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MN SFS Ben J. Huset Space Update -- June 2004 MN SFS Ben J. Huset

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Presentation on theme: "MN SFS Ben J. Huset Space Update -- June 2004 MN SFS Ben J. Huset"— Presentation transcript:

1 MN SFS Ben J. Huset
Space Update -- June 2004 MN SFS Ben J. Huset

2 President's Commission on Moon, Mars and Beyond
"We choose to explore space because doing so improves our lives, and lifts our national spirit" - President George W. Bush - January 14, 2004 WHAT: Rescheduled Press Conference Announcing Commission Report WHERE: George Washington University Jack Morton Auditorium st Street N.W. Washington D.C WHEN: Wednesday, June 16, :00 Noon Press Conference September 17, 2018

3 Historic Space Launch Attempt Scheduled for June 21
Paul Allen & Burt Rutan September 17, 2018

4 Cassini/Huygens
Saturn's moon Prometheus is seen orbiting inside the planet's F-ring, which exhibits some of the knotted structure for which it is renowned. Near the center, separating the A and B rings is the famous Cassini division. The image was taken with the Cassini narrow angle camera on May 10, 2004, at a distance of 27 million kilometers (16.8 million miles) from Saturn. Image scale is 161 kilometers (100 miles) per pixel. Prometheus is 102 kilometers (63 miles) across. The image has been contrast-enhanced and magnified to aid visibility. September 17, 2018

5 Prometheus and Knots in the F Ring
September 17, 2018

6 Mars Missions -- On Orbit
Mars Global Surveyer Martian City Map September 17, 2018

7 Seasonal frost can enhance the view from orbit of polar polygonal patterns on the surface of Mars. Sometimes these patterns look something like a city map, or the view from above a city lit-up at night. This Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) image shows an example from the south polar region near 80.7°S, 70.6°W. Polar polygons on Mars are generally believed, though not proven, to be the result of freeze/thaw cycles of ice occurring within the upper few meters (several yards) of the martian subsurface. The image shown here covers an area about 3 km (1.9 mi) across; sunlight illuminates the scene from the upper left. . September 17, 2018

8 Mars Missions -- On Orbit
2001 Mars Odyssey The Odyssey of Odyssey's 10,000 Orbits - At 5:29 p.m. PDT on May 22, 2004, Odyssey completed her 10,000th science mapping orbit around the red planet. Hebes Mensa September 17, 2018

9 Hebes Mensa This image was collected May 18, 2003 during southern spring season. The local time at the image location was about 5:15 pm. The image shows an area in the Hebes Mensa region. September 17, 2018

10 Mars Missions -- On Orbit
Mars Express Arsia Mons volcano in 3D September 17, 2018

11 Mars Missions -- On Mars
Spirit– Landed Sat Jan 3rd 2004 !!  Opportunity – Landed Jan 24th 2004  September 17, 2018

12 Measurements taken of the soil contained in the trench by Spirit's alpha particle X-ray spectrometer showed the presence of sulfur and magnesium. Concentrations of those two elements varied in parallel at different locations in the trench, suggesting that they may be paired as a magnesium-sulfate salt. September 17, 2018

13 This image of the "Columbia Hills" region shows features that hint at various formation processes. To the left, yellow and white lines denote possible paths of debris flows or lava flow along the base of the hills. A series of terraces are observed to the right, signaling the existence of layered rocks that imply different degrees of erosion. This image was taken by the camera on NASA's orbiting Mars Global Surveyor September 17, 2018

14 Endurance Road Map September 17, 2018

15 International Space Station
ISS-9 Flight Engineer Sci Officer Astronaut Mike Fincke KE5AIT Commander Cosmonaut Gennady Padalka RN3DT Launched Apr 18th 2004 September 17, 2018

16 Fincke and Padalka are preparing for the space walk on June 10 pending the successful completion of a dry run of getting into their U.S. spacesuits on May 19. The primary space walk task is the replacement of the failed Remote Power Controller Module on the S0 Truss that caused the spindown of Control Moment Gryoscope No. 2. The gyroscopes are used to control the ISS' attitude. Other tasks planned during the space walk include the retrieval of some tools and safety tethers in preparation for the space walks to be conducted on STS-114, the installation of a light on a stanchion on the S1 Truss to provide improved lighting for future EVAs, the inspection of two Spool Positioning Devices on the S1 Truss Radiator Beam Valve Module and the retrieval of some payload retention devices. The space walk is expected to last around 4 1/2 hours. September 17, 2018

17 Recent MN SFS Activities
May 15th CVAS Astronomy Day UWEC May 27-31st ISDC OKC, OK June 8th Venus Transit Eisenhower Center (clouded out) September 17, 2018

18 Upcoming MN SFS Activities
July 2-4th CONvergence July 4th Parade July 11-13th NSS Moon-Mars Blitz ? Aug IEAS Conf / NWSF Aug 19-22nd 7th Mars Society Conf September 17, 2018

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