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How Psychology Developed

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1 How Psychology Developed
In general terms, psychology is about understanding all the things that we do. How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

2 Wilhelm Wundt is considered the father of modern psychology.
Cornell University 1891 University of Toronto 1890 Clark University 1889 University of Wisconsin 1888 Harvard University 1892 Wellesley College 1891 Stanford University 1893 University of Iowa 1890 Yale University 1892 Brown University 1892 University of Michigan 1890 Columbia University 1890 University of Nebraska 1889 University of Chicago 1893 University of Pennsylvania 1887 Princeton University 1893 Trenton State College 1892 Indiana University 1887 Johns Hopkins University 1883 University of Illinois 1892 Randolf Macon Women’s College 1893 Catholic University 1891 University of Kansas 1889 Although psychology began in Europe, many research labs began to appear in North American colleges and universities. Wilhelm Wundt is considered the father of modern psychology. Many of the early American psychologists were his graduate students. Founded by students of Williams James Founded by students of G. Stanley Hall Founded by students of Wilhelm Wundt Founded by Others How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

3 Wundt is known as a voluntarist because he was interested in volitional behavior
He founded what is considered to be the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879 He used the technique known as introspection to probe the perceptual processes of his experimental subjects How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

4 Margaret Floy Washburn Leta Stetter Hollingworth
Mary Whiton Calkins founded an early psychology laboratory at Wellesley College and was the first woman president of the APA Margaret Floy Washburn was the first woman to earned a Ph. D in psychology and authored an influential book, The Animal Mind Leta Stetter Hollingworth did pioneering work on adolescent development and the fallacy of women’s inferiority Mary Whiton Calkins Margaret Floy Washburn Leta Stetter Hollingworth How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

5 Sigmund Freud G. Stanley Hall Carl Jung
G. Stanley Hall was the first president of APA; his most significant contribution may have been to expose scholars in the US to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. Freud is world-famous for his theory. His work helped to shape the field of clinical psychology. Carl Jung was an adherent of Freud who eventually broke with him; he is most widely remembered for his theory of the collective unconscious Sigmund Freud G. Stanley Hall Carl Jung How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

6 Free Will = Illusion B.F. Skinner is arguably the most influential psychologist to date His work on operant conditioning revolutionized the behavioral movement. He extended his theoretical work to humans and most notably argued against the notion that we have free will. How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

7 Behavioral Perspective (1913 - Present)
John B. Watson Ivan Pavlov B.F. Skinner Psychology does not provide us with a unitary understanding of the mind. There are numerous viewpoints that compete and complement one another. These perspectives have all grown from the work of early psychologists. Behaviorists believed that only observable events can be studied scientifically, and studied the effects of environment on the overt behavior of humans and animals. How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

8 Psychoanalytic Perspective (1900 - Present)
Carl Jung Alfred Adler Psychoanalysts study the unconscious determinants of behavior - they believe that unconscious motives and experiences in early childhood govern personality and mental disorders. Sigmund Freud How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

9 Humanistic Perspective (1950s - Present)
Abraham Maslow Humanists believe that humans are free, rational beings with the potential for personal growth - fundamentally different from animals. Humanists study the unique aspects of human experience. Carl Rogers How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

10 Cognitive Perspective (1950s - Present)
Noam Chomsky Herbert Simon The cognitive perspective involves the study of thoughts and mental processes. Cognitive theorists believe that human behavior cannot be fully understood without examining how people acquire, process, and store information. Jean Piaget How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

11 Biological Perspective (1950s - Present)
James Olds Roger Sperry David Hubel Torsten Weisel Advocates of the biological perspective believe that an organism’s functioning can be explained in terms of the bodily structures and biochemical process that underlie behavior. They study the physiological bases of behavior in humans and animals. How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

12 Evolutionary Perspective (1980s - Present)
David Buss Martin Daly Margo Wilson Leda Cosmides John Tooby Evolutionary theorists study the evolutionary bases of behavior in humans and animals. They believe that behavior patterns have evolved to solve adaptive problems, and that natural selection favors behaviors that enhance reproductive success. How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

