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How to use this presentation

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1 How to use this presentation
What’s covered This presentation is designed to cover the following: Unum history, market position Definition of critical illness insurance How it works Plan design Reasons to buy, guarantee issue, exclusions, etc. Customizable This presentation is designed to be customized according to plan design offered and situs state. Remove slides that do not apply to the case offering or slides that do not apply to your state/policy. Red text implies that text is variable − can be removed if not offered Notes pages Please read the notes page (click on view on the menu bar, click on notes page) to determine if a slide applies to your case/state and policy. Enroller: Please delete this slide.

2 Group Critical illness insurance
Underwritten by: Unum Life Insurance Company of America Group Critical illness insurance An overview of the benefits Enroller Notes: eGCI not available in NY, NJ, or WA. Suggested introduction: Hello. My name is _________. I’m a benefits representative with Unum. I’m here on behalf of [Company Name] to give you some helpful information about a new benefit available to employees – it’s called Critical Illness insurance. Your HR department wants to make sure you understand enough about this benefit to decide whether it is right for you. So I will spend the next [10] minutes…. - Giving you an overview of the plan… - Explaining how this plan could benefit you and your family… - And answering any questions you may have. Since I don’t work on commission, there’s no pressure for you to buy anything. My goal today is to provide you with the information you need so you can make the best decision concerning this benefit. Are there any questions before I begin? Transition statement – Before we talk about Critical Illness insurance, let me introduce you to Unum, the company (employer name) has chosen to provide this valuable coverage to you. Presenter’s name | Month, Year EN-1197 (8-11) (03/2013) 2

3 Why Unum? Proven experience
A heritage of more than 160 years in the insurance industry We listen to you Our benefit specialists understand how an illness can affect your life We put people first Professional, prompt, courteous service during difficult times Financial stability Solid financial ratings, even in today’s tough economy We put people first Professional, prompt, courteous service during difficult times Speaker Notes: [Refer to slide.] With more than 160 years of benefits experience, we back our products with a commitment to providing high-quality service. We have received excellent financial strength ratings that reflect our stability, even in a tough economy. Most of all, we are a company of people serving people. You can trust that if you have to file a claim, we will be there with responsive service – when you need us most Transitional statement: You probably already have health insurance, as well as dental and vision coverage. You might think, “I’m young and healthy -- a serious illness isn’t going to happen to me.” But take a look at the real risk. 3

4 Who needs specified critical illness insurance?
Who is at risk? Every 25 seconds someone in America will have a coronary event.1 Every 40 seconds someone in America will have a stroke.2 The risk of developing cancer during a lifetime is nearly 1 in 2 for men and 1 in 3 for women.3 Speaker Notes: We’d all like to think we’re not going to become critically ill, but statistics show that it can happen. While certain individuals are more susceptible to specific conditions, in general, critical illnesses don’t discriminate – regardless of age, gender, race, or occupation. They can strike anyone at any time. Consider these facts: [review “Who is at risk” bullets] Transition statement: Unfortunately, having health insurance may not be enough. There are some medical expenses that your medical insurance won’t cover. Let’s take a closer look…. 1 American Heart Association, “Heart disease and stroke statistics—2011 update,” 2011. 2 The American Heart Association, "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2011 Update," 2011. 3 American Cancer Society, “Cancer Facts & Figures 2010.”

5 Health insurance typically covers Health insurance may not cover
Why buy critical illness insurance? Health insurance typically covers The costs for care and treatment of a critical illness Prescription copays Diagnostic tests Rehabilitation Transportation to health facilities Private nursing or home health care Alternative or experimental treatments Health insurance may not cover If you are ill and can’t work, how would you pay for everyday expenses such as: Mortgage Car payment Credit card payments Household expenses Dependent care Speaker Notes: Thanks to modern medicine, more people are surviving heart attacks, strokes and other critical health problems. But the “cure” often comes at a high price. Even with medical insurance, you could face thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs such as: [review bullets] It’s also important to remember that if you are seriously ill and can’t work, you still have everyday expenses. Your mortgage, a car payment, credit card payments, household expenses, child care – the list can really add up. Unum’s specified critical illness insurance is designed to help provide the additional financial protection you may need if a sudden illness strikes. Transition statement: So, how can critical illness insurance help?

