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Sample Employee Interaction Workflow

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1 Sample Employee Interaction Workflow

2 Employees need help with insurance, benefits or healthcare

3 Health Advocate can help!
When employees are confused and not sure who to call…they can call Health Advocate. When employees need help that a TPA cannot provide… they can call Health Advocate. When employees view their digital app and need to talk to someone live…they can call Health Advocate.

4 Innovative Communications
Text codes to get more information Supports “green” initiatives Low-cost option for distribution Member opt-in for text messages Imprint or stickers on ID cards Reinforce contact information

5 Health Advocate Your Organization Digital Platform TPA

6 Health Advocate is able to assist and educates on gaps in care
Sample issues to call Health Advocate direct for assistance when employee… Does not feel comfortable calling insurance carrier Needs help find a specialist for son away at college Confused about how bariatric surgery will be covered Moving and needs to find a new doctor and have medical records transferred Has a large balance bill for an out-of-network claim Unsure if medical claim was processed correctly Needs Stress Test, MRI and lab work done on same day Does not know whether to see a chiropractor, neurologist, orthopedist, or neurosurgeon for back pain Employee calls Health Advocate Health Advocate is able to assist and educates on gaps in care Transfers employee to appropriate vendor: Resources for Life Castlight Grand Rounds Doc on Demand TPA for Disease Management Centers of Excellence …or other Client benefit vendor

7 Sample situations for TPA to refer employee to Health Advocate when an employee needs help…
Looking for alternative treatment options Finding assisted living for father-in-law Scheduling an appointment with a specialty provider Arranging for transportation to/from physical therapy Negotiating a balance bill for a non-covered service Determining coverage for a child covered on ex- spouse’s health benefits Transferring records to new doctor Coordinating multiple tests and services on the same day at the hospital Employee calls TPA TPA is able to assist Concern is outside TPA scope Refers caller to Health Advocate

8 Your service team member calls Health Advocate
Examples of situations in which Your Organization could refer an employee to Health Advocate for help… Discussing appeal options when coverage is denied Determining if a benefit was applied correctly for physical therapy Resolving a claim issue when a preventive service was processed as “condition- related” care Prescription drug questions and benefits for specialty drugs Understanding doctor’s instructions Determining coverage when treatment is considered experimental Employee calls Your Organization Your team is able to assist Escalated case – Your service team member calls Health Advocate or refers employee to Health Advocate

9 Employee still confused or has other questions – calls Health Advocate
Examples of when an employee might need to speak to someone live and calls Health Advocate… Unsure of what type of doctor to see based on their condition Went to an urgent care center, but now needs to find a specialist for follow- up care Needs help with Medicare issues for an ailing mother Unsure if doctor can perform outpatient procedure at a lower- cost facility Needs assistance finding an art class for a child with a disability Found doctor, but not sure she has an appointment available Needs information on doctor/hospital experience with procedure Employee uses Digital Platform Employee finds answer online Employee still confused or has other questions – calls Health Advocate

10 Why Health Advocate? Health Advocate is an independent and confidential resource that people trust to help resolve their healthcare, insurance and benefits questions and concerns. Health Advocate’s program is available to the employee, their spouse/partner, dependents, parents and parents-in-law, regardless of their medical insurance carrier. When positioned as the single phone number to call for benefit issues, Health Advocate’s Benefits Gateway service has increased utilization in other benefit programs by 20% to 50% by recognizing the employee’s need and warm-transferring the contact to another program or vendor when appropriate. When provided with access to medical and pharmacy claims data in our Empowered Health program, Health Advocate has annually closed up to 50% of the gaps in care present in a population.

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