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Let the Adventure Begin! Miss Neri 8th Grade English

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1 Let the Adventure Begin! Miss Neri 8th Grade English
Greek Mythology Let the Adventure Begin! Miss Neri 8th Grade English

2 Where is Greece?

3 Greece (A Closer View)

4 Role of Mythology in Ancient Society
Religion is over 2000 years old! -Greeks were very religious; many gods -made sacrifices to their gods Explain the Unknown -Science wasn’t as advanced as it is today -why the sun disappears -Origin of certain constellations -Why certain creatures behave the way they do -How evils- sickness, death, grief were released upon the world -How fire came to man -The changing of the seasons

5 Role of Mythology cont’
Creates natural and Social order -humans place in the world -teaches humans how to act right; behave, and you’ll be rewarded in the afterlife. Entertainment -Oral tradition -exciting tales of heroes and monsters -Remember! Play station, Wii and the Internet were not around 2000 years ago, people had to make their own fun

6 So why are we learning this?
We come across Greek Mythology almost everyday. Very popular in Literature, Art and Movies Literature-Odyssey, Iliad Movies-Troy, Hercules, Fantasia, Little Mermaid Many words are derived from Greek Mythology Olympic Games Constellations Narcissism Arachnid Titanium Apollo Zodiac symbols Panic Pandora’s box Entertaining – break from writing!

7 Mount Olympus (Home of the Gods)
It’s a Real Place!

8 The Gods at Home

9 Zeus Supreme ruler of the Gods Lord of the Sky
Weapon was the thunderbolt which he would throw at anyone who made him angry Married to Hera

10 Zeus A real sculpture of Zeus

11 Hera Zeus’ wife She was the protector of marriage and took special care of married women. Most stories about Hera talk about her jealousy because Zeus was not the most faithful husband.

12 Hera

13 Sanctuaries of Hera

14 Poseidon Brother of Zeus He was the lord of the sea
Weapon was the trident, which could shake the Earth and shatter any object Second only to Zeus in power Under the ocean he had a beautiful golden palace He rose to the surface in a a chariot drawn by dolphins, sea-horses and other marine creatures Reputation of having a very bad temper

15 Poseidon

16 Hades Brother of Zeus Lord of the Underworld – ruled over the dead
Greedy god, very concerned with increasing his subjects Also the god of wealth He had a helmet that made him invisible He was unpitying and terrible-became enraged when anyone tried to leave.

17 Hades

18 Hestia Zeus’ sister Goddess of the Home Newborn children
Hestia also symbolizes the alliance between the colonies and their mother-cities

19 Hestia

20 Ares Son of Zeus and Hera He was disliked by both parents God of War
He is considered murderous but also a coward

21 Ares

22 Athena Daughter of Zeus
She sprang full grown in armor from his forehead and had no mother She was fierce and brave in battle but only fought to protect the state Goddess of city, and agriculture and permitted man to tame horses She stood for wisdom, reason and purity She was Zeus’ favorite and was allowed to use his weapons

23 Athena

24 Apollo Son of Zeus and Leto-not his wife Twin sister Artemis
God of the archer-he shot with a silver bow God of healing-taught man medicine God of light and truth Important daily task was to harness his chariot with four horses and drive the sun across the sky

25 Apollo Why would Rockets be named Apollo?

26 Aphrodite The goddess of love, desire and beauty
She had a magical girdle that made people fall in love with her Vain, ill-tempered and easily offended

27 Aphrodite

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