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D.N.A Objective: Compare isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions, and predict the path of water and solutes in given examples through a lab Root.

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Presentation on theme: "D.N.A Objective: Compare isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions, and predict the path of water and solutes in given examples through a lab Root."— Presentation transcript:

1 D.N.A Objective: Compare isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions, and predict the path of water and solutes in given examples through a lab Root Word: Hypo-Below 1. Which of the following correctly matches an organelle with its function? A. Mitochondria – photosynthesis B. Nucleus – cellular respiration C. Ribosome – manufacture of lipids D. Lysosome-movement E. Central vacuole – storage 2. A cell possesses ribosomes, a plasma membrane, a cell wall, and other parts. If could not be A. Bacterium B. A cell from a fungus C. A cell from a mouse D. An oak tree cell E. A bacterium or a cell from a pine tree

2 D.N.A Objective: SWBAT compare isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions, and predict the path of water and solutes in given examples through a laboratory simulation Using your knowledge of osmosis/diffusion, what makes a french fry so crispy?

3 Exploration Question In your same lab group as yesterday, discuss a basic experimental design/procedure to test how to make crispy fries using your knowledge on osmosis/diffusion Materials: Potatoes, Salt, Water

4 Osmosis Through A Membrane
Things to consider: What is your experimental hypothesis? What results to expect to occur to the dialysis bags under different environments (water/sucrose)?

5 Osmosis in A Plant Cell Things to consider:
When using your microscope, first focus on the specimen on the lowest power, then switch to the highest power

6 3. If the nucleus is a cell’s “control center”, and chloroplasts its “solar collectors,” which of the following might be called the cell’s garbage disposer? A. Lysosome B. Golgi apparatus C. Flagellum D. Ribosome E. Nucleolus

7 Movement across the Cell Membrane

8 How do things move across the membrane?
All living cells exist in a liquid environment Even the cells inside of plants in the desert!

9 Concentration gradient
The liquid inside of cell (cytoplasm) and the liquid outside of the cell is not pure water, it has different particles dissolved into it A solution

10 Concentration Gradient
Concentration is the measure of how many particles are dissolved in the liquid High concentration = more particles Low concentration = less particles

11 Concentration Gradient
HIGH CONCENTRATION LOW CONCENTRATION Dissolved Particle Dissolved Particle

12 1st type of transport: Diffusion
movement of particles from HIGH  LOW concentration Movement from high concentration of that substance to low concentration of that substance.

13 Simple Diffusion Move from HIGH to LOW concentration movement of water
“passive transport” no energy needed movement of water diffusion osmosis

14 Facilitated Diffusion
Diffusion through protein channels channels move specific molecules across cell membrane no energy needed facilitated = with help open channel = fast transport HIGH LOW Donuts! Each transport protein is specific as to the substances that it will translocate (move). For example, the glucose transport protein in the liver will carry glucose from the blood to the cytoplasm, but not fructose, its structural isomer. Some transport proteins have a hydrophilic channel that certain molecules or ions can use as a tunnel through the membrane -- simply provide corridors allowing a specific molecule or ion to cross the membrane. These channel proteins allow fast transport. For example, water channel proteins, aquaporins, facilitate massive amounts of diffusion. “The Bouncer”

15 2nd type of transport: Active Transport
Cells may need to move molecules AGAINST concentration gradient conformational shape change transports solute from one side of membrane to other protein “pump” “costs” energy = ATP conformational change LOW HIGH Some transport proteins do not provide channels but appear to actually translocate the solute-binding site and solute across the membrane as the protein changes shape. These shape changes could be triggered by the binding and release of the transported molecule. This is model for active transport. ATP “The Doorman”


17 Getting through cell membrane
Passive Transport Simple diffusion HIGH  LOW concentration gradient Facilitated transport through a protein channel Active transport diffusion against concentration gradient LOW  HIGH uses a protein pump requires ATP (energy) ATP

18 Transport summary simple diffusion facilitated diffusion
ATP active transport

19 How about large molecules?
Moving large molecules into & out of cell through vesicles & vacuoles endocytosis phagocytosis = “cellular eating” pinocytosis = “cellular drinking” exocytosis exocytosis

20 The movement of big particles INTO the cell
Endocytosis The movement of big particles INTO the cell The cell actually engulfs the particles and brings them into the cell

21 ENDOCYTOSIS Protist eating another
Animation from: Protist eating another

22 The movement of big particles INTO the cell
Endocytosis The movement of big particles INTO the cell The cell actually engulfs the particles and brings them into the cell

23 The movement of big particles OUT of the cell
EXOCYTOSIS The movement of big particles OUT of the cell

24 The Special Case of Water Movement of water across the cell membrane

25 Osmosis is just diffusion of water
Water is very important to life, so we talk about water separately Diffusion of water from HIGH concentration of water to LOW concentration of water across a semi-permeable membrane

26 Osmosis Water likes to move to the area where there are MORE particles
Water will move until the number of water particles is equal to the dissolved particles Direction of water movement

27 Concentration of water
Direction of osmosis is determined by comparing total solute concentrations Hypertonic - more solute, less water Hypotonic - less solute, more water Isotonic - equal solute, equal water hypotonic hypertonic water net movement of water

28 Water entering = water leaving
ISOTONIC (“Same strength”): EQUAL OUTSIDE AND INSIDE Cells try to “maintain stable internal conditions = ____________________ HOMEOSTASIS Water entering = water leaving

29 swell and possibly burst
Animation from: OSMOSIS HYPOTONIC (“Below strength”): Concentration outside cell is ________________ inside the cell More water enters than leaves cell so cell will ___________________ LESS THAN swell and possibly burst

Animation from: OSMOSIS HYPERTONIC (“Above Strength): Concentration outside cell is ____________________ inside cell More water leaves cell than enters so cell ____________ GREATER THAN shrinks Choose Blood Hypertonic link

31 Managing water balance
Cell survival depends on balancing water uptake & loss freshwater balanced saltwater

32 Osmotic Pressure

33 CFUs! WATER Is the solution that the cell is it hypertonic or hypotonic? Where does the water want to go? IN OR OUT OF THE CELL What will eventually happen to the cell? BURST!

34 CFUs! Is the solution that the cell is is hypertonic or hypotonic?
Where does the water want to go? IN OR OUT OF THE CELL What will eventually happen to the cell? SHRINK!

35 Do you understand Osmosis…
Cell (compared to beaker)  hypertonic or hypotonic Beaker (compared to cell)  hypertonic or hypotonic Which way does the water flow?  in or out of cell

36 Any Questions??

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