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1 Please take a moment to run the
Welcome We will begin shortly. Please take a moment to run the audio setup wizard

2 Clinical Education Webinar “A New Year Brings New Changes”
Wednesday December 16th, 2016 Sarah Wojkowski, PT Director of Clinical Education Sarah Ferri Clinical Education Assistant (Physiotherapy)

3 Agenda Staff Updates The ‘NEW’ online evaluation WSIB Updates
Canadian Physiotherapy Assessment of Clinical Performance (ACP) HSPnet WSIB Updates Forms Liability Insurance Update Clinical Education Workshop Series APTA Credentialed Clinical Instructor Workshop Tobacco Cessation Workshop Chronic Pain Webinar Join the McMaster PT Community

4 Staff updates

5 Staff Updates Welcome to Sarah Ferri as the new interim Clinical Education Assistant (Physiotherapy) Contact info: ext Thank you & best wishes to Stephanie Nicoll Sarah Hagens on leave of absence until Aug 2016

6 The ‘new’ clinical evaluation tool

7 Canadian Physiotherapy Assessment of Clinical Performance (ACP)
Online tool to evaluate students in clinical placement B. Mori at UT - PhD work Has been piloted tested across Canada in PDF form In Spring 2016 will be rolling out as an internet based evaluation Access it anywhere you have Internet Hosted through HSPnet Company who was successful in the RFP

8 ACP - Description No longer a VAS line to rank students
10 discrete anchors that have specific descriptions 7 domains based on the Essential Competency Profile for Physiotherapists in Canada At McMaster - benchmarks for each unit for a student to be provided a PASS Noted as ‘credit’ or ‘credit with distinction’ on the ACP

9 ACP - Sample

10 ACP – How will it roll out?
McMaster PT students CO 2017 will be evaluated with the ACP only Unit 2 placements will not use the CPI McMaster PT students CO2016 will finish their training with the CPI Unit 5 placements will use the pen & paper CPI

11 ACP - Training Prior to the first clinical placement that you will have with the ACP there is an online training module that you will be required to complete and submit the PDF certificate of completion Provides explanations of the anchors A one-time payment of a small stipend will be issued upon receipt of your training certificate

12 ACP - Online Access Final online version being generated
To access tool you will be ed an unique login and password to allow you to complete the ACP for the students that you have been assigned on placement TIP: Keep this until the final evaluation is complete, in case you forget the password To help us ensure you receive the login information, a link will be included in the to confirm your receipt Will be able to display the student and the CI versions on one computer for mid term and final evaluation Stay Tuned - we will provide updates as able!

13 WSIB updates

14 WSIB Updates Students are required to sign a student declaration prior to starting any clinical placement To do this – we will need to know the hours per week* each student is on placement When possible please submit this with your placement offer and /or the PT Clinical Education Assistant will to inquire *Note: if these change – please notify us

15 WSIB Updates Sites who do not have WSIB coverage:
Students will have access to coverage through ACE INA and not WSIB Sites will be provided with updated information in the WSIB form that accompanies placement packages We require a new form that is signed for every placement

16 Liability Insurance Updates

17 Site Liability Insurance
In order to fulfill Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) requirements, sites must be able to provide proof of $5 million commercial general liability (CGL) insurance Note: this is a change from the previously expected $2 million This will apply to new sites, and any renewing MOU’s Sites which already have an agreement (MOU) in place do not have to modify their existing amounts or re-submit the MOU. The new amount will apply the next time the MOU is renewed.

18 Clinical Education Workshops for 2016
First few clinical education workshops have been identified for 2016 APTA Credentialed Clinical Instructor Course Dates: Feb 5th and 6th Must attend BOTH days (all) to receive credential from APTA Content: supervision strategies for students, clinical evaluation Cost: $80.00 per person Includes a 1 year membership with the APTA as an international member Location: McMaster University (parking to be provided) Tobacco Cessation Workshop Hosted in partnership with Public Health Hamilton Date: TBD Time – 90 min Cost: Free Location – McMaster University

19 Clinical Education Workshops for 2016
Chronic Pain Webinar Hosted by: Jordan Miller,PT, PhD (candidate) Date – TBD April / May Outline and Details to follow To register for any of these events online


21 SOCIAL MEDIA Reminder – follow us on Twitter @MACPTClinEd
Information for anyone interested in our program New! Linked In Account – Target is Clinical Instructors Website Updated: All of the information we covered is available online here A recording of this meeting will be provided under Clinical Instructors > CI Training Modules

22 Part-time / Adjunct Faculty appointments
Opportunities include roles such as: Benefits to joining our faculty : Access to McMaster Health Sciences Library and online resources Links with SRS research groups Complimentary registration at McMaster PFD workshops Limited financial support for conference presentations Certificate to attest the appointment (on request) How to become a member: Contact: Tutor Clinical Lecturer/ Assistant Clinical Lecturer Clinical Lab Instructor Committee Member Guest Lecturer Evaluator Assistant Clinical Professor Mentor/ Consultant Perhaps we should keep both Sarah Professor Liliana Coman Department Education Coordinator School of Rehabilitation Science IAHS Room 403 x27832 OR: Sarah W / Sarah F

23 Questions?

24 Thank you & Happy Holidays!
To contact us: OR

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