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Introduction to Computers

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1 Introduction to Computers
Mr. Minger 2016

2 What is a Computer? Computer:
an electronic device that is used for the processing and storage of information Examples of Computers: Calculator XBox Laptop

3 What do we use a Computer for?
Keyboarding/Typing Looking up information Storage Business Homework Games

4 Computer Processing Cycle
Computers can perform four general operations, which comprise the information processing cycle. Input Process Output Storage

5 How do we Learn? The computer processing cycle can be compared to how we learn as people. Input: we use our senses to gather information

6 How do we Learn? Process: We use our brain to process the information
Output: We give an output such as an answer on a test Storage: We can store things in our brain for future use

7 Input Phase Computers need to collect data.
Data: a collection of numbers, words, images, video and sound, given to the computer during the input phase. This data is used to create information that is useful and organized.

8 Input Devices Mouse Keyboard Scanner Mouse Keyboard Scanner

9 Processing What does a computer use to process information?
CPU or Microprocessor This is like our brain. Who makes CPU’s? Intel AMD

10 Output Devices Monitor Speakers Printer

11 Storage Devices Hard drive/ Hard disk Flash drives/ USB memory sticks
CD R/W Floppy Disk

12 Why is a Computer so Powerful?
Speed Reliability Storage Ability to Communicate with others

13 How does a computer know what to do?
A computer must be given a set of instructions. This is called Software. Examples of Software: Word Games Explorer

14 What carries out these instuctions?
Computer hardware is what carries out the set of instructions. Examples: Keyboard Mouse Monitor Difference: You can touch hardware You cannot touch software

15 Computer Units Hertz: How fast the microprocessor runs; clock speed
Bytes: Units of information storage Metric Prefixes: Kilo (1 x103) Mega (1 x 106) Giga (1 x 109) Tera (1 x 1012) Very large number!!!!

16 Your Computer’s Hard drive Network drives (hard drives on network) Computer’s Hard drive space in GB

17 Memory Types of Memory: RAM: Random Access Memory (temporary)
RAM makes your computer run smoothly RAM is like cramming a bunch of information in your head right before the test ROM: Read Only Memory (permanent)

18 Operating System Definition: software that is responsible for the management and coordination of activities Most Common Operating System: Windows 2000 XP Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10


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