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DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed By Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 based on resources by the Asia New Zealand.

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Presentation on theme: "DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed By Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 based on resources by the Asia New Zealand."— Presentation transcript:

1 DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed By Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 based on resources by the Asia New Zealand Foundation Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. In this part of the lesson, teachers only introduce their students to the name of the country in Korean using the next slide.

2 DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 나라 na-ra country Top row: “country” written in Korean script Middle row: The Korean pronunciation of the word “country” written in Roman letters (Romanization of the word) Bottom row: The meaning of the word in English Please click the audio icon either on the left or right hand side of the Korean script to listen to the native speaker’s pronunciation of the word. As it is read once only, teachers need to click the play button again to listen again. Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

3 DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 한국 han-guk South Korea Teachers need to find out the countries represented in their class and prepare the slides accordingly. Included here are only the first five to start with: South Korea, New Zealand, China, Japan and India. The Korean pronunciation of New Zealand is almost the same. The only difference is that Koreans stress all four syllables almost equally. Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

4 뉴질랜드 nyu-jil-laen-deu New Zealand
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 뉴질랜드 nyu-jil-laen-deu New Zealand Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

5 DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 중국 jung-guk China Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

6 DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 일본 il-bon Japan Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

7 DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 Listed below are some names of countries in Korean along with the Romanization forms. 호주 [ho-ju] Australia 영국 [yeong-guk] England 미국 [mi-guk] USA 태국 [tae-guk] Thailand 독일 [do-gil] Germany 베트남 [be-teu-nam] Vietnam 필리핀 [pil-li-pin] Philippine 브라질 [beu-ra-jil] Brazil 프랑스 [peu-lang-seu] France 스페인 [seu-pe-in] Spain 캐나다 [kae-na-da] Canada 이탈리아 [i-tal-li-a] Italy 싱가포르 [sing-ga-po-reu] Singapore 말레이시아 [mal-le-i-si-a] Malaysia 인도네시아 [In-do-ne-si-a] Indonesia For many countries, the Korean pronunciation is very similar to English just like New Zealand (eg. Indonesia, Spain, Brazil). Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

8 DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 사람 sa-ram people Having learned the names of different countries, teachers can now elaborate on that by adding “사람 [sa-ram] people” and make it: 한국 사람 [han-guk-sa-ram] Korean (people) 뉴질랜드 사람 [nyu-jil-laen-deu-sa-ram] New Zealander The next slides are provided to practice these. Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

9 한국 사람 han-guk-sa-ram Korean
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 한국 사람 han-guk-sa-ram Korean Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

10 뉴질랜드 사람 nyu-jil-laen-deu-sa-ram New Zealander
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 뉴질랜드 사람 nyu-jil-laen-deu-sa-ram New Zealander Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

11 중국 사람 jung-guk-sa-ram Chinese
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 중국 사람 jung-guk-sa-ram Chinese . Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

12 일본 사람 il-bon-sa-ram Japanese
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 일본 사람 il-bon-sa-ram Japanese . Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

13 사람이에요? Are you ? -sa-ram-i-e-yo?
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 사람이에요? -sa-ram-i-e-yo? Are you ? To form a sentence, Koreans put “사람 [sa-ram] people” and “이에요 [i-e-yo ] am/are/is” together and make it “사람이에요[sa-ram-i-e-yo]”. Koreans use the same form for both questioning and answering. They simply raise the tone at the end to make it a question. If you then put a name of a country together with the expression “사람이에요 [sa-ram-i-e-yo ]”, it becomes Questioning: Name of Country + 사람이에요? Answering : Name of Country + 사람이에요. Let’s try putting a name of a country, for example, “한국 [han-guk] Korea” together with the phrase “사람이에요 [sa-ram-i-e-yo ]” . Questioning: 한국 사람이에요? [han-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo?] Are you Korean? Answering: 한국 사람이에요. [han-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo?] I am Korean. (Because “이에요 [i-e-yo] is am/are/is, it could also mean “Is he/she Korean?” and “He/she is Korean” depending on the context.) The complete sentence is available on the next slide. Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

14 han-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo?
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 한국 사람이에요? han-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo? Are you Korean? Teachers practice the sentence until their students get used to it. Once they get used to it, teachers can either use the next three slides or go back to slide #8 (flags) for more practice. (eg. Are you Chinese? Are you Japanese? etc.) Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

15 nyu-jil-laen-deu-sa-ram-i-e-yo?
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 뉴질랜드 사람이에요? nyu-jil-laen-deu-sa-ram-i-e-yo? Are you New Zealander? Teachers practice the sentence until their students get used to it. Once they get used to it, teachers go back to slide #8 (flags) for more practice. (eg. Are you Chinese? Are you Japanese? etc.) Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

16 jung-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo?
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 중국 사람이에요? jung-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo? Are you Chinese? Teachers practice the sentence until their students get used to it. Once they get used to it, teachers go back to slide #8 (flags) for more practice. (eg. Are you Chinese? Are you Japanese? etc.) Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

17 il-bon-sa-ram-i-e-yo?
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 일본 사람이에요? il-bon-sa-ram-i-e-yo? Are you Japanese? Teachers practice the sentence until their students get used to it. Once they get used to it, teachers go back to slide #8 (flags) for more practice. (eg. Are you Chinese? Are you Japanese? etc.) Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

18 ne, han-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo.
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 네, 한국 사람이에요. ne, han-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo. Yes, I am Korean. Teachers then can elaborate on that by adding “네 [ne] yes” or “아니요[a-ni-yo] no”. A(1): 네, 한국 사람이에요. ne, han-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo. Yes, I am Korean. A(2): 아니요, 중국 사람이에요. a-ni-yo, jung-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo. No, I am Chinese. Teachers can use the previous slides to ask students questions. eg. Teachers ask questions using Slide #11 or #16. “중국 사람이에요? [jung-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo?] Are you Chinese?” Students should answer “아니요, 한국 사람이에요. [a-ni-yo, han-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo] No, I am Korean”. Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

19 a-ni-yo, jung-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo.
DISCOVER KOREA Additional Language Component #1 Designed by Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 아니요, 중국 사람이에요. a-ni-yo, jung-guk-sa-ram-i-e-yo. No, I am Chinese. Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

20 Hyun-Joo Kim, Korean Language Mentor, ILEP 2016
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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