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DIVERSE FORMS OF GOD HINDUISM – KS3 Aim of this presentation:

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Presentation on theme: "DIVERSE FORMS OF GOD HINDUISM – KS3 Aim of this presentation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 DIVERSE FORMS OF GOD HINDUISM – KS3 Aim of this presentation:
- to help students understand why there are different forms of God in Hinduism by focusing on Kali - goddess destroyer of demons and bringer of salvation - to explore Hindu beliefs about God in relation to the key question: Why are there different forms of God in Hinduism? - to enable students to answer the key question.

2 Why are there different forms of God in Hinduism?
The Big Question Why are there different forms of God in Hinduism? Introduce students to key question: Why are there different forms of God in Hinduism? Show the image of the Hindu goddess Kali (standing) and the god Shiva (lying down). Explain that Kali and Shiva are two different forms of God in Hinduism and give students 1 minute to look at it and write down 3 possible answers to the key question. Show video which asks ‘Who is Kali? What she stand for?’ and ask students to add to their answers. Understanding Kali

3 Hindu beliefs about God
Hindus believe that are many forms of God. All are aspects of Brahman. Brahman is Ultimate Reality. Images of gods and goddess are symbolic. Each god has a different role. All gods bring moksha or salvation. Ask students to rank these 6 statements in order of helpfulness in answering the key question (I = most helpful and 6 = least). Encourage them to then record their own oral or written responses to the key question, ‘Why are there different forms of God in Hinduism?’ Emphasise the point that Hindu Gods are seen in many diverse forms. This shows that God has many different ‘roles’. God is expressed in so many ways, but there is the same ultimate goal.

4 Wider meaning Show this slide and explain to students that the next activity should help them to develop a deeper understanding of the wider spiritual meaning of Kali both as destroyer of evils in life (short term) and bringer of salvation (long term). Ask them to work in pairs to think of short term and long term problems and difficulties and who they might turn to for help with them. Why would they turn to different people for different things? What questions might they ask a Hindu visitor about diverse forms of God? What answers do they think the visitor might give? Learning Outcomes: ask questions about the meaning religion and spirituality and suggest answers relating to the search for truth .

5 Show students this photo of a Hindu worshipping Kali and ask them to suggest how flowers, incense, light and decorations might show love and devotion to Kali? What does this tell them about how Hindus offer thanks to Kali? What reasons can students give to explain why Hindus might worship in these ways? Encourage students to research further into different ways that Hindus might offer Kali thanks for salvation. See: Learning outcome: explain how and why people express beliefs, values and ideas of spirituality through ceremonies, festivals and other creative ways.

6 Why are there different forms of God in Hinduism?
Show this slide and ask students to share with each other what they have learnt so far in pairs, groups and as a whole. Encourage them to present their findings as a Q & A role play or presentation or poster. What answers do they give to the key question ‘Why are there different forms of God in Hinduism?’

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