with standards, delivered with fidelity Effective differentiation in the core curriculum Universal design for learning Informing parents in their native or home language about differentiation

38 Assessment Valid universal screening
Progress monitoring for all students Informing parents in their native or home language about results

39 Evidence-Based Interventions and Supports
Implemented with fidelity Instructional Behavioral such as Positive Behavioral Supports or Restorative Justice Tiered response protocols, not zero tolerance Informing parents in their native or home language about interventions and responses What are we missing? Are there other areas you would include? What do you think? In your school or district, there is room for improvement in: Data based decision making Cultural responsiveness Core instructional program Assessment Evidence based interventions and support

40 About the 5 content areas-What are we missing?
Discussion Are there other areas you would include? Why? About the 5 content areas-What are we missing? Data based decision making Cultural responsiveness Core instructional program Assessment: universal screening and progress monitoring Evidence based interventions and support What do you think? In your school or district, there is room for improvement in:

41 Team Work What is the story of disproportionality in your district?
Why are you here? What does your data tell you? What is the history of disproportionality in your district? Prepare three to five summary statements to tell your story to the other teams Consider the “good, the bad and the ugly”!

42 Team stories

43 How to Address Success Gaps
Form a team Study the data Conduct a self-assessment Provide evidence Consider the students first Ensure equitable participation Develop a plan of action

44 Who should be on our district team?
Curriculum specialist General education and special education teachers Building principals Special education director Parents of students in focus subgroup Community members with an interest Other district and school representatives with an interest in the focus

45 Team Work/Discussion Based on the data, our focus is ___________ .
Who else should be on our team? List titles/positions and names

46 Success Gaps Root Causes
OSS >10 Days Exclusion Rate Is 4 Times Greater for Black SWD Than White SWD 36.50% Graduation Gap Identification Rate for Male Students is Twice the Rate for Female Students 8% to 14% Gap on CRCT Reading MID Identification Rate for Black Students is Twice the Rate for White Students 16% to 28% Gap on CRCT Math 4.3% Gap More than 15 days absent Data-based decision making Cultural responsiveness High-quality Core instructional program Universal screening and progress monitoring Evidence-based Interventions and supports Data-based Decision Making? Cultural Responsiveness? Evidence –based Interventions? Universal Screening? Root Causes (EIO) Cause Progress Monitoring? Instructional Program?

47 Text box to describe evidence to support rating of the team
Rubric Organization Content Area Rubric rating scale Probing Questions Indicator Text box to describe evidence to support rating of the team Lets start with the set up of the rubric. Each section or content area is set this way. Many of the content areas have more than one indicator and therefore are on multiple pages. The scale is is the same across each area, Planning, Partially Implemented, Implemented, Exemplary, although described below the scale in the description of the indicator.

48 Data-based Decision Making
Indicator: Decisions about the school curriculum, instructional programs, academic and behavioral supports, and school improvement initiatives are based on data Read the probing questions and the scale. What data, based on your SD issue, would you disaggregate and pay particular attention to? Thinking about LEA initiatives and improvement activities, are there still some gaps? How would you rate your district/schools?

49 Team Work Assign roles:
Facilitator Note taker Reporter Complete each task and be prepared to share a summary with the group.

50 Team Discussion In your team, review the assigned section and discussion among yourselves. How would you rate your district for this section now? Use your data and other resources. Determine if there is more data you want to review Determine if there are gaps in your current reviews Prepare a summary of your discussion, include bullets of one strength and one challenge in this area on your chart and plan to share with the group

51 Cultural Responsiveness
Indicators: Culturally responsive instructional interventions and teaching strategies; Preparation for linguistic diversity; Facilitating the participation of parents Questions: Review the probing questions and consider your responses

52 Team Discussion In your team, review the assigned section and discussion among yourselves. How would you rate your district for this section now? Use your data and other resources. Determine if there is more data you want to review Determine if there are gaps in your current reviews Prepare a summary of your discussion, include bullets of one strength and one challenge in this area on your chart and plan to share with the group

53 Break for Day 2

54 Reflections from Day 1 What was your key “aha!” yesterday?
What impact will this work likely have in your district? What are the challenges of this work?

55 Core Instructional Program
Consistent, well-articulated curriculum implemented with fidelity Scientifically-based instructional program Differentiated instruction Informing parents and guardians about the core instructional program

56 Other sections of the rubric
Assessment-universal screening and progress monitoring Universal screening Progress monitoring Informing parents and guardians about screening and progress monitoring results

57 Other sections of the rubric
Interventions and Supports Evidence-based behavioral interventions and supports, in addition to core instruction, are embedded within a multi-tiered framework and implemented with fidelity School-level practices use tiered response methods (MTSS) that include academic and behavioral interventions and supports A comprehensive district-level school discipline policy Parents and guardians are regularly informed, in their native or home language, of interventions provided to their children and their children’s responses to those interventions for academic and behavioral skills

58 Team Discussion In your team, review the assigned section and discussion among yourselves. How would you rate your district for this section now? Use your data and other resources. Determine if there is more data you want to review Determine if there are gaps in your current reviews Prepare a summary of your discussion, include bullets of one strength and one challenge in this area on your chart and plan to share with the group

59 The Success Gaps Toolkit to support your work

60 How do we identify the factors?

61 Success Gaps Toolkit Success gaps white paper and rubric
Newly revised to be more inclusive of preschool Updated language to be more inclusive of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) language Process to consider reviewing the practices component of a self-assessment to determine root causes of significant disproportionality in your program or school Success Gaps Toolkit provides support to district and school leaders to “lead” this work.

62 How to use the toolkit to identify the factors – It Is a Process!
Form a local stakeholder team to focus on the significant disproportionality Identify the target group and topic area of your key success gap – your area(s) of significant disproportionality Include on your team: family members representative of the group that is disproportionate, general and special ed staff who work with the target group general and special ed staff who work with students who are succeeding community members who may work with the disproportionate group

63 How to use the toolkit to identify the factors – It Is a Process!
Determine the root cause(s) of the success gap by using the rubric for group discussion and decision making Plan to commit time to this process over multiple meetings Disaggregate data to keep digging into the problem Document the evidence for your decisions/ratings on the rubric Develop a plan of action to address the factors identified


65 Planning the next steps
Team discussion and planning to Continue this conversation in the district with the full team Consider if the right people are involved Go through the rubric and dig deep to identify root causes Develop a plan, prioritize! Implement! Evaluate and Revise!

66 The contents of this presentation were developed under grants from the U.S. Department of Education. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

67 For More Information Visit the IDC website
Follow us on Twitter

68 Project Officers: Richelle Davis and Meredith Miceli
The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H373Y However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officers: Richelle Davis and Meredith MiceliMiceli Project Officers: Richelle Davis and Meredith Miceli

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