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Bell work – 5 minutes In your own words describe energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work – 5 minutes In your own words describe energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell work – 5 minutes In your own words describe energy.
Planner: Pre-quiz energy/ff and earth day project Tape your energy/fossil fuel learning target worksheet to pg. 16 RS Create your graph for pre/post quiz pg. 16 LS

2 AM
Earth day project! Review the assignment Upcycling video AM

3 Bell work – 5 minutes What is upcycling? Planner: Energy notes

4 Title of notes: Energy (pg. 18 RS)
Lecture today! Planner: Energy notes Title of notes: Energy (pg. 18 RS) Open books to Pg. 517

5 I can describe what energy is.
Learning target I can describe what energy is. Today I am… learning about types of energy. So that I’ll be able to… understand how fossil fuels are used. I’ll know I’ve got it when… I can write at least one sentence explaining what energy is and the two types of energy possibilities.

6 Energy is the ability to do work.
What is Energy? Energy is the ability to do work.

7 Energy can be potential or kinetic.
What is Energy? Energy can be potential or kinetic.

8 Potential energy is stored energy.
What is Energy? Potential energy is stored energy.

9 Kinetic energy is energy in motion.
What is Energy? Kinetic energy is energy in motion.

10 Mechanical: Associated with the motion and position of an object.
Forms of energy Mechanical: Associated with the motion and position of an object. Example: A baseball has mechanical energy that is kinetic

11 Electrical: Associated with electrical charges.
Forms of energy Electrical: Associated with electrical charges. Example: A cell phone battery is potential electrical energy. Making a call the energy is changed to kinetic electrical energy.

12 Thermal: Associated with the heat due to particle movement
Forms of energy Thermal: Associated with the heat due to particle movement Example: The particles in hot volcanic lava move very fast.

13 Electromagnetic: Associated with the movement of waves.
Forms of energy Electromagnetic: Associated with the movement of waves. Example: The sun warming you is electromagnetic waves.

14 Forms of energy Chemical: Associated with the chemical bonds. When bonds break energy is released. Example: The food you eat provides your body with chemical energy (potential).

15 Nuclear: Associated with the forces within atoms.
Forms of energy Nuclear: Associated with the forces within atoms. Example: The forces that hold nuclear particles together in the nucleus can store potential energy.

16 Can energy change from one form to another
Can energy change from one form to another? Write down 2 examples in your notes. * Turning on an electric fan. Electrical E  Mechanical E (Fan Blades Spinning) * Fireworks exploding Chemical E  Thermal E (Heat) & Electromagnetic E (Light) * Combustion Chemical E (Stored in fuel)  Thermal E (Heat) & Electromagnetic E (Light) * Electricity Chemical E (Burning Coal)  Electric E

17 Sources of Energy Energy resources are divided into two categories:
Renewable Energy - Sun - Wind - Moving Water Wood - Geothermal Nonrenewable Energy - Coal - Oil - Natural Gas - Nuclear Energy

18 Bullet points those facts
Pg Write down two facts from the reading. Choose facts that we did not talk about during lecture. Bullet points those facts

19 Cartoon about Potential or Kinetic Energy pg. 18 LS
Pick either potential or kinetic energy Title of page depending on which type of energy you choose Create a fun cartoon explaining/describing the type of energy you chose Create a character for your cartoon Must have color

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