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Presentation on theme: "Fiber."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiber

2 Fiber is the part of the plant food that humans cannot digest.
skin Seeds Middle part of fruits Vegetables Whole grains Dried beans

3 How to get your 30 grams a Day!!
Eat 3 or more pieces of fruit each day Eat 3 or more ½-cup servings of vegetables each day Eat beans 4 times a week Eat 4 or more servings of whole-grain breads, cereals and pasta, brown rice and oatmeal each day

4 Fiber-full Day Fiber-less Day
Breakfast Orange Shredded wheat w/ rasins Corn muffin Lunch Tuna sandwich w/ lettuce, tomato on wheat bread Minestrone soup Apple Dinner Broiled chicken Broccoli w/ scallions Garden salad banana Fiber-less Day Breakfast Doughnut Milk Lunch Cheeseburger w/ fries Shake Dinner Broiled chicken Mashed potatoes Ice cream

5 Less of That Eat More of This
Meat w/ streaks of fat Chicken w/ skin Cold cuts Fried foods Fats added to foods: butter, margarine, salad dressing, mayo Packaged snacks & bakery products Full-fat dairy foods Salt-cured meats Eat More of This Whole grains Vegetables Fruit Dried beans Fish Chicken without skin Non-fat milk and yogurt Low-fat cheese Nuts and seeds

6 Eating disorders Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia
An eating disorder in which the person refuses to eat because of a fear of weight gain. Bulimia An eating disorder based on a cycle of bingeing and purging food.

7 Fad Diet: A weight loss plan that promises unrealistic results.

8 Eating disorders Overweight
Weighing 10% more than one’s recommended weight. Obesity A condition in which one weighs 20% more than the recommended weight.

9 What is the most effective way to diet?
Change your eating habits Cut down on junk foods, fats, and sugars Increase your exercise Watch portion sizes

10 steroids Anabolic steroids are synthetic compounds that resemble the male hormone testosterone. Doctors use small amounts of anabolic steroids to treat some diseases. Use of anabolic steroids for performance enhancement has severe side effects and can be dangerous.

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