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Measures of Central Tendency And Graphs

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1 Measures of Central Tendency And Graphs

2 sum difference divided 20 4 22-18= 4 πŸπŸ–+πŸπŸ—+𝟐𝟏+𝟐𝟐 πŸ’ middle significantly 55 13 most Spread out 80 75-80 80-90 101-75= 26

3 Rotate around the class and write your data for each question on the appropriate chart paper. Then have a seat.

4 Student Questionnaire
How many pets do you have? 2. What is your shoe size? 3. How many siblings do you have? What is your birth month? (Ex: write 1 for January, 2 for February) Β 5. What is your birth order? 6. How many extracurricular activities are you involved in?

5 Central Tendency Worksheet
With a partner use the data on the chart paper to answer the questions Show your work for your answers!!!! 1. Β  What is the mean of the data set of pets your class has? 2. Β  What is the mode and median of the data set of siblings? 3. Β  Is the range of shoe sizes in the class large or small? How did you determine your answer? 4. Β  Is the mean of your classes’ birth order larger or smaller that its median? 5. Β  Which median is larger, your classes’ birth month or the extracurricular activity?


7 Box and Whisker Plot Review
Use the given data to make a box-and-whisker plot. 31, 23, 33, 35, 26, 24, 31, 29 Step 1. Order the data and find the smallest value, first quartile, median, third quartile, and largest value. smallest value: 23 largest value: 35 first quartile: = 25 2 third quartile: = 32 2 Median: = 30 2

8 Box and Whisker Plot Continued
Use the given data to make a box-and-whisker plot. Step 2. Draw a number line and plot a point above each value.

9 Step 3. Draw the box and whiskers.
Min Max Lower Quartile Q1 Upper Quartile Q3 Median Q2 Interquartile Range = Q3 - Q1 = = 7

10 Practice the graphs we reviewed with the Graphing Class Data worksheet.
Question 1: Construct a Line Plot Question 2: Construct a Bar Graph Question 3: Construct a Line Graph Question 4: Construct a Box Plot Question 5: Construct a Histogram Question 6: Construct a Stem and Leaf Plot


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