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Web University - Distance Learning and Working over High Speed Internet CERN 29.4.1999 Riitta Rinta-Filppula, Helsinki Institute of Physics

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1 Web University - Distance Learning and Working over High Speed Internet
CERN Riitta Rinta-Filppula, Helsinki Institute of Physics

2 Web University The international pilot of the Finnish Open Learning Environment project (OLE) Funding by: Tech. Development Center (Tekes), Scientific Computing Center (CSC)/Finnish University and Researcher Network (FUNET), Finnet Group/HPY, Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP).

3 Web University (WU) Interactive, real-time,
independent time and place, network based virtual university. WU offers flexible learning and working opportunities for universities staffs and students.

4 Web University Mission
Develop and experience with working, teaching and learning methods in an international networked environment, Offer to students selected specialized seminars that they can incorporate in their studies in agreement with local professors, Offer an opportunity to researchers for distance work, collaboration and in-service training over high speed networks, Pilot technical solutions with real users and networks in the universities.

5 Preliminary Pedagogical Conclusions
Whenever possible distribute presentation material well in advance via WWW. Distance learners need time to adapt to the new situation. Keep expectations reasonable. Undergraduate students need academic credits as a motivation but postgraduate students are interested in the latest research results. Distance participants have proved to be especially satisfied if a speaker is internationally acknowledged. Modern learning theories can also be integrated with distance work and virtual seminars.

6 Web University Implementation
Started as a co-operative pilot project between CERN and Finnish Universities in 1995, , collaborated with the Finnish Distance Learning in Multimedia Network project (ETÄKAMU), extended to Italy, Holland and Slovak The pilot of the Finnish Open Learning Environment project (OLE) , Utilizes interactive, real-time transmissions (have been transmitted more than 120 h) and video-on-demand service of selected seminars and lectures.

7 Web University Connections
Early trials using ISDN conference bridges were not satisfactory, Joint ATM Experiment on European Services (JAMES) provided prescheduled guaranteed ATM bandwidth for WU ( ), TEN-155, Pan-European high-speed network project, since 1998, Inside FUNET-155 IP multicast over ATM is used to connect universities.

8 Web University connections
Switzerland Finland European ATM (JAMES, TEN-155) site 1 CERN LAN FUNET 155 site 2 site 3 ATM ATM multicast IP IP IP RTP RTP RTP Original drawn by Francois Fluckiger, CERN ; Modified by Harri K. Salminen, FUNET, and Riitta Rinta-Filppula, CERN

9 FUNET-network connections 1998

10 WU Real-time, Interactive Distance Learning
Public Domain software, Mbone tools, At the beginning, manually Since 1998, automatically by the Web based Virtual Room Videoconferencing System (VRVS) born and constantly developed at CERN.

11 Web University on Demand
The video-on-demand facilities are provided by the Wrtp project developed at CERN The recordings are copied to the WrtpVoD server at FUNET for retransmissions on demand. Digital recording is for technical problems in real-time sessions, flexible learning, independent of time and place. learning material for repetition, independent studies, other courses.

12 E.g. Internet, Web ... on Demand
vic rat WrtpVod

13 Future Development Areas
Improve content production environment at CERN, Develop ”open learning environment” for Web University, Develop interactive, integrated, user friendly real- time and video-on-demand multimedia services for FUNET (FUNET-TV) and other interested collaborators, Develop and adapt group work and learning methods to new high speed network tools.

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