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Faculty Senate Meeting October 24, 2013

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1 Faculty Senate Meeting October 24, 2013

2 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of September 19, 2013 meeting minutes Campus Reports and Responses Tom Richards (Treasurer and Interim Vice President, Finance, UM System) Guest speaker unavailable for this meeting of the Faculty Senate V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

3 Agenda VIII. Adjourn I. Call to Order and Roll Call
- Melanie Mormile, Secretary II Approval of September 19, 2013 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses Tom Richards (Treasurer and Interim Vice President, Finance, UM System) Guest speaker unavailable for this meeting of the Faculty Senate V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

4 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of September 19, 2013 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses Tom Richards (Treasurer and Interim Vice President, Finance, UM System) Guest speaker unavailable for this meeting of the Faculty Senate V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

5 Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch
Administrative Reports i) C. Schrader ii) K. Krishnamurthy for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council Mark Fitch for A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer

6 President’s Report October 24, 2013
Faculty Senate Report October 24, 2013 President’s Report October 24, 2013

7 Faculty Senate Report October 24, 2013 Intercampus Faculty Council: FAS replacement moving forward (committee recommended, IFC endorsed, provosts and chancellors) CRR revision to allow diplomas to carry “in collaboration with” other schools. Process: Normal establishment of program After three years involvement, dep’t may request diploma include other institution name Diploma partner approval route: (1) partner institution screening committee, three faculty + VPUS + VPGS ; (2) provost and chancellor; (3) UM president IT security policy proposal feedback requested

8 Faculty Senate Report October 24, 2013 IT security policy proposal, feedback requested Information security training: Annual or bi-annual training for all employees Training at new employee orientation More frequent but very brief modules. Additional training if/when an employee is known to have caused an incident Password change occasionally

9 Faculty Senate Report October 24, 2013 IT security policy proposal, feedback requested (cont.) Device security – all devices IT setup/provision of devices, no jailbreaking PC/Laptop login with strong password (as now) Smart phone/tablet PIN or password Flash drive password Require VPN on non-UM networks Store all original and/or current versions of data, documents on University-owned, provided or endorsed system rather than stored on a device Device security – FERPA data (e.g. student names) above plus: Comply with UM policy on disposal Encryption strongly recommended Not bring on international travel recommended

10 Faculty Senate Report October 24, 2013 Campus: Academic free hour discontinued effective FS 2014 Chancellor drafting letter on timeline for structural changes Funded strategic plan proposals available on request

11 Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch
Administrative Reports i) C. Schrader ii) K. Krishnamurthy for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council Mark Fitch for A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer

12 Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch
Administrative Reports i) C. Schrader ii) K. Krishnamurthy for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council Mark Fitch for A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer

13 Office of Undergraduate Studies
LEAD LEAD learning assistance ( has achieved several new records in Fall 2013; 43 undergraduate Peer Learning Assistants (previous record was 40 in Fall 2012) Tutoring in 37 courses (previous record was 29 in Spring 2013) Learning Centers in 51 courses (ties the record set in Spring 2013) LEAD learning assistance in 64 different courses (ties the record set in Spring 2013) 57 participating LEAD faculty associates (although 57 LEAD faculty does not beat the record of 64 set in Fall 2012, it provides opportunity to expand in the future).

14 Office of Undergraduate Studies
The Writing Center Record Student Traffic 700+ tutoring sessions by Week #7 Compare to: 856 in all of spring 2013 Previous record of 1002 in fall 2012

15 Library & Learning Resources
Materials Budget Cut Report 14 subscriptions to databases, book packages, or journal packages were cut and 2 were partially cut 41 individual journal subscriptions were cut 6 appeals were received, 1 appeal was upheld Those items appealed but still cut will be added to a list for future consideration should the budget allow.

16 Office of International Affairs
Celebration of Nations 2013 More than 57 countries represented in parade More than 2000 in attendance at exhibition area Community support – both financial and in-kind 49 exhibitors – 26 student organizations Parade included floats with musical performers & marching bands 21 talented competitors in International Idol International students visited area schools in a 30 mile radius.

17 Office of International Affairs
Study Abroad Fair was held on September 3, Eighteen presenters participated in providing information to students interested in studying abroad and faculty and staff who travel on university business.

