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The Needs-Based Laptop Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "The Needs-Based Laptop Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Needs-Based Laptop Presentation
January 2013

2 Understanding The Need For Life Insurance
The chief function of life insurance is to create an estate - that is, a definite sum of money. Some of the money paid to a beneficiary normally is used to meet current financial obligations created by the insured’s death. The remainder of the money may also be used to meet future needs of the insured’s beneficiary or beneficiaries. Totaling the amounts required to pay for current and future expenses is often referred to as the “total needs approach” to determine how much life insurance a person should carry. 2

3 Obligations At Death Let’s begin with some immediate expenses incurred at death: A funeral costs money. So do doctors; so does the ambulance and the hospital, where even a short stay before death could add up to a sizable bill. A new car, medical and funeral expenses, plus debts or current bills all comprise what are known as the deceased’s final expenses. Final expenses are also called dying expenses.

4 Obligations At Death However, if people have a family dependent upon their income for their support and they die prematurely, we now have still other obligations they’re leaving behind, such as: Replacing the breadwinner’s income Taking care of the outstanding mortgage loan on the house (if any) Today, almost everyone recognizes the necessity of a good college education for their kids, if they hope to attain success in the business or professional world. Many conscientious parents consider it their duty – an obligation – to establish a fund for their children’s education. Income taxes, estate and inheritance taxes, because they resulted from death, all go to make up what could be called “Death Taxes.”

5 The Need For Life Insurance
No matter how many of these obligations an individual leaves behind, there’s only one thing that will satisfy them…money! For this reason, a person who wants to relieve the family of obligations when he or she dies will plan to leave them with an estate – money – that is sufficient to cover all needs.

6 Laptop Needs Approach The needs approach looks at what the needs of a family would be should the breadwinner die. These needs include paying off any final expenses, as well as meeting the requirements of the living. When the total is reached, it is compared to the existing amount of insurance to meet those needs. If there is a shortage, that’s the amount of additional life insurance needed.

7 The Needs Approach Example:
If Henry should die right now, he would leave his family in the following financial situation: Final Expenses + Debts ,000 Income Replacement (5 yrs) 175,000 Mortgage remaining ,000 College costs (2 children) ,000 TOTAL 440,000

8 The Needs Approach Obligations Assets
Final Expenses: $30,000 Whole Life: $0.00 Income: $175,000 Term & Work: $200,000 Mortgage: $155,000 Mortgage Ins $0.00 College: $80,000 College funds: $0.00 Total: $440,000 Total: $200,000 Additional Total Need For Insurance: $240,000 Need For Whole Life: $30,000 Need for term: $210,000

9 The Sales Process

10 Balance Between Human Element & Technology
In our very competitive world, clients buy products today based on advertising messages, word of mouth, reputation, etc. In the AIL and NILICO world, clients buy our products because they like and trust the agent. The laptop presentation is key to show professionalism. However, equally important is the understanding of how to balance the human element with the technology. Here’s an example: Let’s imagine that the sale process is represented by an upside down triangle. In it, you will see the percentages associated with each step of the sale: Rapport – 40%; Need – 30%; Presentation 20%; Close 10% We can easily assume then, if the laptop presentation takes care of the Need and Presentation part of the triangle, the human element must take care of the Rapport and Close. Therefore the balance between the technology and the human element must be

11 Agent Laptop Balance Between Human Element & Technology RAPPORT = 40%
NEED = 30% Laptop PRESENTATION = 20% CLOSE = 10%

12 The Art of Establishing Rapport
Buyers today are more professional and better educated because they are bombarded with sales pitches over the radio and TV. A professional agent can break through to all of this resistance by playing up to each customer as if that person is the first and the last client he/she will ever sell to. Make that customer want to do business with you.

13 People Buy From Agents They Trust
Customers sometimes feel threatened by an agent coming to their home. Their reaction can go from “run and hide”, to “make a lot of noise to scare the invader”, to “rise up and defend the territory”. Therefore everything an agent will do or say in the home will either produce tension or trust. Some sales people will back the customer into a corner and will start closing from the moment they walk in the home. This will build walls and not trust. Go slow, create trust and then move into your presentation. When your customer is tense, do something to ease the tension and when they are comfortable, proceed.

