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Jonathan Friedman Dave Maccaferri Josh McKenna Chris Wieczorek

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Presentation on theme: "Jonathan Friedman Dave Maccaferri Josh McKenna Chris Wieczorek"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jonathan Friedman Dave Maccaferri Josh McKenna Chris Wieczorek
Roboat Jonathan Friedman Dave Maccaferri Josh McKenna Chris Wieczorek

2 Objective Build a remotely controlled boat capable of autonomous navigation and transmission of remotely observed data through an RF link. Major Design elements Autonomous Hierarchical Navigation (GPS,Compass,Waypoint). RF data link to a PC. Windows GUI controller. Low resolution digital camera.

3 Major Components 900Mhz GPS Modem Controllers Gameboy Camera Engine(s)
LEDs Speaker GPS 900Mhz Modem Controllers Gameboy Camera Engine(s) Drivers Compass 900Mhz Modem Controller Notebook PC RS-232 Serial Port

4 Major Data Busses Boat Command Center RS-232 Serial Port (Development)
Compass GPS PIC242 Microcontroller Speaker PIC452 Microcontroller Engine(s) Drivers 900Mhz Modem PIC242 Microcontroller Gameboy Camera Boat Wireless Link Command Center Connections Legend White UART Yellow SPI Red Other 900Mhz Modem PIC242 Microcontroller Notebook PC RS-232 Serial Port

5 Imaging Subsystem 128 x 128 8-bit Depth 128 x 128 4-bit Depth 32 x 32
4 fps 64 x 64 4-bit Depth 1 fps

6 Windows GUI


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