18 Sponsored Student Services hosted a dinner for 2 visiting dignitaries and 36 Missouri S&T students from Botswana. After the dinner the students and visitors were treated to a square dancing demonstration and instruction by the Duck-N-Dive Square Dancing Club.

19 Global Learning The number of course sections delivered to working professionals continues to climb and has reached an all time high as reflected in the graph below.

20 Global Learning A corresponding increase in student credit hours has resulted in a record financial return to S&T with an estimated FS 2013 income of approximately $3,000,000.

21 Office of Sponsored Programs
Summary of FY14 activities through the end of August and a year-over-year comparison are as follows: Proposals awarded in total dollars: $8.5M (down 71.1%) Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 75 (up 47.1%) Proposals submitted in total dollars: $15.2M (up 2.7%) Number of proposals submitted: 81 (up 62%) Total expenditures: $10.7M (up 18.0%) Net grant and contract expenditures: $8.0M (up 26.3%) F&A recovered: $1.7M (up 17.6%) Number of active awards: 613 (up 4.3%) Net grant and contract expenditures is calculated as total expenditures - federal student financial aid. 21

22 Enrollment Management
Recent Student Retention/Success Events: Reconnection I – Almost 400 (double last year’s number) first-time freshmen and transfers reconnected with their opening week mentor for discussion about academic success Majors and Minors – 17 academic departments showcase, 200+ students participated (History department talked to 42 students)

23 Enrollment Management
Beginning Fall 2014 the Academic Free Hour, noon on MWF, will be discontinued and classes may be scheduled during this period. The proposal had broad support and was approved by the Provost and Chancellor.

24 Strategic Planning 30 Levers 19 Levers FY2014 189 Actions
108 Actions FY2014

25 LEVER LEADERS (19 Levers FY2014)
1.1 Jeff Cawlfield 1.2 Debra Robinson and Nancy Stone 1.3 Jeff Cawlfield and Larry Gragg 2.1 K. Krishnamurthy and Jim Drallmeier 2.2 Kent Wray 2.3 K. Krishnamurthy and Jim Drallmeier 2.4 Andy Careaga 2.5 Henry Wiebe 2.7 Shenethia Manuel 3.1 Kelvin Erickson 3.2 Henry Wiebe and Edna Grover-Bisker 3.3 Phil Whitefield and Ted Ruth 3.4 Laura Stoll and Shenethia Manuel 3.5 Joan Nesbitt and Jim Murphy 3.8 Phil Whitefield 3.9 Joan Nesbitt 4.1 Henry Wiebe 4.2 Kelvin Erickson, Klaus Woelk 4.5 Venkata Allada

26 Theme 1 – Develop and Inspire Creative Thinkers and Leaders and Life-long Success
Lever 1.1: Require all undergraduate students to participate in some significant experiential activity before graduation Action 1.1.1: Create a defining comprehensive list of activities that are supported by research as significant experiential activities. Create a consensus definition of experiential learning Begin building a comprehensive list of activities that are supported by research as significant experiential activities (Target: completion by December 2013)

27 Theme 1 – Develop and Inspire Creative Thinkers and Leaders and Life-long Success
Action : Incorporate experiential/service learning into the core curriculum in all degree programs at any level beginning in the freshmen year [Target: Faculty Senate approval of each curriculum by completion of second year of strategic plan (complete by June 2015)]

28 Work Completed to date and future work remaining:
Research by UGS office: how do comparator institutions and TRU’s define “experiential learning”? First draft definition of “significant experiential learning activity” developed and presented to Provost’s direct reports at the Academic Affairs retreat in August. Circulated to Student Affairs for input. Second draft is being circulated to faculty for input by department chairs. Input requested by October 31.

29 Work Completed to date and future work remaining (continued):
Final consensus definition and guidelines to be submitted to Provost by mid-November. Faculty in each degree program will develop/regulate their own comprehensive list of activities that will count as “significant experiential learning” within the spirit of the definition and guidelines approved by the Provost. Office of Undergraduate Studies will work with degree programs to develop mechanisms for tracking and assessing completion by each student as part of Degree Audit.

