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The body and conclusion

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Presentation on theme: "The body and conclusion"— Presentation transcript:

1 The body and conclusion
Writing as a Process The body and conclusion

2 What is the Body??? Paragraphs that support or prove a main point by developing it with supporting details! There are 4 important elements in each body paragraph 1. Unity 2. Coherence 3. References 4. Transitions

3 Unity All paragraphs and ideas should flow together in a smooth way. Your essay should support a central idea!

4 Coherence Coherence: ideas that are woven together so they’re strongly connected. Ideas are easy to follow. The essay doesn’t sound awkward or disjointed.

5 Direct References Connect ideas by referring to them throughout the essay Use pronouns (she, he) to avoid repeating nouns over and over Repeat key words or phrases in every paragraph Use synonyms or slight rewordings to avoid TOO much repetition

6 Transitions Each paragraph should be linked by using a transition On the same topic: consequently clearly, then furthermore additionally and in addition moreover because besides that in the same way following this further also pursuing this further in the light of the... it is easy to see that

7 Transitions Contrast (opposite):
however on the other hand but yet nevertheless on the contrary

8 What is the conclusion??? The end of the essay!! Use one of the 6 techniques to finish your paper!

9 Restate your main idea Repeat your thesis, but use different words.
It works well to put your thesis statement at the beginning of the last paragraph.

10 Summarize the main points you’ve developed
Use different wording to sum up your main points.

11 End with a final comment or example
Your last word may be a thoughtful observation, a personal reaction, or a look at future or larger issues.

12 End with a call to action
Persuasive essays often end this way. They ask the reader to take specific action.

13 Refer to the introduction
Bring the reader back full circle by referring to something in your introduction.

14 Use a quotation A quotation that’s startling or moving works well to end an essay.

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