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MATH 15A – Discrete Mathematics

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1 MATH 15A – Discrete Mathematics
CSE 20: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Prof. Shachar Lovett MATH 15A – Discrete Mathematics Prof. Shachar Lovett

2 Midterm 1 preparation Propositional logic

3 Question 1 How many T values are in the truth table of (pq)(q(pr))
5 6 7 8 9

4 Question 2 Prove that (pq)(q(pr)) is equivalent to q(pr)
using a proof sequence. Justify each step.

5 Question 3 Let f(x1,…,xn) be a formula with n input variables. How many rows this its truth table have (not including header row)? n 2n n2 Other

6 I can get places if I know how to drive and have a car.
Question 4 Let p=“I know how to drive” q=“I have a car” r=“I can get places” Write in the form of a propositional formula the following sentence: I can get places if I know how to drive and have a car.

7 Question 5 Let (p,q)=(pq)(qp) (i) Write  as a CNF
(ii) Write  as a DNF

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