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Session 2 - Foundation + Endorsement Program

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1 Session 2 - Foundation + Endorsement Program
Welcome BRIDGELAND High School Class of 2021 Let’s begin our focus on your future planning! Today you will get the BIG PICTURE of where we are headed. Later, we will take each part of this and examine it in more detail. In 2013, the Texas Legislature implemented a new plan for graduation for Texas public high schools. The name of that plan is the Foundation High School Program + Endorsement. 8th to 9th Registration 2017

2 What you need today!! Registration Form (Due to your Advisory Teacher March 10th) Electives List & CTE changes Remember -- only the Middle School Counselor can make adjustments to course selections for next year.

3 Important High School Terms
Credit A unit showing a student has successfully completed a course Each passing semester of a course earns 0.5 credits GPA Grade Point Average The average grade earned by a student, figured by dividing the grade points earned by the number of credits attempted . All courses taken in high school are averaged into the GPA with a few non-credit exceptions. Higher GPAs equate to more college and scholarship opportunities The CFISD GPA is based on a 6 point weighted scale The GPA determines class rank Class Rank The measure of a student’s performance in comparison to other students in the class (grade level)

4 Top 10% Admissions Automatic admission to Texas public institutions
Exception : UT Austin accepts top 7% (subject to change) Must submit completed application prior to deadline set by the university Graduate under Foundations Endorsement Plan Provide additional documents required by the university ***Note: Universities may limit the number of first time freshmen eligible for admission due to enrollment caps – check with specific universities for details

5 Grade Points HONOR GRADUATES Summa Cum Laude: 6.5 GPA or higher
Grading Scale Regular Level Advanced Level (K/AP) A = A = 6.0 A = 7.0 B = 80-89 B = 5.0 B = 6.0 C = 75-79 C = 4.0 C = 5.0 C- = 70-74 C- = 3.0 C- = 4.0 F = 0-69 F = 0.0 HONOR GRADUATES Summa Cum Laude: 6.5 GPA or higher Magna Cum Laude: 6.25 GPA or higher Cum Laude: 6.0 GPA or higher

6 How to Calculate GPA Eng I – K 91 (A) 7 Alg I 80 (B) 5 W. Geog. 85 (B)
Determine each semester letter grade Award grade points Add points Divide by total number of semester averages added together Carry out to 4 decimal points Eng I – K 91 (A) 7 Alg I 80 (B) 5 W. Geog. 85 (B) Bio 78 (C) 4 PACE 92 (A) 6 PE 99 (A) Span 2 83 (B) Total 38 GPA: 38/7 =

7 Session 2 - Foundation + Endorsement Program
Grade Averaging Credits are awarded by the semester. It takes two semesters to earn one full credit. Students who fail the 1st semester but pass the 2nd semester of a course may grade average and earn one full credit if the grades average to 70. Students who pass the 1st semester but fail the 2nd semester will earn only ½ credit. The 2nd semester of that course will have to be repeated. Course Credit 1st Semester 2nd Semester PACE 0.5 82 English I 65 83 Health World Geo 81 Algebra I 72 63 Biology I 71 77 Spanish IIIK 95 92

8 What does an “F” do to my GPA?
9th Grade Presentation 9/17/2018 What does an “F” do to my GPA? GPA Calculation without “F”: English I 91 (A) = 6 Algebra I 80 (B) = 5 W. Geo K (B) = 6 Biology (C) = 4 Spanish I (B) = 5 PACE (A) = 6 PE / Ath. 100(A)= 6 38 38 ÷ 7 = GPA GPA Calculation with “F”: English I (A) = 6 Alg I 60(F) = 0 W. Geo K 85(B) = 6 Biology 78(C) = 4 Spanish I 83(B) = 5 PACE 92(A) = 6 PE / Ath (A) = 6 33 33 ÷ 7 = GPA

9 Session 2 - Foundation + Endorsement Program
How is a Semester Average Calculated? 1st Grading Period – added 3 times 2nd Grading Period – added 3 times Semester Exam - counts as 1/7 of the semester grade* Unless you are exempted from the semester exam EX: GP 1 = 85 GP 2 = 90 Sem. Ex = 82 3(85) + 3(90) + 82 = 607/ 7 =86.7=87 Grading Periods will begin in

10 High School Course Levels
Session Year Plan - English & Math High School Course Levels L = on-level K = above level – more rigorous; similar to Level 1 in middle school H = Horizons (G/T) - must be tested and identified AP = Advanced Placement – earn possible college credit by taking AP exam in the spring DC = Dual Credit – earn both high school credit and college credit for specific high school courses; specific entry requirements must be met before enrolling in these courses This week, we explained to students that many courses have prerequisites. For example, Alg. I NEW COURSE LEVEL NAMES: *Level 1 is renamed to K level in high school and is more rigorous. *DC and AP classes are college-level classes; the differences between the two will be discussed in greater detail in PACE next year. *Students should understand that they MAY earn college credit by taking AP & DC courses, but it isn’t automatic.

11 Advanced Classes Eligibility for K/AP- level course entry: A grade of 85+ in previous year avg. of L level class in same subject area, or 75+ in previous year of K (Level 1 Middle School) Students will be removed if they have a C- (74-70) in a K/AP level class at Semester Students will be removed if they have an F (69 or below) in a K/AP level class for any grading period

12 Notes regarding K and AP classes
Algebra I is not available for K-level credit All freshman will take Biology L or K next year. K/AP courses in high school require an additional 1-2 hour of studying per course each night Human Geography AP, World History AP, and AP Computer Science Principles are freshman college level courses. College credit may be earned through AP test scores as determined by each college.