13 Flagship Articles with Keywords (%)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Cognitive School Flagship Articles with Keywords (%) Behavioral School Psychoanalytic School Psychoanalysis developed before behaviorism and behaviorism developed before cognitive psychology This evidence provided on this graph suggests that behaviorism gave way in terms of quantity of published research several decades ago. The graph may not be so helpful when determining psychoanalysis’ impact on the field because psychoanalysts are less likely to be scientists. 1950 1956 1962 1968 1974 1980 1986 1992 1996 Year How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

14 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1920s Gestalt pychology nears its peak influence. 1980s Increased global interdependence and cultural diversity in Western societies spark surge of interest in how cultural factors mold behavior. 2000 Eric Kandel wins Nobel Prize (in physiology and medicine) for his research on the biochemistry of memory. 1890 William James publishes his seminal work, The Principles of Psychology. 1971 B. F. Skinner creates furor over radical behaviorism with his controversial book Beyond Freedom and Dignity. Roger Sperry’s split-brain research and work by David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel on how cortical cells respond to light help rejuvenate the biological perspective in psychology. 1881 Wilhelm Wundt establishes first journal devoted to research in psychology. Rapid growth in clinical psychology begins in response to huge demand for clinical services created by World War II and its aftermath. Early 1990s Evolutionary psychology emerges as a major new theoretical perspective. 1951 Carl Rogers helps launch humanistic movement with publication of Client-Centered Therapy. 1904 Ivan Pavlov shows how conditioned responses are created, paving the way for Stimulus response psychology. 1913 John B. Watson writes classic behaviorism manifesto, arguing that psychology should study only observable behavior. 1933 Sigmund Freud’s influence continues to build as he publishes New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis. 1875 First demonstration laboratories are set up independently by William James (at Harvard) and Wilhelm Wundt (at the University of Leipzig). 1963 Stanley Milgram conducts controversial study of obedience to authority, which may be the most famous single study in psychology’s history. 1953 B. F. Skinner publishes his influential Science and Human Behavior, advocating radical behaviorism similar to Watson’s. 2002 Daniel Kahneman wins Nobel Prize (in economics) for his research on decision making. 1947 Kenneth and Mamie Clark publish work on prejudice that is cited in landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision outlawing segregation. 1981 Roger Sperry wins Nobel prize (in physiology and medicine) for split-brain studies. 1892 G. Stanley Hall founds American Psychological Association. 1883 G. Stanley Hall establishes America’s first research laboratory in psychology at Johns Hopkins University. 1974 Eleanor Maccoby and Carol Jacklin publish their landmark review of research on gender differences, which galvanizes research in this area. 1990s The repressed memories controversy stimulates influential research by Elizabeth Loftus and others on the malleability and fallibility of human memory. 1905 Alfred Binet develops first successful intelligence test in France. 1914 Leta Hollingworth publishes pioneering work on the psychology of women. 1908 Margaret Washburn publishes The Animal Mind, which serves as an impetus for behaviorism. 1879 Wilhelm Wundt establishes first research laboratory in psychology at Leipzig, Germany. 1956 The cognitive revolution is launched at watershed conference where Herbert Simon, George Miller, and Noam Chomsky report three major advances in just one day. 1988 Research psychologists form American Psychological Society (APS) to serve as an advocate for the science of psychology. 1916 Lewis Terman publishes Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, which becomes the world’s foremost intelligence test. 1950 Erik Erikson writes Childhood and Society in which he extends Freud’s theory of Development across the life span. 1954 Abraham Maslow’s Motivation and Personality helps fuel humanistic movement. 1978 Herbert Simon wins Nobel prize (in economics) for research on cognition. 1909 Sigmund Freud’s increasing influence receives formal recognition as G. S. Hall invites Freud to give lectures at Clark University. Widespread intelligence testing is begun by military during World War I. Late 1990s Martin Seligman launches the positive psychology movement. Many individuals have made contributions to the history of psychology. Psychology grew out of a number of related disciplines like philosophy, medicine, physics, physiology, etc The work of the individuals on this overview helped to consolidate psychology into its own field. Many of these names are very familiar to those who work in this field. How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

