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1 Examples

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8 Thinkables: Complete sentences.
Obviously the way a cell looks is different depending on the function. Do you think a cell will have differences in organelles depending on the function of that cell? Explain your answer. What organelle(s) would muscle cells need a lot of? All cells have a phospholipid bilayer as a cell membrane. Thinking about the variety of shapes and sizes of cells what can you conclude about the cell membrane? True/False: The nucleus of a cell contains different types of DNA depending on the structure and function of the cell for that organism. Explain your answer. How/Where do you get the different cells in your body?

9 Practice Questions 1. Muscle cells found in the heart contain many more mitochondria than cells that store fat in adult humans. Which explanation best explains why that is true? a. Heart muscle cells are larger than fat cells. b. Heart muscle cells require a lot of energy. c. Cells that compose fatty tissue are not living. d. Cells that compose fat tissue do not make proteins.

10 2. If most of an organism’s cells have the same DNA, why is it true that all cells do not make the same proteins? because of chromosome pairing because of DNA mutation c. because of differentiated ribosomes d. because of gene (DNA) regulation

11 3. Each body cell in a human contains the same DNA, but heart cells and liver cells have different functions. Why is this true? a. Heart tissue develops before liver tissue. b. Liver tissue develops before heart tissue. c. When heart cells divide, mutations occur. Heart cells express different genes than liver cells.

12 #4 Stem Cell Video & Questions

13 Are sperm and egg stem cells
Are sperm and egg stem cells? Circle the cells that are undifferentiated stem cells.


15 Part 2: Neurons Drawing, Video and Questions

16 Dendrites Cell body Axon Information flow through neurons
Figure 45-3 Information flow through neurons Neurons form networks for information flow Nucleus Dendrites Collect electrical signals Cell body Integrates incoming signals and generates outgoing signal to axon Axon Passes electrical signals to dendrites of another cell or to an effector cell

17 Impulse Transmission Chemical changes across the membranes of neurons transmit the impulse. An unstimulated neuron is polarized. Pumps in the membrane maintain this gradient. Overall, the inside of the cell is negative b/c of a large number of very negatively charged molecules and ions inside the cell. RESTING POTENTIAL/REST PHASE

18 Instrument records voltage across membrane Outside of cell
Figure 45-4 Instrument records voltage across membrane Outside of cell Microelectrode 0 mV K channel – 65 mV Inside of cell

19 The Impulse In response to a stimulus, gated ion channels open and allow Na+ to rush into the cell, meaning that the cell depolarizes. REQUIRES NO ENERGY!!! If the impulse is strong enough more ion channels open. Other channels open to allow K+ outside of the cell to repolarize the cell (turn off the signal). An impulse moves along the neuron by opening and closing channels.

Figure 45-11 PROPAGATION OF ACTION POTENTIAL Axon Neuron Action potential spreads as a wave of depolarization. Electrode A Electrode B Electrode C 1. Na+ enters axon. Neuron A B 2. Charge spreads; membrane “downstream” depolarizes. C Depolarization at next ion channel 3. Voltage-gated channel opens in response to depolarization.

21 1. As charge spreads down 2. Charge spreads 3. In this way, electrical
Figure 45-12b WHY ACTION POTENTIALS JUMP DOWN MYELINATED AXONS Schwann cell 1. As charge spreads down an axon, myelination (via Schwann cells) prevents ions from leaking out across the plasma membrane. Node of Ranvier 2. Charge spreads unimpeded until it reaches an unmyelinated section of the axon, called the node of Ranvier, which is packed with Na+ channels. 3. In this way, electrical signals continue to jump down the axon much faster than they can move down an unmyelinated cell.

22 Myelinzation Some neurons are myelinized (covered with a sheath of Schwann cells), which insulate the nerve’s impulse Breaks in this sheath are called nodes of Ranvier.

23 Refractory Period The neuron cannot now respond to a new stimulus b/c K+ and Na+ are on the wrong sides of the membrane Sodium/Potassium pumps must now reestablish resting potential so that the neuron can react to a new stimulus REQUIRES ATP!

24 3. Hyperpolarization phase
Figure 45-6 1. Depolarization phase 2. Repolarization phase Threshold potential Resting potential 3. Hyperpolarization phase

25 At the Synapse (electrical changes to chemical):
Figure 45-15 At the Synapse (electrical changes to chemical): ACTION POTENTIAL TRIGGERS RELEASE OF NEUROTRANSMITTER Na+ and K+ channels 1. Action potential arrives; triggers entry of Ca2+. Action potentials Presynaptic neuron Presynaptic membrane (axon) 2. In response to Ca2+, synaptic vesicles fuse with presynaptic membrane, then release neurotransmitter. 3. Ion channels open when neurotransmitter binds; ion flows cause change in postsynaptic cell potential. Postsynaptic membrane (dendrite or cell body) Postsynaptic neuron 4. Ion channels will close as neurotransmitter is broken down or taken back up by presynaptic cell (not shown). Synaptic cleft


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