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Alaska Climate Impact Assessment Commission Alaska State Legislature March 17, 2008 Representative Ralph Samuels, Chairman Representative Reggie Joule, Vice-Chairman


3 Research Needs Work Group
Recommendations on Research Needs Necessary to Implement an Alaska Climate Change Strategy Submitted to the Alaska Climate Change Sub‐Cabinet June 2009

4 Research Needs Work Group
Recommendations on Research Needs Necessary to Implement an Alaska Climate Change Strategy    Overarching Needs Summary The overarching needs identified by the RNWG are: o Improved downscaled (local) climate models  o Need for baseline environmental research and monitoring  o Improved research infrastructure  o Improved data integration and sharing  o Multiple level decision‐making tools   o Adaptable legal and policy frameworks  o Improved baseline mapping  o Education and Outreach

5 Operating Requests Tier I Improved downscaled (local) climate models
UAF High Resolution Localized Forecasts for Managers and Policymakers (SNAP) FY11 (GF: $225.0, NGF: $700.0, Total: $925.0) Multiple level decision‐making tools: and Education and Outreach UAF Climate Adaptation: Information on to Inform Planning and Preparation (ACCAP) FY11 (GF: $150.0, NGF: $450.0, Total: $600.0) Need for baseline environmental research and monitoring UAF Ecological Modeling: Responses of Biological Systems to Climate Change FY11 (GF: $200.0, NGF: $650.0, Total: $850.0) Tier II Improved research infrastructure  UAF Climate Change Impacts on Transportation (UATC) FY11 (GF: $250.0, NGF: $700.0, Total: $950.0)

6 Capital Requests Responding to State’s Needs
UAF - Responding to Emerging Requests from the Climate Change Subcabinet FY11 (GF: $8,000k Total: $8,000k) Improved downscaled (local) climate models: UAF - Improving Sea Ice Forecasts FY11 (GF: $1,500k, Total: $1,500k) Need for baseline environmental research and monitoring UAF - Ocean Acidification FY11 (GF: $1,000k, Total: $1,000k) UAF - Commercial Fisheries UAF - Coastal Erosion, Inundation UAF - Natural Hazards Monitoring UAF - Permafrost Dynamics FY11 (GF: $1,000k Total: $1,000k) 

7 Capital Requests Improved data integration and sharing
UAF - Climate Data Management FY11 (GF: $1,000.0, Total: $1,000.0) Improved baseline mapping  UAF - Alaska Monitoring and Response Capability FY11 (GF: $4,000.0, Total: $4,000.0) Improved research infrastructure UAF - Improving Weather Predictions

8 Operating Requests Adaptable legal and policy frameworks
Adaptable legal and policy frameworks  UAF and UAA Legal and Policy Implications of Climate Change in Alaska FY11 (GF: $250.0, NGF: $700.0, Total: $950.0) The following proposals were submitted, but not reviewed nor discussed. It was decided to include them as second order priorities. Need for baseline environmental research and monitoring: UAF Forest Growth and Health Change Budget Request $400,000 (operating) $600,000 (capital) Copper River Watershed Sustainability and Ecology: “Glaciers to Bay” Budget Request $525,000 (operating) $900,000 (capital)



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