14 People Buy From Agents They Respect
When something goes wrong with your car you take it somewhere where you know they can fix it right. You trust your mechanic, if you like your car. Surely, you like your attorney, your accountant and your banker too, but not to fix your car. You listen to people you think will have something important to say. You look for signs of self confidence and success. Well, that is exactly how your prospects look at you. If you look, act and talk like you have something to say about things they need to hear, customers will give you the time to say it. Time, hence a few rules: Respect the prospect’s time even when they don’t. Meaning: don’t spend more time than you need to make a sale presentation. Respect the prospect’s territory. Remember that you are a guest so ask for permission to move around the room or come closer to show a brochure. Respect your prospect’s intelligence by being straight and up front and not use trickery to gain on them.

15 Rapport /Warm Up When you walk into a house, find a place where you can sit comfortably and face the prospects in front of you. Put your hands on the table, relax and establish rapport. Remember that people buy from you because they like you and they trust you. They buy you first, the company and the products after. Find something in common with your prospects and go from there. Avoid politics and religion. This should not last more than 15 minutes.

16 MAP of Videos and Scripts by Lead Type

17 MAP of Videos on Laptop On Demand Site
Laptop On Demand Supplemental Training Site User Name = Password = The password changes annually, check for current password on the Agency Resource Center at The layout of the videos matches what you will use when you present to each Lead Type. You will notice the differences are: The introduction; specific to Lead Type Group AD&D for Union, Credit Unions and Associations ONLY and Individual AD&D for others Mandatory Read-Off Letter for Union, Credit Union and Associations ONLY The Order of Introductory Offers – e.g., see Child Safe on next slide

18 Introductory Offer Presentation Order By Lead Type

19 How to use this slide pack
The No Cost Introductory Offers vary by Lead Type. E.g., you ONLY offer a GROUP AD&D to Union, Credit Union and Association members. You offer INDIVIDUAL AD&D to NON-Union, Credit Union or Association members. The first presentation, with scripts, is for a Union Member. Scripts for Referral, POS and Internet Surfin’ Guide are located at the end of this PPT. You need to use the Maps (previous slides) to insert the correct Introduction, Introductory Offer order and Scripts based on your client. Now, let’s start the Union Presentation.

20 Scenario 1 – Union, Credit Union and Associations ONLY
Client: What’s this all about anyway? Agent; it’s about your (group) mail out to the members and the benefits you are entitled to. Is this the first time you’ve mailed back the card? Client: Yes, it’s the first time Agent: Then let me start from the beginning and tell you what this is all about…..

21 Scenario 2 – Union, Credit Union & Associations ONLY
Client: No, I’ve mailed it before. Agent: Has anyone from the company ever been here before to review the benefits with you? Client: No. Agent: Then let me start from the beginning and tell you what this is all about…..

22 Scenario 3 – Union, Credit Union & Associations ONLY
Client: No, I’ve mailed it before. Agent: Has anyone from the company ever been here before to review the benefits with you? Client: Yes Agent: Did you apply for any of the programs available at that time? Client: No Agent: Then let me start from the beginning and tell you what this is all about…..

23 Scenario 4 – Union, Credit Union & Associations ONLY
Client: No, I’ve mailed it before. Agent: Has anyone from the company ever been here before to review the benefits with you? Client: Yes Agent: Did you apply for any of the programs available at that time? Client: Yes, I have a policy with you Agent: Do you have a folder that looks like this? (Show service file). Great, go get it for me please, so I can review your existing benefits while here and update your coverage. (It becomes a POS call)

24 Introduction - Union Lead Type Video
The members who respond to the mail out from the group are entitled to receive additional benefits, if they qualify for it. My job is simple: it is to provide you with the information of the no cost benefits that you are entitled to and at the same time show you the additional benefits you may qualify for. I’ll play a video for you that will explain the relationship between us and your group and explain better why I am here. (This first video is a MUST since it is an extension of the Warm Up). (open your laptop, sign on and go to the first step)

25 Select a Lead Type and Play Video

26 End of First Video

27 Group AD&D Transition The first benefit is your no cost Group AD&D benefit. This benefit has been provided to you by your (Group) as a way of thanking you for being a member in good standing. (Play the video)

28 No Cost Benefits

29 Thank the client and provide the Certificate
Say --“Thank You” Make sure the client signs the AD&D Certificate and then hit “Continue” to move to the referral video. PROVIDE MEMBER WITH THE CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE

30 End of Group AD&D Video

31 Ask “Who would you like to sponsor FIRST?”
Asking For Referrals As you can see, we are trying to extend these benefits to the people in your circle of influence whom you know can use it. Ask “Who would you like to sponsor FIRST?” Get your first sponsorship and ask “Who would you like to sponsor NEXT?”

