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Statistics Collecting and analyzing large amounts of numerical data

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1 Statistics Collecting and analyzing large amounts of numerical data
How to collect, summarize and present data

2 Population The group of interest

3 Sample A smaller group taken from the population

4 Sample Size The number of people or items you are sampling
Our Sample Size is 4, because we have 4 people

5 Sample Space The set of all possible outcomes
If I asked people to choose their favorite color from this rainbow, the sample space would be: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink. (7 possible colors to choose from)

6 Random Sample A way of sampling that members of the population have an equal chance of being selected for the sample

7 Convenience Sample A way of sampling that the subjects take from a group that is conveniently accessible to the surveyor

8 Biased Sample A way of sampling that some members of the population have a greater chance of being selected than other members First 10 people into a room or the people who stay after school

9 Generalizations Making general statements that assumes to represent the population All middle school students are athletically active after school

10 Inference Conclusions drawn based on the data of the population
SCMS students love pizza day in the cafeteria

11 Survey A question or set of questions used to gather data

12 Measures of Central Tendency
Helps to describe or interpret the “average item” of the data set- mean, median, and mode

13 Mode The term or terms that appear most often in a data set
49,52,63,48,17,52,33,64,52,52,85,74 52 is the mode

14 Median Middle term in a set ordered from least to greatest
17,21,24,29,32,37,35,36,38 32 is the median

15 Mean Equal to the sum of the terms in a data set divided by the number of terms in the data set Data Set: 16,19,23,25,29,49 Sum: =161 161/6= Mean is 26.83

16 Mean Absolute Deviation
The average of the absolute deviations from the mean

17 Lower Extreme Lowest Value Data Set: 16,19,23,25,29,49
Lower Extreme is 16

18 Upper Extreme Highest Value Data Set: 16,19,23,25,29,49
Upper Extreme is 49

19 Range The difference between the greatest value in the data set and the least value Data Set: 16,19,23,25,29,49 49-16=33

20 Lower Quartile/1st Quartile
The median of the lower half of the data values Data Set: 16,19,23,25,29,49 Median: 23+25=48/2=24 Lower Quartile=19

21 Upper Quartile/3rd Quartile
The median of the upper half of the data values Data Set: 16,19,23,25,29,49 Median: 23+25=48/2=24 Upper Quartile:29

22 Interquartile Range The difference between the third quartile and the first quartile 29-19=10

23 Box-and-Whisker Plot A method of visually displaying a distribution of data values by using the median, quartiles and extremes.

24 Variation Shows how spread out or close together a data set are, or how much the data points vary

25 Outliers Do not follow the general pattern of the data; either too high or too low 45,48,52,58,59,62,65,149 149 is Outlier

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