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Theology of the Body for Teens

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1 Theology of the Body for Teens
Seventh Grade Curriculum 5.2 Sex, Love, and Chastity

2 Bellwork Think: Write:
Modesty is keeping your attitudes, actions, speech, dress and other behaviors controlled so that they reflect your own dignity. Who is a good role model for you when it comes to modesty? Write: Please write a description of the modesty this person shows in how he/she acts, talks and/or dresses.

3 Opening Prayer Unceasingly, I receive myself from your hands.
This is my truth and my joy. Unceasingly, your eye rests upon me, And I live by your gaze, O my Creator and my Salvation. Teach me, In the silence of your presence, To understand the mystery that I am. And the fact that I am Through you And before you And for you. Amen. (YouCat Youth Prayer Book)

4 Read Read “Does this Leaf” page 57.
Read Paragraphs 1-4 and jot down the answer to: What was the effect or result of sin in Adam and Eve’s relationship? Before: no shame, no using, no barriers. After: barriers, distortion, manipulation and use.

5 Why save sex for marriage?
Read paragraphs 4-8 on page 58 (Start with “”Sex is like fire…” Jot down a new idea you hadn’t heard before. Discuss: What does it mean “to lie” with the language of your body? “Where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God; where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if even death parts me from you.” Ruth 1:16-17

6 What is chastity? Read paragraphs 1-2 of p. 59.
Define “chastity.” What should the way we express ourselves through our body reveal? Read paragraphs 3-4 of p. 59. How do we maintain chastity with exterior choices and interior choices? Read paragraph 3-4 of page 60. What does modesty have to do with chastity?

7 Language of the Body -We need three volunteers for each of the following demonstrations: How is the language of the body expressed within different relationships? Between male friends Between female friends Between parents and children The invisible gift of love between a husband and wife is expressed in the visible gift of their bodies. -Read Paragraph 3 on page 55.

8 Marriage Is a Total Gift of Self
“The total gift of the body – sex – expresses the truth of the relationship only when shared by two people who have made total gifts of themselves in marriage.”

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