32 Group AD&D Sponsorship Section

33 Child Safe Kit Transition
The next benefit is the Child Safe kit which is designed to help protect your children. I’ll let the video explain better: (Play the video)

34 Child Safe Kit

35 Present Child Safe Kit

36 Asking For Child Safe Sponsorships
Our goal is to provide these kits to every family with kids. For us to accomplish this, we are going to need your help: Ask “Who would you like to sponsor FIRST?” Get your first sponsorship and ask “Who would you like to sponsor NEXT?”

37 Child Safe Sponsorship Section

38 Discount Card

39 Discount Card Transition
This is an incredible value offered to the members at no cost for the first year. It will provide you with up to 60% discounts on prescriptions, vision, hearing and chiropractic services. (Play the video)

40 Asking For Discount Card Sponsorships
You have the opportunity to sponsor others to receive the discount card. Ask “Who would you like to sponsor FIRST?” Get your first sponsorship and ask “Who would you like to sponsor NEXT?

41 Discount Card Sponsorship Section

42 Prepping Customers For A Call To the Referrals
Mr. Prospect, Please make sure you give these people you sponsored a call. It is important they know we are going to give them a call to make an appointment and deliver the benefits, just like we are doing with you.

43 Mandatory Read Off Letter Transition
This is your mandatory read off letter: (IF you have the one for their group, please use it!) It basically says that after I show you the benefits, explain to you how they work and answer all your questions, you give us a simple yes or no. In other words, we anticipate these benefits will make sense to you. If so, go ahead and take advantage of them and if they don’t, here’s your (group) officer report form. I’ll have you complete this form to be returned to your (group) so they’ll get your feedback about these benefits.

44 Read Off Letter – use local letter if available

45 Report Form

46 Need For Life Insurance Video Transition
Each member who sends back a card is seen separately, because each member has a different need and a different want. What is right for you may not be right for the member I just saw, or the member that I will see after you Since everyone has a different need and a different want, this video will explain in simple words the need for these benefits. (Play the video)

47 End of Life Insurance Video

48 Needs Analysis Survey Transition
Now that you have more knowledge about the different types of insurance, I’ll go ahead and ask you some questions to see exactly what you qualify for and we’ll go on from there. (Proceed to Needs Analysis Survey)

49 Needs Analysis Survey

50 Asking The Survey Questions
To understand the idea behind the Survey Questions, the professional agent must go back to the basics and comprehend the entire concept of selling, which is: "Selling is asking, not telling; listening, not talking." Your magic question should be one to get the customer to open up and want to talk about the area you are trying to expose. It has to be sincere and right to the point.

51 Survey Question Examples
John, what is your date of Birth? And Mary, how young are you? John, what is your monthly take home income, plus-minus? And yours, Mary? Would that be fair to think that you’d like your kids to go to college? Do you know what the cost of college education is nowadays? Have you set aside any college funds for your kids yet? The way you qualify for the additional benefits is you must be in fairly good health. I’ll go ahead and ask you some questions about your health.

52 Survey Question Alert Remember to ask the arrest question: Has anyone ever been arrested for a D.U.I. or any other reason? When done asking the survey questions, always SAVE before submitting.

53 Transitioning the Product Videos
Once you submit the survey, the Needs Based logic will go to work on the data entered and will build the upcoming initial proposal. Before you play the initial proposal videos, always remember to transition the customer to what the video is going to say: Video 1: Final Expense Protection: Mr. Prospect, this first video will explain how the program will provide an immediate sum of money to take care of final expenses: (play the video)

54 Final Expense Protection Need

55 Final Expense Proposal

56 Preview Review Review the recommended coverage, the existing coverage, the need and the proposed amount Ask a closing question: “Makes sense so far?” Tie Down: Jim and Mary, I’m sure you can see how important this benefit is when something happens to you?

