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Introduction to CREAT Braden Rosenberg, The Cadmus Group, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to CREAT Braden Rosenberg, The Cadmus Group, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to CREAT Braden Rosenberg, The Cadmus Group, Inc.

2 CREAT Overview Web-based tool for conducting risk assessment of potential impacts at your utility Multiple scenarios provided to help capture uncertainty Assessments will help inform planning Results from CREAT help utilities compare risk reduction and implementation costs

3 CREAT Key Features Module-based process with clearly defined goals and reports at each step Data and additional information on how current concerns are related to potential impacts Economic data to help define consequences of these impacts and obtain monetized risk results Updated process for risk assessment, including consideration of current risk and resilience

4 CREAT Home Screen

5 CREAT 3.0 Process

6 Scenarios of Threats Current concerns based on experience
Consider information provided in CREAT Case studies from similar utilities Most recent National Climate Assessment Define Threats Climate impacts Asset and operational risks

7 CREAT Demo – Getting Started
Which utility type and size should we consider for our hypothetical system? Which current concerns would be important to this system? Which threats, related to current and future concerns, should be assessed first? Would a specific set of climate conditions be critical to defining these threats?

8 Consequences of Impacts
Assessment within CREAT will consider the consequences of impacts on assets Consequence categories based on types of loss that utilities may experience Business Impacts Equipment Damage Source/Receiving Water Impacts Environmental Impacts

9 Economic Consequences
Ranges of values are provided for each category based on utility information Basis for default values are published sector survey data Values can be modified, additional categories can be considered

10 Adaptation Planning Detailed library of options for building resilience to the identified threats Extension of CRWU Resilient Strategies Guide Some ‘measures’ include approximate unit costs for implementation based on published experience and available techniques

11 CREAT Demo – Assets & Plans
Which types of consequences represent the value of utility assets to the utility and community? Which assets are both critical to the system and potentially vulnerable to the threats being assessed? Are there current measures already in place to provide resilience to threats? What adaptation plans could be implemented to increase resilience?

12 CREAT Outputs: Risk Results

13 CREAT Outputs: Final Report

14 Applications of CREAT Opportunity for education on risks and response
Data-driven results that can be directly applied to short- and long-term planning Decision-making and convening support tool Actionable outcomes to inform communications with decision- makers, customers, and funders Check out the story told by Manchester-by-the-Sea after using CREAT Video: Drought Response & Recovery for Water Utilities Case Study: City of Las Vegas, New Mexico (Drought week of May 28, 2013).

15 CREAT Exercises in this Region
To date, there have been 3 CREAT exercises and 3 CRWU workshops in EPA Region 4 Exercises have helped utilities Build a framework and approach for proactive vs. reactive approach to planning Define and prioritize extreme weather-related issues Compile and organize key data Identify adaptation measures and associated costs and risk reduction potential Gathering interest in potential future exercises

16 Water Utility Climate Resilience Support Projects

17 Thank you! Steve Fries Curt Baranowski
Ashley Greene Thank you! Visit us on the web and register for the CRWU newsletter at:

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