30 Best-in-Class Strategic Areas for Investment Committee Members
Purpose: To develop a process to solicit and prioritize input/proposals to recommend four best-in-class strategic areas for investment as noted in the S&T strategic plan Lever 2.1. Two strategic areas to be chose in January, 2014 Two strategic areas to be chosen in April, 2014 Committee will be dissolved near the end of the 2014 spring semester when it completes its work Committee members: Name Constituency Department 1 Jim Drallmeier, co-chair Department Chair MAE 2 K. Krishnamurthy, co-chair VPR Missouri S&T 3 Larry Gragg History & Political Science 4 Dan Waddill Physics 5 Joel Burken Center Director CArE 6 Matt O’Keefe MSE 7 Daryl Beetner Faculty ECE 8 Beth Cudney EMSE 9 Robert Landers 10 Curt Elmore GSE 11 Yinfa Ma Chemistry 12 Melanie Mormile Biological Sciences 13 V. Samaranayake Math & Stat 14 Joseph Smith CBE 15 Sajal Das CSc 16 Samuel Frimpong NME 17 Bih-Ru Lea BIT 18 Kate Drowne English and Technical Communication 19 Nancy Stone Psychological Science 20 Irina Ivliyeva ALP 21 Michael Davis Economics

31 Strategic Planning Draft Performance Measures for Departments and Non-degree Awarding Units were submitted September 30, 2013 Departments and Academic Affair Units were requested to update their strategic plans to appropriately reflect the 4 themes and 30 levers that constitute the S&T plan and make an effort to provide 2020 targets. They will report on these plans on January 7, 2014 and January 15, 2014 respectively. The request for Lever 2.2 and Faculty Hires has been distributed and instructions provided for preparing proposals for 16 faculty positions and are to be submitted to the Provost’s Office on or before October 18, 2013 The review committee will evaluate the proposals and submit its recommendations to the Chancellor and Provost by October 28, Decisions regarding faculty position awards will be announced November 8, 2013.

32 Strategic Planning Lever 2.5 Modify our conventional methods of teaching to accommodate current, new and advanced technology that will enhance student learning and increase faculty productivity. Received strategic initiative funding to accomplish redesign of the calculus sequence Received $132,000 from System with $66,000 match Two years per course to complete redesign: Calculus I: Fall 2013 – Spring 2015 Calculus II: Fall 2014 – Spring 2016 Calculus III: Fall 2015 – Spring 2017 Using NCAT and other generally accepted re-design principles as guidelines.

33 Strategic Planning Guidelines for Awarding Strategic Initiative Funding for Lever 3.3 which consists of $500,000 in strategic funding provided by UM System to be matched with $500,000 from external donations was distributed October 2, Draft Guidelines were attached. Depending on the number of applications received and approved, it is anticipated a range of 5 to 10 projects will be funded through this program. Applications will be available in the fall semesters of 2013 at a date TBA. Applications will be reviewed by a university committee consisting of: Kent Wray Jeff Cawlfield Henry Wiebe Joan Nesbitt Ted Ruth Greg Smith Funding recommendations will be made by the committee to the Chancellor. Final approval will be made by the Chancellor.

34 Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch
Administrative Reports i) C. Schrader ii) K. Krishnamurthy for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council Mark Fitch for A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer

35 Staff Council October Report

36 Current Committees Faculty Senate
Chancellor’s Committee on Diversity and Inclusion Personnel Chancellor’s Council Charitable Awareness Professional Development Crisis Communications Campus Performing Arts Series Parking Intercampus Staff Advisory Council Web Welcome Fall Apprecation Staff Recognition Awards Staff Recognition Day Planning Staff In-Motion 16 committees 9/17/2018

37 To be appointed as needed
Standing Committees Advocacy Campus Involvement Communications Executive Representative To be appointed as needed Special Interest Committees To be defined as needed Examples: Fall Appreciation Day, Staff Day, Elections, etc. 9/17/2018

38 Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch
Administrative Reports i) C. Schrader ii) K. Krishnamurthy for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council Mark Fitch for A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer

39 Turf Resolution Resolution 1314R1

40 2008 Resolution The 2008 referendum says that the students support up to 50% of the funding for recreational updates. The students then needed to pay $30 in the Student Activity Fee, which you still pay today.

