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SUBJECT (Week 9) 2nd Sem Date: 6 to 10 Mar 2017 Room 111 – W. Martin

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1 SUBJECT (Week 9) 2nd Sem Date: 6 to 10 Mar 2017 Room 111 – W. Martin
MATH 6A – PER 2 & 5 SCIENCE/HEALTH – PER 4 & 6 B-Read Math Triumphs Math Intervention Period 3 DO NOW ACTIVITY Use your flash cards to test your partner on Academic Vocabulary being used in this math lesson. Make the Story Problem organizer and highlight a problem to share with the class. Use flash cards to test your partner on Academic Vocabulary that you are presently using in this Health lesson. Make flash cards that show the academic vocabulary in this lesson. Make sure you have the word on one side and the definition on the other side of the card. LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE SWBAT to solve basic problems in statistics using the academic vocabulary: mean, mode, median, range, outlier, statistics, skewed, measure of central tendency. SWBAT understand how drinking affects health and emphasizes why teens should avoid all forms of alcohol using the academic vocabulary: alcoholism, antibiotics, cirrhosis, drug, FAS, nonprescription, prescription, tolerance. Students will understand how to divide decimals with rational numbers using the academic vocabulary: divisor, dividend, and quotient. STANDARDS BEOTW, SWBAT recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with a single number, while a measure of variation describes how its values vary with a single number. By the end of the week, students will be able to apply the decision making process to a situation involving the use of alcohol while performing a mock scenario in the classroom. By the end of the week, students will perform calculations and solve problems involving simple division of decimals. ESSENTIAL QUESTION What measure of central tendency do you find is fair? Why is the use of alcohol harmful to teen health? Why is it important to be able to divide decimals? HOMEWORK Do Problems 8-1 to 8-29, from to 8.1.2, page 379 to 388. Copy academic vocabulary and define on your 3x5 cards. CPM Section to 8.1.2 Do Chapter 9, lesson 1-4 and copy answers and questions. Do Chapter 9 workbook, pages Make foldable on page 229 and write/define academic vocabulary on it. Complete Lesson 4-8, Divide Decimals, problems 1 to 46, pages Copy the academic words and define them on a card and test your partner each day. TEST Your test will be the Brain Pop, Mean, Median, Mode, and Range Test. Your test will be Chapter 9 Assessment, questions 1 – 16 on page 254. Your test will be Chapter 4 Progress Check 4, problems 1 to 20, page 120. SPECIAL EVENTS We are covering standard 6.SP.A.3 on Calculating mean, median, mode, and range (6HH.1) Extra credit: Make a team presentation on the bad effects of using alcohol and use your decision making skills. Family Math night is 4:30 to 6:30pm on Thursday, 6 April 2017, in Cafeteria.

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