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Ready Player One Ch. 21- read this at home

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1 Ready Player One Ch. 21- read this at home
Mrs bly Eng 4

2 2. What is Fyndoro’s Tablet of Finding and who owns it?
Ch 21 SQs 1. What is the Cataclyst? 2. What is Fyndoro’s Tablet of Finding and who owns it? 3. What planet does Wade think holds the Jade Key? 4. What is the name of Wade’s most frequently used spacecraft? 5. How did he get it?

3 Cataclyst “Most of the virtual items in the OASIS were created by the system at random, and they would ‘drop’ when you killed an NPC or completed a quest. The rarest such items were artifacts, super powerful magic items that gave their owners incredible abilities” (208). “Since artifacts were so rare, it was always big news when one went up for auction…. The record had been set three years ago when an artifact called the Cataclyst was auctioned off” (208) “…the Cataclyst had sold to an anonymous bidder for just over a million credits…. “…the Cataclyst was a sort of magical bomb, and it could only be used once…” “…when detonated, it would kill every single avatar and NPC in the sector, including its owner. There was no defense against it” (208).

4 Fyndoro’s Tablet of Finding
“Fyndoro’s Tablet of Finding wound up selling for even more than Cataclyst. According to the auction description, the tablet was a flat circle of polished black stone, and it had one very simple power” (209) “Once a day, its owner could write any avatar’s name on its surface, and the tablet would display that avatar’s location at that exact moment.” (209) “When Fyndoro’s Tablet of Finding went up for auction…the tablet wound up selling to the Sixers for almost two million credits. Sorrento himself used his own IOI account to bid on the tablet. He waited until the last few seconds of the auction and then outbid everyone” (210).

5 Jade key is on which planet???
After Art3mis finds the Jade Key, Sorrento and the Sixers use the Fyndoro’s Tablet of Finding to find her. They go to Sector Seven, but “Sector Seven contained hundreds of planets, moons, and other worlds, and the Jade Key could have been hidden on any one of them” (210). “Trophies. Somewhere in Sector Seven…Halliday.. Five Game Designer of the Year trophies...on display inside OASIS, on a planet called Archaide” (212). Could the Jade Key be on Archaide?!?!

6 Wade’s spacecraft “Sitting on the runway itself was my most frequently used spacecraft, the Vonnegut” (213). “The Vonnegut was a heavily modified Firefly-class transport vessel, modeled after the Serenity in the classic Firefly TV series” (213).

7 How did Parzival get his ship?
“I’d looted the Vonnegut from a cadre of Oviraptor clansmen who had foolishly attempted to hijack my X-wing while I was cruising through a large group of worlds in Sector Eleven known as the Whedonverse…After I disabled their engines, I boarded the ship and proceeded to kill every avatar there. The captain tried to apologize when he saw who I was, but I wasn’t in a forgiving mood. After I’d dispatched the crew, I parked my X-wing in the cargo hold and then cruised home in my new ship” (214).

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