6 Could your wallet survive a serious illness?
Critical illness insurance can help you keep your finances in check, by providing a benefit when the expenses of a serious illness start to add up. Lisa’s story: Lisa was planning her daughter’s wedding when a stroke disrupted her plans. Thanks to her critical illness coverage, Lisa was able to afford the out-of-pocket costs her medical insurance didn’t cover. Lisa’s critical illness insurance helped cover the cost Because she had selected a benefit amount of $20,000, her plan paid her that amount in a lump sum, regardless of what she spent. Lisa could use it for her out-of-pocket costs and to help pay the bills while she was unable to work. Lisa was able to focus on her goal for recovery: to dance at her daughter’s wedding! Speaker Notes: Let me show you how this benefit works. [Go over illustration in slide] Critical illness insurance can pay a lump sum benefit if you’re diagnosed with a covered illness. You get to choose the level of coverage that best meets your needs and budget. It can be anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000. The lump-sum benefit is paid directly to you -- not to a medical provider, such as a doctor or hospital. That means you can use your benefit any way you see fit, such as paying bills, groceries and even child care. The critical illness benefit can reduce financial pressures on you, so you can focus on getting well, rather than on your bills. And, you receive your full benefit amount – even if your health insurance pays for some of your treatment. Transition statement: Now that you understand how critical illness insurance works, let’s talk about what specific critical illnesses are covered under this plan.

7 Group critical illness
The benefit offering Advantages A benefit can be paid for each covered condition Employee-paid coverage is portable Dependent children are automatically covered at 25% of the employee benefit amount Additional diagnosis benefit Multiple payouts automatically included in the plan design Each condition payable once per lifetime per covered individual Additional benefits payable for diagnosis of another critical illness if separated by 90 days or more and medically unrelated Covered conditions Blindness Benign brain tumor Coronary artery bypass surgery* End-stage renal (kidney) failure Heart attack Major organ failure Stroke* Covered conditions due to injury Coma Permanent paralysis Occupational HIV Optional cancer coverage Cancer Carcinoma in situ** Specific childhood conditions Cerebral palsy; cleft lip or palate; cystic fibrosis; Down syndrome; spina bifida Enroller Note: If issued in the following states, remove the following conditions from the chart: In CA, IN or MN – remove occupational HIV In PA – remove permanent paralysis In NH- Stroke must be listed as “Severe stroke”. Also, Coronary artery bypass surgery and Carcinoma in situ for children is covered at 100% of the employee’s payable benefit amount In FL– remove portability. It’s not available in FL In GA, CA, ME, TX, comprehensive health coverage is required. Speaker Notes: One of the greatest advantages of having this policy is that you can use this coverage more than once. If you receive a full benefit payout for a covered illness, your coverage can be continued for the remaining covered conditions. Let’s take a closer look at the illnesses and events covered under the critical illness policy. [go over list on slide] All the medical conditions listed are paid at 100% of the purchased benefit amount with the exception of coronary artery bypass surgery and carcinoma in situ, which are paid at 25% of the purchased benefit amount. Keep in mind your coverage is also portable – which means if you retire or leave the company, you take the coverage with you…. And, if you obtain this coverage your children are automatically covered at no additional cost to you! Transition statement: Let’s review some more advantages that are including within this plan… PA – Permanent paralysis is not a covered condition. CA, IN and MN – Occupational HIV is not a covered condition. FL – Portability is not available ID, NH – Outline of coverage provided at time of application. GA, CA, ME, TX – Comprehensive Health coverage is required. * In NH Stroke is call Severe Stroke. Also, Coronary artery bypass surgery and Carcinoma y situ for children is covered at 100% of the employee’s payable benefit amount. **100% of the benefit payable for each covered condition, with the exception of coronary artery bypass surgery and carcinoma in situ, which are paid at 25% of the purchased benefit amount. Please see policy definitions for complete details about these covered conditions. 7