41 2013 Resolution Our school is continuing to grow and we need to keep the fields up to date and playable. The Geo Thermal project has opened up a great opportunity for us. One of the fields have been torn up and instead of putting seed back down, we would be able to place artificial turf instead. We have $300,000 on the table.

42 Because the Geo Thermal project is moving so quickly, we need to make a fairly quick decision so they are able to move forward with the project. We just found out less than two month ago that we would have the $300,000 to use toward the fields. That is why we are acting quickly and trying to take advantage of this opportunity.

43 We have been trying to find other funding
We have been trying to find other funding. We have received some donations, and we are continuing to do so. The students are being asked to pay up to 75% of the funding, just in case we do not receive all of the donations we need. This would not exceed $1,825,000 If the students do not pass the resolution and we do not have enough donations, then the project will NOT happen.

44 If we agree to pay up to 75% of the funding, the activity fee WILL NOT increase.
The activity fee will stay at $30/student. It will just take a few more years for the fields to be paid off.

45 Which Field will be Affected?
The football field will become turf. The field will then be marked for soccer and football games. Other students will also be able to utilize the field, just as long as the football or soccer team are not using it. The IM field by Gale Bullman will also become a turf field. This will be a better playing surface, and will also allow IM teams to use the field even if it has rained.

46 Frat Row Fields The Frat Row fields will also be worked on. They will not become turf right now, they will only be leveled out and re-seeded for a better playing surface. It would cost $3,000,000 more for the Frat Row fields to have turf The projects will be completed by Fall 2014

47 Questions or Concerns?

48 Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch
Administrative Reports i) C. Schrader ii) K. Krishnamurthy for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council Mark Fitch for A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer

49 Council of Graduate Students
Current Endeavors Travel Grants Seminar Series Application window for conferences between July 1 – Dec 31, 2013 is November 1st - 15th Beyond Grad School CGS General Meeting Addressing graduate student concerns and preparing graduate students for upcoming campus events (e.g. Career Fair) Strategic Planning Moving CGS Forward Recommend constitution revisions as needed

50 Council of Graduate Students Graduate Research Showcase
Planning Ahead Graduate Research Showcase IGNITE Session Campus-wide Graduate Student Poster Session Faculty Judges (please) 5-minute TED style talk Encourage communication of research activities and ideas at a broader level Fast-paced and Fun Trial in February – hope to make this a fall semester event in the future April 7 – 11, 2014 Graduate Education Week

51 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of September 19, 2013 meeting minutes Campus Reports and Responses IV. Tom Richards (Treasurer and Interim Vice President, Finance, UM System) Guest speaker unavailable for this meeting of the Faculty Senate V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

52 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of September 19, 2013 meeting minutes Campus Reports and Responses Tom Richards (Treasurer and Interim Vice President, Finance, UM System) Guest speaker unavailable for this meeting of the Faculty Senate V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

53 Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Curricula D. Tauritz
Rules, Procedures and Agenda S. N. Balakrishnan Curricula D. Tauritz Student Affairs A. Pringle ITCC T. Vojta

54 Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Curricula D. Tauritz
Rules, Procedures and Agenda S. N. Balakrishnan Curricula D. Tauritz Student Affairs A. Pringle ITCC T. Vojta

55 Campus Curricula Committee Report October 24, 2013
Announcements Paul Worsey elected to CCC to represent Graduate Council Jennifer Thorpe announced her resignation from S&T; until a new Associate Registrar is in place, Deanne Jackson will represent the Registrar’s Office Degree Audit Reports are being programmed to accommodate the inclusion of both 3-digit and 4-digit course numbers; the Registrar’s Office will request departmental input as needed 2 Experimental Course (EC) forms (informational only)

56 Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Curricula D. Tauritz
Rules, Procedures and Agenda S. N. Balakrishnan Curricula D. Tauritz Student Affairs A. Pringle ITCC T. Vojta

