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Factors affecting incentives to migrate

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Presentation on theme: "Factors affecting incentives to migrate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors affecting incentives to migrate
NPV = St0 = Salary at origin StD = Salary at destination C = Cost of the move r = rate of time preference T = length of time to recoup investment

2 Factors affecting incentives to migrate
NPV = St0 = decreases incentive to migrate StD = increases incentive to migrate Ct => decreases incentive to migrate r => decreases incentive to migrate T => increases incentive to migrate

3 Length of Move and migration

4 Age and migration Based on data on moves across states from the Current Population Survey, 2004

5 Marital Status and migration
Based on data on moves across states from the Current Population Survey, 2004

6 Education and migration
Based on data on moves across states from the Current Population Survey, 2004

7 Presence of children and migration
Based on data on moves across states from the Current Population Survey, 2004

8 Household size and migration
Based on data on moves across counties from the Current Population Survey, 1994

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