8 Group critical illness
Use in CT only benefit offering Advantages 100% of the benefit can be paid for each category Employee-paid coverage is portable Automatic coverage for dependent children at 25% of the employee benefit amount Additional diagnosis benefit Multiple payouts included in the plan design Each category of conditions payable once per lifetime per covered individual Additional benefits for remaining specified diseases if listed under another category and medically unrelated Enroller Note: this slide is to be used in CT only – Speaker Notes: One of the greatest advantages of having this policy is that you can use this coverage more than once. If you receive a full benefit payout for a covered illness, your coverage can be continued for the remaining covered conditions. Let’s take a closer look at the illnesses and events covered under the critical illness policy. [go over list on slide] All the medical conditions listed are paid at 100% of the purchased benefit amount with the exception of coronary artery bypass surgery and carcinoma in situ, which are paid at 25% of the purchased benefit amount. Keep in mind your coverage is also portable – which means if you retire or leave the company, you take the coverage with you…. And, if you obtain this coverage your children are automatically covered at no additional cost to you! (not available in FL). Transition statement: Let’s review some more advantages that are including within this plan… 1 Carcinoma in situ is defined as cancer that involves only cells in the tissue in which it began and that has not spread to nearby tissues 8

9 Wellness benefit* Each covered individual will automatically receive the wellness benefit, which can pay $75 per calendar year per insured individual1 if a covered health screening test is performed. A few of the tests are listed here. Colonoscopy Mammography Pap smear Skin cancer biopsy PSA (blood test for prostate cancer) Chest X-rays Stress test on a bicycle or treadmill [Enroller note: only include this slide in the presentation if the employer has elected this rider. NH- Wellness benefit is not available] Speaker notes: You’ll also receive additional coverage with your policy through the Health screening benefit rider. This benefit pays $75 per calendar year if a covered health-screening test is performed, including blood tests, chest X-rays, stress tests, mammograms and colonoscopies. …So, in most cases just by having your yearly physical or wellness visit and tests, you’ll qualify for this additional benefit payment. Also, if you obtain coverage for your family, then, each family member covered will be automatically eligible to receive the $75 benefit per calendar year- of course- if a covered health screening test is performed to them. These are just a few of the tests covered under this rider, your policy will come with the complete list with all the tests that are covered. Transition statement: [ if Recurrent benefit is offered then modify this statement accordingly] We mentioned you can apply for coverage for family members…. Let’s talk about your coverage options. . Wellness benefit is not available in NH. 1 Insured individuals are eligible for benefits 30 days after the effective date of coverage.

10 Wellness benefit Each covered individual will automatically receive the wellness benefit, which can pay [$50, $75, $100] per calendar year per insured individual1 if a covered health screening test is performed. Screening tests include, but are not limited to: Colonoscopy Mammography Pap smear Skin cancer biopsy PSA (blood test for prostate cancer) Chest X-rays Stress test on a bicycle or treadmill [Enroller note: only include this slide in the presentation if the employer has elected this rider. Keep in mind that the wellness benefit can pay $50, $75 and $100, chosen at the ER level . Elect the correct benefit amount. ] Speaker notes: You’ll also receive additional coverage with your policy through the Health screening benefit rider. This benefit pays [$50, $75 , $100] per calendar year if a covered health-screening test is performed, including blood tests, chest X-rays, stress tests, mammograms and colonoscopies. …So, in most cases just by having your yearly physical or wellness visit and tests, you’ll qualify for this additional benefit payment. Also, if you obtain coverage for your family, then, each family member covered will be automatically eligible to receive the benefit per calendar year- of course- if a covered health screening test is performed to them. These are just a few of the tests covered under this rider, your policy will come with the complete list with all the tests that are covered. Transition statement: [ if Recurrent benefit is offered then modify this statement accordingly] We mentioned you can apply for coverage for family members…. Let’s talk about your coverage options. . 1 Insured individuals are eligible for benefits 30 days after the effective date of coverage.

