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Aligning climate technology actions with national priorities Training workshop for National Designated Entities (NDEs) in Africa Nairobi, Kenya 5-7 March.

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Presentation on theme: "Aligning climate technology actions with national priorities Training workshop for National Designated Entities (NDEs) in Africa Nairobi, Kenya 5-7 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aligning climate technology actions with national priorities Training workshop for National Designated Entities (NDEs) in Africa Nairobi, Kenya 5-7 March 2014 Amath Pathe SENE, Regional Program Advisor UNDP-UNEP PEI Africa, Nairobi, Kenya

2 CTCN Functions and NDEs NDEs support the CTCN functions at national level by: Function 1Leading and coordinating the formulation, selection and submission of requests Facilitating and monitoring the implementation of CTCN response assistance Function 2Fostering collaboration and access to information and knowledge to accelerate climate technology transfer in the country Function 3Strengthening networks, partnerships and capacity building for climate technology transfer in the country

3 Linking to national priorities Requests to the CTCN should have a catalytic effect to: o Help create conditions for improved climate technology transfer service delivery in the country o Unlock public or private sector investment for climate technology deployment NDEs should therefore: o Ensure political commitment for the request o Ensure consistency with national sustainable development strategies (NDPs, PRSPs, LEDS, NAPAs…) o Link the request to existing processes and opportunities donor/development partner interests, national investment plans…

4 Function 1Leading and coordinating the formulation, selection and submission of requests Facilitating and monitoring the implementation of CTCN response assistance Function 2Fostering collaboration and access to information and knowledge to accelerate climate technology transfer in the country Function 3Strengthening networks, partnerships and capacity building for climate technology transfer in the country NATIONAL POLICIES/STRATEGIES NATIONAL PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS NATIONAL PLANS/BUDGETS Coherence and Alignment: Focusing on Results/national Priorities

5 Technologies to achieve Climate Resilient and Low Emissions Development Technology Mechanism - to facilitate the implementation of enhanced action on technology development and transfer to support action on mitigation and adaptation. CTCN - To build or strengthen developing country capacity to: – Identify technology needs, and – Facilitate the preparation and implementation of technology projects and strategies, – In support of action on mitigation and adaptation and enhance low emissions and climate-resilient development (LECRD).

6 NAMAs and the 2°C goal Sustainable Development/ Emissions Planned development path Time Carbon free development Transition to Low Carbon Development LCD Vs NAMAs Zero carbon Economy in 2100 GDP Emissions D EVIATING DEVELOPMENT PATH TO CLIMATE RESILIENT AND LOW EMISSION Linking to national priorities

7 National Strategies/Plans Devel. Plans Domestic Resource Connecting National Development to Climate Change Actions LECRD Mitigation possibilities Climatic Impacts Mitigation Priorities Adaptation priorities Tech., capacity, & funding Needs NAMAsNAPs Climate Action IMPLEMENTATION Int'l support Int'l cooperation Climate Action Development CTCN Support

8 Identifying key entry points National requests to CTCN should meet two criteria – address climate change actions; and – embedded in national development context. Key actorsKey documents and processes

9 Linking CTCN to national development priorities National Policy Goals Strategic Objectives Programs Sub programs Operations and Projects Performance Logic Policy Logic

10 Mainstreaming CTCN Functions into national planning process Subnational Authorities Calendar P lanning budgeting M&E implementation National government and cross sectors mechanisms Sector Ministries c onsultations

11 National, Provincial and local administration discuss about plans and budgets ( NDE ) Plans and budget finalized and submitted to MF/planning Propose to the MF ( internal Discussions for amendments) PRSP/sector plans must be pass by the Ministry cabinet and the Budget must be pass by the parliament, or provincial council and municipal council Implementation of the Policies documents with the annual budget ( NDE) Mainstreaming CTCN Gov Planning Process 1 2 3 4 5 Mainstreaming CT issues and functions into national planning process

12 Budget : Priorities Options P 1 : Program -- year 1 – Budget Project---- --- year – Budget Componant 1…………………….. Componant 2……………………. Budget : Priorities Options P 1 : Program -- year 1 – Budget Project---- --- year – Budget Componant 1…………………….. Componant 2……………………. Policies, strategies, sector and local plans Budget MTYEF/ PBB Budget MTYEF/ PBB Mainstream into budget Budgets Mainstream into program/projects Mainstream CC and CT issues and priorities Mainstream into programs/projects Mainstreaming CT issues and functions into national planning process

13 NDEs as CHAMPIONS Role of Champions : Case of Burkina The P-E Champions represent different parts of society and includes politicians, artists, religious leaders, traditional chiefs and the academia. They all play a critical role in advocating for and influencing Burkina Fasos path towards a sustainable development. PEI Burkina Faso is currently supporting the development of a road map for the P-E champions to take forward in 2013/14.

14 Coherence and Alignment: Focusing on Results with the development partners community Vision of the country National Policy /Strategy Joint Planning/Programming 14 UNDAP/UNDAF Prioritisation Comparative Advantage Harmonisation & Coordination

15 Mainstreaming CT Actions into sector MATR|IX FOR MAISTREAMING CTCN functions INTO SECTORS PLANS AND BUDGET IMPELENTED AREAS Priorities on CT actions Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of ENERGYMinistry of Planning Ministry of Economy and Finance …… …… … 1 SECTOR COMMITMENT ---- ---- -- 2 3 4 5 SECTOR COMMITMENT ---- ---- ---- CTCN functions

16 Synergies with PEI on Mainstreaming

17 Benefits and necessity of linking with national priorities Engagement of a country and stakeholders is dependent to extent it address their priorities, which are primarily linked to national sustainable development goals. Such linking is important in – mutual support and synergies with other policy targets and objectives – provides policy certainty, reduces investment risks, and continuous preferential policy treatment and support – buy in of stakeholders and ensure Less or no political barriers and uncertainties

18 Conclusions 1.Important that NDEs understand national processes ( policies, budgets, calendar, key institutions, working groups ) 2.Identify the key entry points and key people to partner with 3.Develop synergies with relevant project and initiatives to influence all planning processes 4.Work closely with MoF or Budget to improve cross coordination mechanism and budget allocation on CT transfers 5. Continuous capacity building to improve NDEs on planning processes

19 Thank You Amath Pathe SENE, Regional Program Advisor UNDP-UNEP PEI Africa, Nairobi, Kenya Email:

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