57 Student Affairs Committee Report to Faculty Senate October 24, 2013
Common Exams

58 Common Exams, Spring 2013 21 ML King Day 22 23 24 25 26 February 28 29
21 ML King Day 22 23 24 25 26 February 28 29 30 31 Math 22 7:30 pm 1 2 4 5 Math 14 5:00 pm 6 7 Chem 1 5:00-6:00 Math 15 5:00 pm 8 9 11 12 13 Civ Eng 50 6:00-7:30 14 15 16 18 19 Physics 24 5:00-6:15 20 Physics 23 5:00-6:00 Chem 1 5:00-6:00 March Eng Mgt 137 6:00-7:00 27 28 Math 204 7:30 7 9 Mid. Sem. Spring Recess 21 Chem 1 5:00-6:00 Math 4 Final 4:00-6:00 Spring Break April 3 Math 204 7:30 9 Eng Mgt 137 6:00-7 10 17 Math 22 final 7:00-9 25 Chem 1 5:00-6:00 Math 6 4:00-6:00 May 2 Math 204 7:30 13 Finals Week

59 Common Exams, Fall 2013 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 September
19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 September 2 Labor Day 3 4 5 Math 15 5:00 6 7 92 10 Math 14 5:00 11 IDE 50 5:00-6:30 12 13 14 16 17 Physics 24 5:00-6:15 18 Physics 23 5:00-6:00 Math 22 7:30 Thurs? Eng Mgt 137 6:00-8:00 25 26 Math 204 7:30 October 1 8 9 15 Math 4 Final 4:00-6:00 24 Math 204 7:30 November 29 Math 14 5:00 Math 22 7:30 Math 6 4:00-6:00 21 Math 204 7:30 25 Thanksgiving 26 Thanksgiving 27 Thanksgiving 28 Thanksgiving 29 Thanksgiving December 3 Math 22 7:30 9 Finals Week

60 Department Chairs Subcommittee
Summary of Recommendations: 1. Keep common exams. 2. One hour across the week should be reserved for common exams. Suggested times: 7:00 am, 12:00 pm (MWF), and 5:00 pm. Need at least three days a week. 3. If a class is scheduled during a common exam time, the instructor of the class that conflicts with the common exam should be prepared to accommodate the students taking the common exam. 4. Flagging the conflicts as prerequisites are flagged in order to send information to students and instructors is not feasible. This also would require that the instructors and students resolve the issue on a case-by-case basis.

61 Student Academic Affairs Committee
No change recommended today! FS representatives need to take this back to their departments and talk about it. Recommendations (for action at a future FS meeting): 1. The period from 5:00-6:00 pm daily is to be reserved for common exams. 2. If a class or other required academic activity is scheduled during common exam time, the instructor of the class that conflicts with the common exam will provide accommodations for the students taking the common exam.

62 Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Curricula D. Tauritz
Rules, Procedures and Agenda S. N. Balakrishnan Curricula D. Tauritz Student Affairs A. Pringle ITCC T. Vojta

63 ITCC Report to Faculty Senate, October 2013
Election of Vice Chair : John Singler (Math Department) Wireless network: Equipment upgrades proceeding to improve coverage Rogue access points, network policies need to be updated (Computer Security Subcommittee will be involved) Personal Backups: CrashPlan ­ personal data cloud backup solution ( 25 user proof of concept starting Pop decommissioning: Christmas break, about 50 pop users , need to move to IMAP or MAPI/Activesync. Computer Security Training: Info/training documents are being prepared (Web based) Training of all employees + students is coming (details still in preparation) Desktop Enhancement program: 4-year cycle, one standard configuration, displays not replaced automatically, Cost sharing for Macs

64 IT updates: Lumension: free anti-virus, patch management program for Windows available for download (see eConnection) 3D printing: one printer is running in the Library now still working on getting the color version up & running.

65 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of September 19, 2013 meeting minutes Campus Reports and Responses Tom Richards (Treasurer and Interim Vice President, Finance, UM System) Guest speaker unavailable for this meeting of the Faculty Senate V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

66 Agenda Old Business Report on Current Referrals and Actionable Items

67 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of September 19, 2013 meeting minutes Campus Reports and Responses Tom Richards (Treasurer and Interim Vice President, Finance, UM System) Guest speaker unavailable for this meeting of the Faculty Senate V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

68 Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of September 19, 2013 meeting minutes Campus Reports and Responses Tom Richards (Treasurer and Interim Vice President, Finance, UM System) Guest speaker unavailable for this meeting of the Faculty Senate V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

69 Agenda Adjourn

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