57 Monthly Income Protection
Mr. Prospect, Do you ever think about what would happen to your family financially if you passed away during your prime working years? How are they going to make it without your income? Well, we put aside our fear of mortality and thought of this as we should. This video will explain how that works: (Play the video)

58 Monthly Income Protection Need

59 Income Protection Proposal

60 Preview Review Review the recommended coverage, the existing coverage, the need and the proposed amount Ask a closing question: “Makes sense so far?” Tie Down: Jim and Mary, I’m sure you can see how important this benefit is when something happens to you?

61 Mortgage Protection Need
Mr. Prospect, Remember that there will be an adjustment period after the death of a breadwinner. But the most expensive bill, the mortgage, will still need to be paid. Let’s see how this is going to protect your family: (Play the video)

62 ADB Product = “YES” ALWAYS Click “Yes”

63 Mortgage Protection Need

64 Mortgage Protection Proposal

65 Preview Review Review the recommended coverage, the existing coverage, the need and the proposed amount Ask a closing question: “Makes sense so far?” Tie Down: Jim and Mary, I’m sure you can see how important this benefit is when something happens to you?

66 Children’s Education Need
The Need for our kids to get a college education seems to be almost indispensable, if we want to allow them to have a solid and prosperous financial future. This video will explain in simple terms how. (Play the video)

67 Children’s Education Need

68 Children’s Education Proposal

69 Preview Review Review the recommended coverage, the existing coverage, the need and the proposed amount Ask a closing question: “Makes sense so far?” Tie Down: Jim and Mary, I’m sure you can see how important this benefit is when something happens to you?

70 Final Proposal

71 Final Review At this point you need to do the final review, one need at a time. When finished, review the Terminal Illness benefit and the Child Rider. Proceed to the final question: “If it all makes sense, starting as of today you’ve taken an important step needed to be properly covered because this plan is intended to help you fulfill your current needs. And to make sure your current needs are protected they’ve given you two options to choose from:” Option 1, which provides all the benefits but has inflation built in for your final expense cost down the road OR Option 2, which covers all of your needs with a smaller amount of inflation protection built in. Which option works best for you?” What I need to do now is complete the application to see if you qualify and I’ll be on my way.

72 Objections – General Rules
If the price objection comes up, move to reduce the plan, one item at a time. Start with the whole life; reduce and recalculate; then ask: would this make you feel better? Keep decreasing the items that have the highest price: WL, change the Re-adj. income from 5 yrs to 3 yrs etc…until the logic comes up with an amount that it is comfortable for the prospect. The Key Point is to leave the full needs picture and reduce the cost. Do not take any of the needs away. THE NEXT 5 SLIDES SHOW HOW TO ADJUST THE PLAN – 1 STEP AT A TIME! Initial Offer = Whole Life at $30,000 + other Basic Needs Reduce Whole Life to $20,000 + other Basic Needs Reduce Whole Life to $15,000 + other Basic Needs Reduce Whole Life to $10,000 + other Basic Needs Reduce Whole Life to $7,500 + other Basic Needs Reduce Income Protection from 5 yrs to 3yrs

73 Initial Offer - $30,000 Whole Life - Inflation

74 Adjust Whole Life to $20,000 – Partial Inflation
Select $20K for both.

75 Adjust Whole Life to $15K – Non-Inflation
2. Select $15K for both. 1. Select Non-Inflation

76 Adjust Whole Life to $10,000 – Non-Inflation
1. Enter $10,000 for both AND 2. Click on Recalculate

77 Adjust Whole Life to $7,500 – Non-Inflation
1. Enter $7,50 for both AND 2. Click on Recalculate

78 Objection #1 “I can’t afford it” 1 of 3
I understand how you feel. Mr. Prospect, this is called Needs Analysis because it is designed to expose your needs, both for coverage and financially. Our goal is to help you fill the gaps of your coverage without hurting you financially. Let’s drop this final expense benefit to $ , still enough to cover funeral expenses and see what it does to the monthly premiums…… Ask: would this make you feel more comfortable? Continued on next slide