15 APA Membership (thousands)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 APA Membership (thousands) APA membership has grown substantially since the end of World War II, a testament to its popularity. 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

16 4.2% Elementary and Secondary Schools
6.3% Business and Government 8.5% Other 19.4% Hospitals and Clinics 28.0% Colleges and Universities The most common setting for psychologists is in private practice. These are obviously clinical or counseling psychologists. Hospitals and clinics are also a common setting for these psychologists. The academic setting is also a common locale for psychologists. 33.6% Private Practice How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

17 9.5% Physiological 10.3% Other 3.8% Psychometrics 10.6% Health
6.7% Cognitive 13.7% Educational 8.2% Experimental 16.1% Social 3.0% Personality 19.3% Developmental Psychology has many subdisciplines. Research is performed in each of them. This chart lists the major areas for research in modern psychology. Clinical psychologists are concerned with the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of individuals with psychological disorders, as well as treatment of less server behavioral and emotional problems. Counseling psychology overlaps with clinical psychology in that specialists in both areas engage in similar activities - however, counseling psychologists usually work with a somewhat different clientele, providing assistance to people struggling with everyday problems of moderate severity. Educational psychologists work to improve curriculum design, achievement testing, teacher training, and other aspects of the educational process. Industrial and organizational psychologists perform a wide variety of tasks in the world of business and industry. How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

18 0.9% Clinical Neuropsychology
0.5% Forensic 0.6% Other 0.9% Clinical Neuropsychology 5.2% School 6.1% Industrial/Organizational 14.7% Counseling This graphic, much like 11 shows how many clinical psychologists are employed in the industrialized world. This mirrors the strong demand that is seen for slots in graduate programs in clinical psychology Clinical psychology programs, excepting veterinary school, is the most difficult graduate program to gain admittance to. 72.1% Clinical How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

19 1 Psychology is Empirical
2 Psychology is Theoretically Diverse 3 Psychology Evolves in a Sociohistorical Context These are the themes that relate to psychology as a field of study. Empiricism is the premise that knowledge should be acquired through observation. 2. A theory is a system of interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observations. The conclusions in psychology are based on direct observation. 3. Trends, issues, and values in society influence psychology’s evolution - putting psychology in both a social and historical context. How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

20 4 Behavior is Determined by Multiple Causes
5 Behavior is Shaped by Cultural Heritage 6 Heredity and Environment Jointly Influence Behavior These themes relate to psychology’s subject matter. 4. Psychology shows that there are multiple causes of behaviors. 5. Culture - widely shared customs, beliefs, values, norms, and other products of a community - is also a determinant of human behavior. 6. Heredity and environment - or nature and nurture - are both important and have complex connections to human behavior. 7. Motives and expectations color our experience, which can make perception a subjective experience 7 People’s Experience of the World is Highly Subjective How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

21 Time management is crucial to success in college.
Many students today work while they attend college. This can be detrimental since many study hours are lost to jobs which pay very little. How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

22 Performance of Students
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Successful Students Unsuccessful Students Performance of Students This graphic shows the strong positive correlation between classroom attendance and grade performance. Though most instructors do not take attendance, this detail is crucial to a student’s success. This student must manage this on their own quite often. Always or Almost Always in Class Sometimes Absent Often Absent How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

23 55.2% Hurts Test Score 57.8% Wrong to Right 15.5% Improves Test Score
19.0% Don’t Know 22.0% Wrong to Wrong 10.3% No Change 20.2% Right to Wrong This is an interesting graphic display because the results depicted here are counterintuitive. Most instructors, and to a lesser extent students, believe that switching an answer on an exam is most often going to lead to a mistake. This study cited however showed that just the opposite is true. Most times when students switch an answer on an exam it leads to a correct answer. How Psychology Developed Psychology Today Seven Unifying Themes Personal Application

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