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Providing a Supported Online Course on Parallel Computing Steven I

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1 Providing a Supported Online Course on Parallel Computing Steven I
Providing a Supported Online Course on Parallel Computing Steven I. Gordon, James Demmel, Susan Mehringer, Jay Alameda, Razvan Carbunescu

2 Class Overview Interest in providing a full semester course to a large audience Opportunity for collaborative effort to provide the course online Faculty and students at University of California Berkeley XSEDE education program Training staff from Cornell ESTEO support staff Created full online course open to the world and advertised through the XSEDE training portal

3 Course Lectures

4 Conversion for Online Use
Editing videos into smaller segments Added reference links and glossary Adding quizzes to test comprehension Devising a grading scheme Policy on multiple attempts Providing mechanism for support Moodle server with forum monitored by course TA and XSEDE ESTEO staff

5 Lecture and Moodle Sites

6 Logistical Issues – Part 1
Finding appropriate XSEDE platforms for programming exercises Possibility of using different platforms for assignments to take advantage of diversity of computer architectures Testing of codes Creation of autograders to handle potentially large number of students

7 Logistical Issues – Part 2
Large number of people initially interested Original limitation set at 300 Opened a waiting list Accepted 345 students Setting up accounts Connection to Moodle server using XSEDE portal credentials Moodle server used to turn in homework and ask for help Fewer than 100 actually took this step Accounts on XSEDE machines require one by one entry Who would actually continue to participate and when to set up accounts became an issue Panic by XSEDE service providers

8 Map of All Participants

9 Resulting Course Videos and quizzes in the Cornell Virtual Workshop and available to anyone with an XUP account 376 people used the first lecture 145 of the 345 students active on that site Major drop-off in participation over time Programming homework Major drop in participation for homework assignments 36 – assignment 1 – Optimizing Matrix Multiply – used 200 CPU hours 23 – assignment 2 – Toy Particle Simulation – used CPU hours 18 – assignment 3 – Knapsack (on PGAS language) – used CPU hours CPU hours presented are those charged (actual time was likely underestimated on HW1 and overestimated for HW2)


11 Grading and Support Issues
Autograder generally split into correctness and performance Both code parts provided to students through initial files & scripts but unmodified files used for grading Most submissions received within 48 hours of deadline creating high loads for short times Very high latency (30+ minutes) for autograder to give result for runs of HW2&3 due to scaling tests A better integration/automization for submitted files is needed to remove compilation, naming issues etc. Small changes done to autograders at students requests (Ex: using different OpenMP thread allocation policies - compact)

12 Certificate of Completion
Only 18 completed all of the materials with a sufficiently high performance to earn the final certificate All others dropped out at one point or another To receive certificate a combined grade above the total given by a passing grade on each quiz and assignment was required

13 Evaluation – Students with Certificate
Population (16 of 18 replies) 75% graduate students; 13% faculty; 6% post-docs; 6% other % Responses to post course survey (Strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree) Question SA A N D SD Goals for taking this course achieved 25 56 19 Course well organized 31 63 6 Course content thoroughly covered 50 13 Quizzes of appropriate difficulty 44 Homework of appropriate difficulty Background sufficient Happy for time invested Satisfied with online delivery

14 Evaluation - Others Population (56 of 325 replies)
68% Grad students; 9% undergrad; 7% faculty; 8% staff and other Most enrolled for: extend knowledge of the topic (75%), generally interested in the topic (43), professional development (23), interested in how online courses taught (18), to supplement another class (13) Not completed because: Amount of time required (88%), insufficient background knowledge (30), technological difficulties (16), never intended to complete (9) Take another course in this format: Yes (91%) No (4%) Interested in other XSEDE opportunities: Yes (82%) No (5%) Plan on applying for XSEDE allocation: Yes (30%) No (18%) Have one (18%)

15 Issues for Future Offerings
Possible ways to sustain participation Change the timing of the class to minimize conflicts with regular course activities Formalize participation by providing credit at student’s home institutions Staggered start dates to minimize number of students on XSEDE resources at one time Divide course into two levels of completion Improved focus on serious students Make first assignment offline through use of virtual machine Create XSEDE accounts for only those successfully completing first assignment Spread programming assignments across multiple XSEDE machines Credit course with local supervising instructor

16 Acknowledgements National Science Foundation NSF OCI XSEDE TEOS Evaluators – Lizanne Destefano and Lorna Rivera XSEDE Resource Providers – Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Texas Advanced Computing Center

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