11 Recurrence benefit This benefit can provide:
An additional payout for a second occurrence of: A benign brain tumor Heart attack Coma Stroke A benefit payout of [25%, 50%, or 100%] 12 months must elapse between occurrences of the same condition [Enroller note: only include this slide in the presentation if the employer has elected this rider. The benefit payout can be 25%, 50%,or 100%, based on the plan selected by the employer. Be sure to confirm what the offering is for your specific case] Speaker notes: There is a great additional benefit included within your critical illness insurance policy, it’s call Recurrent benefit. As the name states, this benefit is designed to provide an additional payout if you or a covered family member experiences a second occurrence of benign brain tumor, coma, heart attack or stroke. In order for the additional benefit to be payable 12 months must had passed between the first occurrence and second occurrence of the same condition. Transition statement: We mentioned you can apply for coverage for family members…. Let’s talk about your coverage options.

12 Family coverage options
Available family coverage Who can have it? Benefit Employees who are actively at work $5,000 to $50,000 in $1,000 increments Children Children newborn to age 26, regardless or marital or student status. All eligible children are automatically covered at 25% of the employee benefit amount (no additional cost) Eligible children are covered for the same conditions as the employee and the following specific childhood conditions: cerebral palsy, cleft lip or palate, cystic fibrosis, Down Syndrome and spina bifida. Diagnosis must occur after the child’s coverage effective date. Spouse ages 17 through 64 with purchase of employee coverage $5,000 to $30,000 in $1,000 increments Enroller Note: Delete spousal information if coverage is not offered. Speaker Notes: [go over information on slide] Your spouse and children can keep coverage as long as you keep yours, no matter where (or if) you work. Children are covered automatically at 25% of your benefit amount. Children must be unmarried and dependent on you (the employee) for at least half of their support. Any questions? Transition statement: Now that you have a good understanding of the critical illness insurance’s benefits, advantages and coverage options; it’s important to take some time to review the exclusions and limitations …

13 Policy provisions Waiting period Pre-existing limitation
This coverage is subject to a 30-day waiting period. This does not apply to coma, occupational HIV and permanent paralysis or specific covered childhood diseases. Does not apply to Wellness benefit. Pre-existing limitation Unum will not pay benefits for a claim that is caused by, contributed to or occurs as a result of a pre-existing condition. Enroller notes: Delete the Waiting period information if it has been waived- depending on your specific enrollment offering. Go over slide points. Avoid getting into specific claim scenarios. Each claim is different and it will be reviewed based on it’s own merits. Delete waiting period verbiage if it has been removed from the offering (can be removed with a load to premium) Speaker Notes: Let’s take a look at some of the policy provisions. Waiting period – benefits are payable for the diagnosis of a specified critical disease 30 days after your coverage effective date. However, this waiting period does not apply to coma, occupational HIV and permanent paralysis or covered childhood diseases: cerebral palsy, cleft lip or palate, cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome and spina bifida. Pre-existing condition limitation- refer to slide Reduction of benefits- refer to slide Transition statement: So why should you buy this coverage at work? Reduction of benefits The benefit amount for the employee and spouse reduces by 50% on the first policy anniversary date after the insured individual’s 70th birthday. Premiums will not be reduced. For coverage purchased after age 70, benefit amounts will not be reduced. Above policy provisions may vary by state