13 Credit from Middle School Classes
Algebra I 1.0 Art Touch System Data Entry (Keyboarding) .5 Business Information Management 1.0 Principles of Human Services .5 Principles of Hospitality/Tourism .5 Concepts of Engineering 1.0 Principles of Manufacturing 1.0 Principles of Information Technology .5 Spanish 1-3K, French per year Professional Communications .5

14 EOC Tests Required for Graduation
Algebra I English I Biology English II US History

15 Endorsements Business and Industry
Arts and Humanities (Opt. 4 English – NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Multidisciplinary Studies Public Service STEM— must have Alg. II, Chemistry and Physics Students must declare a primary Endorsement area by the end of 8th grade (may also choose additional areas) Students will review selection during PACE class and may change endorsement area(s)

16 Graduation Requirements
Session 2 - Foundation + Endorsement Program Graduation Requirements Academic Discipline Foundation + Endorsement Distinguished* English 4 credits Math 3 + 1 4 * (must include Algebra II) Science 4 Social Studies 3 Foreign Language 2 Fine Arts 1 Physical Education Health .5 PACE Electives 4 + 2 6 Total Credits for Graduation 26 *Eligible for top 10% admissions to Texas public 4-year institutions and TEXAS Grant eligibility This is the Foundation Program. The Academic Discipline or subject area is listed on the left hand side. The number of required credits is listed beside each subject area; the total credits required for graduation is 26. On the far right, there is a DISTINGUISHED column. Some of you will choose this option; more information on this will be given later. In this new graduation program you will have personal choice, flexibility, and options.

17 Required Course for Graduation
PACE Health Physical Education Fine Arts Languages Other Than English Electives

18 A typical 9th grade schedule…
English I Algebra I Biology World Geography/World History PACE / Health or PE Elective or foreign language Elective English I Geometry Biology World Geography/World History PACE / Health or PE Elective or foreign language Elective

19 Athletics vs. P.E. In high school, you must play a sport to be in athletics. Check the athletic courses page for the specific sport you are interested in. Only certain sports, like football, allow 9th graders to enroll. 9TH graders may NOT sign up for Boys Track, Boys Baseball, Boys & Girls Golf, and Volleyball. If you play multiple sports, register for the sport that is played 1st during the school year.

20 What’s in the Course Offerings and Description Book?
Testing Requirements for High School Graduation Course Offerings Departments Guidance and Counseling Course Offering and Description Book Grade Classification Standards K and Advanced Courses – Advanced Class Entry/Exit criteria Other Learning Opportunities College Dual Credit Class Ranking Review of Graduation Requirements

21 Promotion to 10th Grade One year of attendance in high school Earned a total of 5 credits, including all of Algebra I and English I ****Students may not go to Geometry without successfully completing all of Algebra I

22 Review and Finalize Your 9th Grade Course Selections
Session 2 - Foundation + Endorsement Program Review and Finalize Your 9th Grade Course Selections There have been many changes in courses for next year. Many courses have new names and course numbers New Courses have been added Some courses have gone from a semester to a full year course and some from a 1 period class to a 2 period class. There are new prerequisites for some courses

23 Alternate Courses for 9th Grade ***You must choose 3
Session 2 - Foundation + Endorsement Program

24 Session 2 - Foundation + Endorsement Program
Changes to be aware of:


26 When choosing courses Choose courses required for graduation
Assure you’re working on one endorsement Look into what colleges want/require Think about your GPA Think about class rank When I ask seniors, “If you could do high school all over again, would you do anything differently?” Almost 100% share they’d take their freshman year more seriously. Any courses taken after 8th grade will go into your cumulative GPA. The lower your GPA, the higher your SAT/ACT scores have to be.

27 August 2017 No Schedule Changes
No elective changes in August Schedules will only be changed in August if: Student does not meet prerequisite(s) for the course Student does not meet grade placement requirement for the course Student already has credit in the course Student is placed in an inappropriate level Student has not met grade requirement for K-level, AP, or Horizons placement ***MAY 25TH, 2017 is the last day to request a schedule change. Bridgeland is allocated teachers and hires teachers based on registration numbers from Spring registration.

28 Finish Strong Your grades will determine level placement for classes in 9th grade. STAAR/EOC scores are very important. If satisfactory scores are not reached, you may be placed in Reading 180 or Algebra Lab to provide additional support for success on Exit level EOC’s in high school

29 Credit Check – Pop Quiz How many credits do you need for the Foundations Plan; the Foundations with Endorsement Plan? Name at least 3 required classes every freshman take. When must you take PACE? How many classes are in a regular school day in high school? How many credits do you need and which classes do you need to be classified as a sophomore? How many endorsements may a student receive?

30 Session 2 - Foundation + Endorsement Program
Looking Ahead… Registration Forms are Due: MARCH 10TH Course Verification forms will go home in May Last Day to make course changes: MAY 25TH

31 In Closing Ninth grade is the year to :
Improve grades and study habits Read, Read, Read Attend tutorials after school Get involved in clubs and organizations (NHS requirement) Volunteer in the community and keep a record of all hours beginning the summer after 8th grade. (NHS requirement) Begin building a portfolio Be the best Bridgeland HS student you can be!! Work on improving grades and study habits Get involved in clubs and organizations here at CyWoods - there are approximately 50 clubs here. Do volunteer work in your community, neighborhood or church. Begin building a portfolio You are Master of Your Future and can create the picture you desire and become a successful person.

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