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Focus Lesson : Equation/Diagram

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1 Focus Lesson : Equation/Diagram
THINK! If it is a process what is the chemical equation? (Reactants Products) If it is a molecule or organelle diagram it! 10 minutes

2 Quarter 2: Housekeeping
Hall Passes REMEMBER! You only get TWO each nine weeks. BUT… they can be turned in for extra credit, or can roll over to the next quarter. Put your name on them in INK! Don’t lose them.

3 Have your new notebook? Be sure to write your name, class period and on the back of the front cover Use the website to catch up on work, get extra review, and learn about extra credit! I will pass back your organelle quiz- paste this on page 7

4 Daily Objectives What do you need to know To be Successful?
SWBAT demonstrate mastery of cells and their structural components. SWBAT explain the structure of the cell membrane. SWBAT explain the role of the cell membrane during transport.

5 How will we get there? Making a road map to success
Last Class This Class Page 11: Take it to the Next Level How do we identify cells based on their structural components, and how do those components affect their function? Page 10: Graphing Exercise Do we know our scientific method skills? Organelle Quiz Retake Still don’t know this stuff? RETAKE IT AT LUNCH OR AFTER SCHOOL Microscope Lab Extra Credit Available after school until FRIDAY Notebook Check 100% for just having it with you today Quiz 7: Cells Corrections and Enrichment Can water kill you? Page 15 “Hold your wee for a wii” Page 14 Article questions Notes: Cell Membrane and Transport Page 17 Guided Notes Page 18 Diagrams

6 Quiz 7 Cells We took a vocabulary style quiz for organelles on Page 7, but we need to make sure we are EOC and Exam ready. Clear your desks You will have 10 minutes for these 5 questions. Question #5 requires a short answer response

7 Peer Grading Quietly trade papers with someone else at your table group. Sign your name at the bottom of the paper you’re grading. Listen carefully for the correct anwers Put a check if they get it right Put and X if the get it wrong Add up the total number CORRECT and put it over 5 at the top of their page

8 Page 12: SRE or Enrichment
Score below and 80%?? SRE to earn the privilege to retake your quiz for a higher grade S: Write out the correct answer- DO NOT JUST PUT THE LETTER CHOICE R: WHY is it correct? Find support from your notes E: What page in your notes did you find the support for your R? Score above 80%? Diagram 3 organelles you KNOW you didn’t learn in middle school. PICK THE HARD ONES Explain what their functions are.

9 CAN TOO MUCH Water kill you?
Page 14 Retro Questions: What is the chemical notation for water? Why is water considered polar? How does water support life? Do you think water can kill you, just by drinking it? Explain your response.

10 Page 15: Hold your wee for a wii
Paste the article in on Page 15. Read the article and use reading strategies, like mapping with a highlighter, as you go. When you’ve finished, answer the three questions at the bottom on Page 14 in complete sentences.

11 The Cell Membrane

12 What is the function of the cell membrane?
The cell membrane is also known as the PLASMA MEMBRANE It separates the cell from its external environment, acting as a BARRIER.

13 What are the parts of the Cell Membrane?
Double layer of phospholipids and embedded molecules which allow for selective permeability only some things can pass through

14 What are the parts of a phospholipid?
Remember! Water is polar- so if I love water, I’ll be polar too. If I’m non polar, water and I don’t mix. LIKE OIL AND WATER. Hydrophillic Head (I <3 water) Hydrophobic Tails (I H8 water)

15 Using the top half of Page 16, diagram the simple cross section of the plasma membrane below:
Diagram Page 16

16 Based on what we’ve just learned, Which macromolecule makes up the cell membrane? Why?
Which organelle makes that macromolecule for the cell membrane? Retro QUESTION!

17 Why does the cell membrane control transport into and out of the cell?
The membrane cannot totally separate the cell from its environment. (An analogy: A house’s walls and roof maintains support and protection to the people inside. But, there has to be a door in order for the people to survive inside). Water, oxygen, and nutrients must pass through the membrane and go into the cell. Waste products must pass out of the cell.

18 How do substances move through?
The cell membrane is selectively permeable. Use the context clues on your notes to explain what it means to be selectively permeable

19 Passive Transport Requires NO ENERGY WHY?
Because it goes from High Concentration to Low Concentration (WITH the concentration gradient)

20 Passive Diffusion Osmosis Facilitated Diffusion

21 Diffusion Activity diffusion

22 Which side is high concentration? Which side is low concentration?

23 Which direction are the molecules moving (in diffusion)?

24 Which direction are the molecules moving (in diffusion)?

25 OSMOSIS The DIFFUSION OF WATER through a selectively permeable membrane

26 What does that look like???

27 Facilitated Diffusion
Diffusion that is HELPED BY PROTEINS in the membrane

28 Facilitated Diffusion

29 Active Transport Requires energy WHY?
Because molecules are moving from areas of low concentration to high concentration BECOMING MORE CROWDED… which is just plain undesirable.

30 Active Transport ATP ATP

31 Which side is high concentration? Which side is low concentration?

32 Which direction are the molecules moving (in active transport)?

33 Which direction are the molecules moving (in active transport)?

34 Types of Solutions

35 Hypertonic Solution If a solution is hypertonic
The concentration of solutes is greater than it is inside the cell The cell will SHRINK

36 Hypotonic Solutions If a solution is hypotonic
The concentration of solutes is less than it is inside the cell The cell will swell

37 What happens when your cells take in TOO MUCH water?
HYPOtonic Solutions may result in LYSIS Lysis: When the cell membrane bursts from too much pressure Think of a water balloon with too much water.

38 Isotonic Solutions If a solution is isotonic
The concentration of solutes is the same as it is inside the cell There will be NO NET movement of WATER

39 Answer on Page 16: Why doesn’t the plant cell undergo lysis?

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