79 Start with the whole life; reduce and recalculate; then ask:
Objection #1 “I can’t afford it” of 3 Suggested Whole Life drop downs: from $30,000►$20,000 ►$15,000►$10,000►$7500); Suggested monthly income drop downs: 5yrs►3yrs►1yr) Start with the whole life; reduce and recalculate; then ask: Would this make you feel better? The Key Point is to leave the full needs picture and reduce the cost; do not take any of the needs away. Continued on next slide

80 “Mr. prospect, if something were to happen unexpectedly,
Objection #1 “I can’t afford it” of 3 If you feel there’s no breakthrough on re-adjusting the proposal, ask one final question: “Mr. prospect, if something were to happen unexpectedly, which one of these obligations would you rather have taken care of to protect your family at best?” Depending on the answer, you want to proceed by adjusting the proposal to the product that is going to fulfill the obligation chosen by the prospect, exclude all other products and close: “This is exactly what you want. Does it make final sense? se?”

81 Objection #2 “I already have insurance”
Yes, the Needs Analysis has already taken that into consideration and it has clearly exposed the need for more coverage. The last thing you’d want to do is leave your family exposed to serious financial strain when you are not around anymore to protect them. The real question is this: now that we know you need more, can you qualify for the additional coverage? And if you can, wouldn’t you want to take advantage of it now while the premiums are still low because of your age? The older you get, the more expensive it gets and the tougher it gets to qualify. Make sense? Let’s get you going and we’ll know for sure in four to six weeks whether we can issue this coverage or not. (If money issue comes up, go back to the “I can’t afford” close)

82 Objection #3 “I want to think about it” 1 of 3
Mr. Prospect, that goes both ways. The company will need to approve you first and that will take 4 to 6 weeks. Please, let me ask you, what is it about the program that makes you want to think about it? I can’t help you make a decision if I don’t know what it is. Wait for the answer and then provide a solution. You are a problem solver at this point). Possible answers: 1. Money ► go back to solution #1 2. I already have insurance ► go back to solution #2 3. We don’t make any decisions unless we think about it first Continued on next slide

83 Proceed to eApp Objection #3 “I want to think about it” 2 of 3
We don’t make any decisions unless we think about it first: Mr. prospect, I came here as a stranger and I’d like to leave as a friend. I would not consider me your friend unless I were to get you covered as of tonight. The Needs Analysis has exposed a gap in your protection that could become a financial disaster for your family when you are not around to protect them. This is not an opinion, but a fact exposed by the survey and proposal we filled out together. I want to help you make the right decision for your family, which is why I am asking you: what is it about the plan that makes you want to think about it? Proceed to eApp

84 Objections Summary What it all means: The needs analysis has exposed the need for insurance. All we need to do at this point is become problem solvers. No gimmicks, only genuine concern for the client’s welfare will make you win the customer in front of you and become their life insurance agent and problem solver.

85 Input Children’s Birthday

86 Super Combo Application

87 Referral Lead Type Introduction
Introduction: Agent: Hi, I’m (Agent Name) from American Income Life Insurance Company. (Offer your business card.) Client: What’s this all about it anyway? Agent: It’s about the benefits your (State relationship to prospect. IE: brother, sister, friend etc.) Bill sponsored you to receive. Did Bill fill you in on how the program works in any detail? Client: No not really. Agent: Then let me start from the beginning and tell you what this is all about.

88 Introductions for Non-Union, Credit Union & Association Leads
Introductions for additional Lead Types (Non-Union, Non-Credit Union & Non-Association) on the following slides Referral Child Safe POS Internet Surfin’ Guide (remember, you don’t provide the Internet Surfin’ Guide UNLESS you have an Internet Surfin’ Guide lead)

89 Referral Lead Type Introduction – Cont’d
The name of our company is American Income Life. Now we’re not your typical “insurance” company. Our company has specialized in providing supplemental insurance benefits to union, credit union and association members for over 50 years. Unless you are a member of one of these groups, we generally would not visit with you. Through the sponsorship program, original members are given the ability to sponsor people in their circle of influence, who they feel could use them the most. That’s what your _______Bill was able to do for you! First, I’ll play a video that explains the relationship between us and the different groups we work with and also the reason why I am here visiting with you. <Play Referral Lead Type Introduction Video>

90 Intro to Referral Lead Type Video (cont’d)
I’m sure you can see why your _____ Bill was so excited to sponsor you/your family for some of the benefits he received, right? NOW – you will offer the Individual AD&D as the first Introductory Offer. **** At this point, the presentation should be the same as if it were any other lead type.

