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Aim: Social Studies EQ: How do we use documents to support a claim?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Social Studies EQ: How do we use documents to support a claim?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Social Studies EQ: How do we use documents to support a claim? Steps to Answering a DBQ and writing an essay to support your claim. 1. Read the historical background - This is the paragraph that comes before the documents. it provides information about the topic you will read about. If you use information from this paragraph it must be rephrased into your own words or given credit with quotations. 2. Read the DBQ question and make sure you know what it is asking. Make sure you identify the parts of the question so that you can focus your answer. Examine the wording and see if you understand what the words in the question mean. 3. Ask yourself" How would I answer this questions w/ no documents. Use information that you already know before you read the the documents. 4. Jot down notes about that you already know BEFORE reading the docs. 5. Read the question AGAIN and then read the documents, comments, captions , vocabulary and all other important parts of the printed documents and take notes. 6. Answer the short answer questions that follow the document. Use complete sentences and restate because these questions can help you answer you claim in your essay.

2 Aim: Understanding Claims
A Document Based Questions is a inquiry that asks Who, What, Where, When Argument- is the answer to the essential question or document based question. And you must pick a side of the argument !!! You cannot chose both. Claim- is the reason behind your argument , the ideas that answer the essential question. Answers Why and How Writers use evidence to support claims.






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