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Team Quiz Mrs Tyrrell’s 2012

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1 Team Quiz - 2012 Mrs Tyrrell’s 2012
Monday, 17 September 2018Monday, 17 September 2018 Team Quiz Get into groups of 4-5, come up with a team name and write it along with your team members on your quiz sheet.

2 Round One Famous Places What & Where

3 Identify the Famous Place
Look at the following pictures and identify the place and landmark.

4 1.

5 2.

6 3.

7 4.

8 5.

9 6.

10 7.

11 8.

12 9.

13 10.

14 Round Two Key Pad Conundrums 10 minute maximum time limit

15 Key pad Conundrums!! is BIRMINGHAM
Use the key pad numbers to work out the answers E.g. A City? is BIRMINGHAM

16 Name the Song or Artist/Group
10 Minutes Maximum Time 9H478L3 62R66N 3I83 8H V3 53S74 5 374V3 B9 642K5 6462J 93 2R3 9686G 5A89 P3779

17 Round Three Connections

18 Connect to 2012 1 2 3 4 The country connected to a female astronaut that has recently returned from space. The city where the Olympic torch was almost nicked! The Euro cup winners thrashed this country in the final game. The Higgs Boson particle is also know as...

19 Connect to 2012 5 6 7 8 Andy Murray was beaten at Wimbledon by a man from which country. The religious festival that could affect the performance of some athletes at the 2012 Olympics. What couldn’t Prince Phillip attend during the Queen’s Jubilee?. Famous London Landmark where the Olympic Medals are locked.

20 Round Four Name the personality

21 Name the Personalities
1 2 3 4 5 Name the Personalities 6 7 8 9 10

22 Round Five Pictures

23 Wotz Dat??? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 11

24 1 2 3 4

25 5 6 7 8

26 9 10 11 12

27 Round Six Listening Skills

28 Identify the clips Identify the following themes. They could celebrate an event, be an anthem, a theme from a movie or a TV show. We will not pause the music, so you need to write down your answers while the clip is playing.

29 Answers Swap your answers with another team to mark.

30 Round One Famous Places

31 1. The Coliseum - Rome

32 2. The Louvre - Paris

33 3. The Great Wall of China - China

34 4. The Pyramids of Giza - Egypt

35 5. Easter Island Heads – in the South Pacific – officially a territory of Chile

36 Memorial – New York

37 7. Sagrada Familia - Barcelona

38 8. Blue Mosque - Istanbul

39 9. The Dome of the Rock - Jerusalem

40 10. The Lotus Temple (Bhai) - Dehli

41 Round Two Key Pad Conundrums

42 Name the Song or Artist/Group
Whistle Maroon Five This is Love Jessie J Drive By Nicki Minaj We Are Young Katy Perry

43 Round Three Connections

44 Connect to 2012 The Chinese astronaut Liu Yang.
3 4 The Chinese astronaut Liu Yang. Youths tried to steal the Olympic Torch in Coventry. Spain thrashed Italy The God particle

45 Connect to 2012 Roger Federer beat Andy Murray
5 6 7 8 Roger Federer beat Andy Murray Ramadan because they can’t eat or drink during daylight hours. Prince Phillip Prince Phillip couldn’t attend the Jubilee concert. The medals are kept in the vault of the Tower of London.

46 Round Four Name the personality

47 Name the Personalities
1 Will. I. am 2 Garry Barlow 3 Jessie J 4 Gromit 5 Will Smith Name the Personalities 6 Cheryl Cole 7 Jimmy Carr 8 Superman D.C. Comics 9 Lionel Messi 10 Kristen Stewart

48 Round Five Pictures

49 Wotz Dat??? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 YouTube Logo Red Lego Brick
Zipper 3 i- Phone Button 4 5 Human Eye 6 Pencil Crayons 7 Strawberry 8 Glass Marble Spider’s Web 9 10 Velcro 11 Slinky Toy 12 Dandelion

50 Round Six Listening Skills

51 Identify the clips Sing (for the Jubilee) G. Barlow & Commonwealth Band Top Gear theme Mr. Bean theme Mission Impossible theme The In-betweeners theme The Incredibles theme Back to the Future God save the Queen (national anthem theme) Titanic theme (Celine Dion- My heart will go on) Lion King Theme (Circle of Life) Big Bang Theory theme (Bare Naked Ladies) Chariots of Fire (Olympic style theme)

52 Count up your scores!


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