91 Child Safe Lead Type Introduction
Introduction Walk to the door with Child Safe Kit. Agent: Hi, I’m (Agent Name) from American Income Life Insurance Company. (Offer your business card.) Client: What’s this all about? Agent: This is about the Child Safe kit you requested at ______ ( or were referred to received by____) Are you very familiar with how the Child Safe program works? Client: No not really…

92 Child Safe Lead Type Introduction – Cont’d
Agent: Well then let me start from the beginning and tell you what it’s all about. Again, the name of our company is American Income Life Insurance Company and we have been providing benefits to members of labor unions, associations, and credit unions for over 50 years. Unless you are a member of one of these groups, we generally would not visit with you. American Income Life also works with schools, child care facilities and your organizations to provide our No Cost Child Care Safe Kits throughout the community. The Child Safe Kits are endorsed by the International Union of Police Associations, American Federation of School Administrators and American Federation of Teachers!

93 Child Safe Lead Type Introduction – Cont’d
With that, we are going to do a few things her today: First and foremost, I will give you your no cost Child Safe Kits. After that, you are able to also receive some additional benefits at no cost as a way of saying thank you for seeing us today. Then I will show you some additional supplemental insurance benefits you may be able to qualify for.

94 Introduction to Child Safe Video
This first video will just refresh you on who we are as a company, and also explain better about why I am here. <play Child Safe lead intro video> **** At this point, the presentation should be the same as if it were any other lead type.

95 POS Lead Type Introduction
Walk to the door with CAS printout of Policy Information Agent: Hi, I’m (Agent Name) from American Income Life Insurance Company. (Offer your business card.) Client: What’s this all about? Agent: Well John and Mary, I’m here today to help service your policy and to make sure you are all up to date. Do you remember a lot about how your policy works? Client: No not really…

96 POS Lead Type Introduction – Cont’d
Agent: Well, then let me start from the beginning and tell you what it’s all about. We at American Income Life Insurance Company like to keep in touch with our Policy Owners every 6 to 18 months. I’m here today to do 3 simple things: 1) Give you some no cost some no cost benefits to thank you for being a policy owner with our company 2) Review your existing coverage and what it provides for you 3) Do a Needs Analysis to make sure your current coverage is adequate to take care of your needs.

97 Introduction to POS Lead Type Video
This first video will just refresh you on who we are as a company, and also explain better about why I am here. <play POS video> **** At this point, the presentation should be the same as if it were any other lead type.

98 Internet Surfin’ Guide Introduction
Agent: Hi, I’m (Agent Name) from American Income Life Insurance Company. (Offer your business card.) Client: What’s this all about anyway? Agent: It’s about the Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety you requested. As a parent, you are probably very concerned about the dangers the Internet presents to your children, and that’s why I am here today. I brought the brochure with me and I will make sure I answer all of your questions. Let me start from the beginning.

99 Internet Surfin’ Guide Introduction
The name of our company is American Income Life Insurance Company and we have been providing benefits to members of labor unions, associations, and credit unions for over 50 years. Through our work with these organizations, we have been in touch with thousands of working families with children by providing them our Child Safe Kits. Because of this unique relationship with working families, the Safe Surfin’ Foundation reached out to us, asking for our help in spreading the message about Internet Safety to families with children.

100 Internet Surfin’ Guide Introduction
American Income, with the help of the Foundation has developed the Hang 10 Internet Safety Program. American Income prints and distributes the Hang 10 materials, as well as the Child Safe Kits, at no cost because we believe it is everyone’s responsibility, including ours, to help protect children.

101 Internet Surfin’ Guide Video Introduction
I am going to go ahead and play this short video that will explain in simple words what the intent is and the importance of the Internet Surfin’ Guide. <Play Internet Surfin’ Guide Video> I’m sure you can see why we are working closely with the Safe Surfin’ Foundation to help protect our children. What I’ll do now is, I’ll show you some additional no cost benefits provided to families like you as a way to say “thank you for seeing us today”. **** At this point, the presentation should be the same as if it were any other lead type.

102 Good Selling!

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