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Universal GO 4 IT Training

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1 Universal GO 4 IT Training
Facilitator’s Notes: Welcome to the Universal GO 4 IT Training. Your early implementation community has engaged in community mapping and action planning and are making plans to change and adjust processes that will better support an integrated IFSP/COS process. This training will provide you with a template for the “how”. This early implementation process is not intended to provide all the solutions to integrating, it is meant to offer suggestions on the best methods to fully integrate these processes across the state. This will be a time of trial and error for your community. This training will provide some foundational elements to make this change. A collaborative process should be used to determine what ultimately will work and what will need to be adjusted or abandoned altogether. After this training, your community can begin to use a more fully integrated process as well as the GO4IT integrated IFSP form. There are many ways in which your community may decide to do this. It may be through adopting the new process and form with new families as they enter your system; you may decide to start with children with established conditions only; or you may begin this process with all children and families: those entering and those approaching reviews or annuals. Please provide the state team with your feedback to let us know how your process is working or not working. Continue to ask questions as we “storm, form, and norm together”. The EI state team will continue to be available to help you troubleshoot the “what abouts” as we learn together. So let’s begin! If applicable, mention housekeeping items: breaks, restrooms, lunch. Materials needed: Flip charts and markers Highlighters (one per participant) Full list of handouts used in training Agenda – tailor to sections being presented PP Thumbnails - May provide these for the relevant sections being presented Case Studies – Noah – fully completed example (All Sections) Noah’s MEISR- COSF (Sections 4,5,6) Josie – partially completed to be used in activities (All Sections) Handouts associated with activities– Materials to be used in training aligned with sections presented 3 Global Outcomes – (All sections) Early Intervention Colorado Child and Family Outcomes Measurements (Section 2) Washington State Early Learning Brochure: How Do We Know Early Intervention Services Help Infants, Toddlers and Families? (Section 2) Larimer County Age Anchoring Tool (Section 5) Bucket List - EDIS-COSF Rating Scale Descriptor Statements (Sections 5, 6) 3 Global Outcomes Descriptions and Considerations (Section 6) Global Outcomes Guiding Questions: Early Intervention Colorado (Section 6) Decision Tree for Child Outcomes Summary Process (Section 6) Strengths and Need Summary (Matthew example) (Section6) Criteria for High Quality, Participation-Based IFSP Outcomes (ECTA Center) (Section 7) Worksheet for Rating IFSP Outcomes (Section 7) Rating IFSP Outcomes Activity (ECTA Center) (Section 7) Resource Handouts: Materials to Enhance Learning Mission and Key Principles for Providing Early Intervention Services in Natural Environments (Section 1) Colorado Global Outcomes Family Worksheet (Sections 2,6) Resources and Activities to Integrated the Child Outcomes into the IFSP Process (Sections 2,3) Child Outcome Summary Form (COSF) Discussion Prompts (Section 6) UNICORN Global Outcomes Tab (Section 6) Timelines for Child Outcomes Summary Rating (Section 6) Tips and Techniques for Developing Participation-Based IFSP Outcome Statements from BriefCASE (Section 7) EI Colorado Potential Billing Scenarios (Section 8) Examples of TRE Treatment Notes (Section 8) FACETS Getting to Know Your Child (Section 9)

2 Welcome and Introductions
Facilitator’s Notes: Introductions: Please share your name and role, and one thing you hope to take away from this training today. Record responses on flip chart Refer to indicated needs or topics as appropriate throughout training to illustrate or clarify topic.

3 Introduction to Content
Section 1 Facilitator’s Notes: The content for this training is based on what GO4IT communities identified as needed. To supplement the information included in this training, additional resources are referenced throughout. The training PowerPoints, additional resources and materials are available by section on the EI Colorado website. The EI state team will continue to introduce new resources and provide ongoing individualized TA and support. Materials needed for Section 1: Introduction to Content Flip charts and markers Highlighters (one per participant) Full list of handouts used in training Agenda – tailor to sections being presented PP Thumbnails - May provide these for the relevant sections being presented Case Studies – Noah – fully completed example (All Sections) Noah’s MEISR- COSF (Sections 4,5,6) Josie – partially completed to be used in activities (All Sections) Handouts associated with activities– Materials to be used in training aligned with sections presented 3 Global Outcomes – (All sections) Early Intervention Colorado Child and Family Outcomes Measurements (Section 2) Washington State Early Learning Brochure: How Do We Know Early Intervention Services Help Infants, Toddlers and Families? (Section 2) Larimer County Age Anchoring Tool (Section 5) Bucket List - EDIS-COSF Rating Scale Descriptor Statements (Sections 5, 6) 3 Global Outcomes Descriptions and Considerations (Section 6) Global Outcomes Guiding Questions: Early Intervention Colorado (Section 6) Decision Tree for Child Outcomes Summary Process (Section 6) Strengths and Need Summary (Matthew example) (Section6) Criteria for High Quality, Participation-Based IFSP Outcomes (ECTA Center) (Section 7) Worksheet for Rating IFSP Outcomes (Section 7) Rating IFSP Outcomes Activity (ECTA Center) (Section 7) Resource Handouts: Materials to Enhance Learning Mission and Key Principles for Providing Early Intervention Services in Natural Environments (Section 1) Colorado Global Outcomes Family Worksheet (Sections 2,6) Resources and Activities to Integrated the Child Outcomes into the IFSP Process (Sections 2,3) Child Outcome Summary Form (COSF) Discussion Prompts (Section 6) UNICORN Global Outcomes Tab (Section 6) Timelines for Child Outcomes Summary Rating (Section 6) Tips and Techniques for Developing Participation-Based IFSP Outcome Statements from BriefCASE (Section 7) EI Colorado Potential Billing Scenarios (Section 8) Examples of TRE Treatment Notes (Section 8) FACETS Getting to Know Your Child (Section 9) Introduction to Content