14 Why buy at work? Competitive rates available through your employer
Convenience of payroll deduction Valuable benefits for you and your family Coverage is portable1 and you may take the coverage with you if you leave the company or retire without having to answer new health questions. Unum will bill you directly for the same premium amount. Enroller Note: Employees can port this coverage if they had it in force for less than 12 months; there are no time limitation. FL – Portability is not available Speaker Notes: By applying for Unum’s critical illness insurance at the workplace, you’ll have access to a variety of valuable policy features. Let’s review what this plan can offer you. [refer to slide] This benefit allows you to make a personal choice. Choose the coverage that is right for you and your family, what you need and what you can afford. You receive the benefit of group rates but can take the coverage with you if you leave the company or retire, as long as the premium is paid on time. And while you are at your company, your premiums will be automatically deducted from your paycheck, making premiums easy to pay and easy to figure into your budget. Use this if GI is offered: Help protect your insurability: Sign up during the initial enrollment period and obtain coverage up to your Guarantee Issue amount without answering medical questions (if you meet eligibility requirements). If you decline coverage now and decide to apply for coverage in the future, you will be required to submit medical evidence of insurability regardless of the amount of the coverage you choose. Any questions? Transition statement: Let’s discuss what to do next to get enrolled in this valuable benefit… 1 Employee paid coverage is portable with no qualifying health questions and no change in rates. Ported coverage is not impacted should the employer terminate the plan.

15 Exclusions (required if being used for AZ enrollees) Exclusions
Unum will not pay benefits for a claim that is caused by, contributed to or occurs as a result of: Participating or attempting to participate in a felony or being engaged in an illegal occupation; Committing or trying to commit suicide or injuring oneself intentionally, whether sane or not; Participating in war or any act of war, whether declared or undeclared; Committing acts of terrorism; Being under the influence of or addicted to intoxicants or narcotics. This would not include physician-prescribed medication, taken in the prescribed dosage; Having a date of diagnosis during the benefit waiting period. Termination of employee coverage If you choose to cancel your coverage under the policy, your coverage ends on the first of the month following the date you provide notification to your employer (at 12:00 midnight for AZ applicants only). Otherwise, your coverage under the policy ends on the earliest of the: Date this policy is cancelled; Date your eligible group is no longer covered; Date of your death; Last day of the period for which you made any required contributions; or Last day you are in active employment unless continued due to a covered layoff or leave of absence or due to an injury or sickness. Other Coverage on your dependent children ends on the earliest of the date your coverage under the policy ends or the date a dependent child no longer meets the definition of dependent children. Unum will provide coverage for a payable claim which occurs while you are covered under this policy. Pre-existing condition limitation Benefits for a pre-existing condition will not be paid during the first 12 months the policy is inforce (6 months in ME, NV, and NH). Pre-existing condition is defined as a sickness or physical condition for which within 12 months (6 months in DC, ID, ME, NV, NH and 3 months in PA) before the coverage effective date symptoms existed that would cause a person to seek treatment; or the insured individual was treated, received medical advice from a physician, or had taken medicine. [Refer to slide]

16 Eliminate any paragraphs that don’t apply
How can you enroll? Review your enrollment materials. Meet with a benefit counselor today to apply for this benefit.  Call: [toll free #] to speak to a benefits representative during [specify enrollment dates]: 8 a.m.−8 p.m. ET Monday − Friday  Go online to your enrollment website: EmployerName/default.htm  Complete your enrollment form and return it to appropriate contact. Eliminate any paragraphs that don’t apply Call enrollment line Instruct audience how to enroll contacting a BES-T representative Enroll online Instruct audience how to enroll using self service enrollment tool Paper applications Exception only and/or traditional products with Benefit Credits Does anyone have any questions? If you don’t feel comfortable asking them in front of the group, I’m happy to meet with you in person after this meeting is over. 16

Underwritten by: Unum Life Insurance Company of America, Portland, Maine Eligibility for, entitlement to, and amount of actual benefits will be determined according to the terms of the voluntary group critical illness insurance policy. This information is not intended to be a complete description of the insurance coverage available. The policy definitions, exclusions and limitations will be used to determine actual benefit decisions. Product availability and provisions may vary by state. The policy has exclusions and limitations which may affect any benefits payable. Refer to your enrollment materials or see your plan administrator for specific policy provisions and details of availability. Unum complies with all state Civil Union and Domestic Partner laws when applicable. © 2013 Unum Group. All rights reserved. Unum is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Unum Group and its insuring subsidiaries. EN-1197 (8-11) FOR EMPLOYEES (03/2013)

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