4 Learning Objectives GO 4 IT Communities will:
Be able to understand and describe the 3 Global Outcomes Have the understanding and tools necessary to explain this process to families and other stakeholders Be able to begin to implement an integrated IFSP/COS process through the use of the GO 4 IT IFSP form Understand the importance of the flow of required and suggested best practices from referral through transition Facilitator’s Notes: Review learning objectives.

5 Key Principles for Early Intervention Service Provision
Infants and toddlers learn best through every day experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts All families, with the necessary supports and resources, can enhance their children’s learning and development The primary role of the service provider in early intervention is to work with and support the family members and caregivers in a child’s life The early intervention process, from initial contacts through transition, must be dynamic and individualized to reflect the child’s and family members’ preferences, learning styles and cultural beliefs IFSP outcomes must be functional and based on children’s and families’ needs and priorities The family’s priorities, needs and interests are addressed most appropriately by a primary provider who represents and receives team and community support Interventions with young children and family members must be based on explicit principles, validated practices, best available research and relevant laws and regulations OSEP TA Communities of Practice – Part C Settings Facilitator’s Notes: HANDOUTS: Agreed Upon Mission and Key Principles for Providing Early Intervention Services in Natural Environments This handout reflects the way in which Colorado provides early intervention services. These have been adopted by the Colorado Interagency Coordinating Council, the advisory body to the early intervention system. Seven key principles: Looks like/Doesn’t look like This handout lists the key principle, then has an example of what it looks like and what it doesn’t look like in practice. The Key Principles are interspersed throughout today’s training. Participants should review these handouts. Emphasize that these principles and examples reflect the way in which EI services should be provided in Colorado. Explain that not all services in Colorado are provided through the primary provider model, but it is most effective for a family to have one primary provider who helps make sure that all services being provided are working effectively, collaboratively and in a way that is integrated into the life of the family. Remind participants that there is a universal training on the Key Principles for Early Intervention Service Provision, entitled “Universal Online Part C EI Curriculum on the Mission & Key Principles and the Foundational Pillars of Early Intervention” which can be accessed and completed in modules. Each module contains information, a video example illustrating the key principle or principles, and a quiz to self-assess learning. or google Universal Part C training

6 Facilitator’s Notes: This a screenshot of the link to the Universal Online Part C EI Curriculum on the Mission & Key Principles and the Foundational Pillars of Early Intervention. You can also find this training by entering “Universal Part C training” into any search engine. This training was reviewed during the November 2015 GO4IT Community of Practice call.

7 Terms Used IFSP outcomes: based on the concerns and priorities of the family that are unique to the child The 3 global outcomes: the three child outcomes that are reported to OSEP, the same for all children receiving EI services Children will have positive social emotional skills (including social relationships) Children will acquire and use knowledge and skills (including communication skills) Children will use appropriate behaviors to meet their needs Facilitator’s Notes: Review with participants the differences between individualized IFSP outcomes and the 3 global outcomes. Handout: 3 Global Outcomes Remind participants that throughout the training we will be differentiating between types of outcomes using the terms 3 global outcomes or IFSP outcomes

8 GO 4 IT IFSP Form Facilitator’s Notes:
After this training, communities will decide how to move forward with the integrated process, and the use of the new IFSP form. The GO4IT IFSP forms in both English and Spanish are available on the EI Colorado website, under the GO4IT button. Please note that these are NOT posted in the Forms and Instructions section of the website, in order to avoid confusion with the standard IFSP forms.

9 Video Example from Maryland
Facilitator’s Notes: This video from Maryland is an example of a transition meeting where global outcomes are discussed with the family. This is a good example of what this discussion looks like in practice. You will notice that Maryland uses the wording that corresponds with the rating number, instead of the 1-7 number. Colorado will be following this practice. The second portion of this video where a rating is determined will be shown later in the training. Link to Training Video

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