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Introduction to Earth/Environmental Science

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1 Introduction to Earth/Environmental Science

2 Topic 1 – Science Lab Safety
Question: Why is it important to know lab safety symbols? 2

3 Science Lab Safety Act responsibly at all times in the laboratory.
Follow all instructions given – orally or written by my teacher. (MOST IMPORTANT) Perform ONLY those activities assigned and approved by my teacher. Protect my eyes, face, hands and body by wearing proper clothing and using protective equipment provided by my school. Carry out good housekeeping practices as instructed by my teacher. Know the location of safety and first aid equipment in the laboratory. 3

4 Science Lab Safety Notify my teacher immediately of an emergency.
NEVER work alone in the laboratory. NEVER eat or drink in the laboratory unless instructed to do so by my teacher. Handle living organisms or preserved specimens only when authorized by my teacher, and then always carefully and with respect. NEVER enter or work in a supply area unless instructed to do so and supervised by my teacher. 4

5 Activity 1 – Science Lab Safety Symbols
Hand Washing Disposal Physical Safety Sharp Objects Animal Safety Plant Safety 5

6 Plant Safety Do not eat any plants in lab
Wash your hands after handling plants Tell your teacher of any plant allergies Like any organism, plants should be considered possibly harmful

7 Protect Yourself Hand Safety
If a chemical spills on your skin, notify the teacher and rinse with water for 15 minutes Wash hands after every lab Handle glassware, sharp tools and heated containers carefully

8 Protect Yourself Hand Safety

9 Sharp Objects Always cut away from fingers and body
Sharp Objects Always cut away from fingers and body Always carry sharp objects with points and tips facing down and away Never try to catch falling sharp instruments Grasp sharp instruments only by the handles

10 Sharp Objects Notify teacher if you get cut
• When using knifes or other sharp objects always walk with the points • When using knifes or other sharp objects always walk with the points Sharp Objects Notify teacher if you get cut Broken glass and sharp objects do not go in trash cans Teacher will clean up broken glass

11 Physical Safety Handle all equipment carefully
Do not place a cord where someone can trip over it Push all stools in out of the way Keep books picked up out of walking isles

12 Animal Safety Only handle living organisms with teacher permission
Always treat living organisms humanely Wash your hands after handling animals

13 At the End of Your Lab Time…
Return all lab materials and equipment to their proper places after use. Dispose of all chemicals AS DIRECTED BY YOUR TEACHER! Wash and dry all equipment, your lab bench and your clean-up area.

14 Bell Ringer 1/27/2017 Complete the questions on the sheet called “Bell Ringers – Unit 1” in your composition book. Copy & Answer the question. Create a tree map on everything you know about the branches of earth science. Why is studying earth science important?

15 Topic 2 – Earth’s Systems
Standard 1.2 – I can identify the branches of Earth Science and explain the interconnectedness of Earth’s systems. QUESTION: What are Earth’s major systems and how do they interact? 15

16 What is Earth Science? Earth Science
The name for the group of sciences that deals with Earth and its neighbors in space. 16

17 The Study of Earth Science
In order to understand the earth, we need about all components of it. Structure of Earth’s systems Earth’s history Earth in the solar system System – group of parts that work together as a whole Matter and energy constantly move from one part of the Earth system to another 17

18 The sciences that make up Earth Science are called branches
The sciences that make up Earth Science are called branches. The 4 main ones are Geology – study of the forces that have shaped Earth Oceanography -- study of everything from chemistry of ocean water to ocean floor and marine organisms Meteorology – study of conditions in the atmosphere, weather, climate Astronomy – focus on solar systems, stars and galaxies and Earth’s motions in space 18

19 Branches Continued.. There are two forces that change change earth’s surface: The Earth is constantly changing still. This is a slow process Constructive Forces: change Earth’s surface by building mountains and landmasses. Destructive forces: slowly wear away mountains and every other feature on Earth’s surface

20 Earth’s Major Spheres/Systems
Hydrosphere All water on Earth Oceans, rivers, streams, lakes & seas 97% of the water is salt water 3% of water is freshwater Atmosphere Gaseous layers above the surface of Earth Weather and Climate on Earth Makes life possible on Earth

21 Biosphere Beneath both the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere Three Parts Core
Geosphere/Lithosphere Beneath both the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere Three Parts Core Mantle Crust Biosphere All organisms on Earth Environments where organisms live

22 What is Environmental Science?
The study of Earth’s environment and resources and how humans impact them

23 What Environmental Science deals with?
Renewable Resources Plants, animals, water, wind Nonrenewable Resources Coal, oil, natural gas Population Growth Environmental Problems Pollution, global warming Natural Hazards Flooding, droughts, earthquakes

24 Bell Ringer 1/30/2017 Complete the following four questions on the sheet called “Bell Ringers – Unit 1” in your notebook. Copy & Answer the question. Which branch of Earth Science studies Earth’s motions in space? Describe the hydrosphere. What does the branch of Meteorology study? Give an example to show how interconnected the spheres are.

25 Topic 3: Methods of Science
Standard 1.3 – I can understand experimental design and methods in science. Question: What do scientist use when they perform scientific investigations? 25

26 Methods of Science Scientific Method – an organized plan for gathering, organizing and communication of information Scientific Inquiry – a process that uses a set of skills to answer questions or to test ideas about the natural world. GOAL Solve a problem Better understand something

27 Experimental Design Problem/Question What do you want to know?
Observations Hypothesis Experiment Test your hypothesis Collect and Analyze Data Conclusion Accept, reject, or modify the hypothesis

28 Parts of an Experiment Variable - Vary Independent Variable
Factor that changes Two types Independent variable Dependent variable Independent Variable Fact YOU change AKA: Manipulated Variable Dependent Variable Factor that changes BECAUSE you changed something AKA: Responding Variable

29 Constant Trial Factors that never are changed from test to test
Repeating the experiment 3 times for best result

30 Evolution of a Scientific Idea
Prediction – a statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events Hypothesis – a possible explanation for an observation that can be tested by scientific investigation Scientific Theory – explanation of things or events that is based on knowledge gained from many observations and investigations Scientific Law – rule that describes a pattern in nature 30

31 Bell Ringer 1/31/2017 Complete the questions on the sheet called “Bell Ringers – Unit 1” in your composition book. Copy & Answer the question. Create a flow map of the scientific method. See example below. Describe: hypothesis, theory, and law.

32 Topic 4 – Measurements in Science
Standard 1.4 – I can explain how measurements are used in science and how to determine the density of an object. Question: How do scientist determine the density of an object? 32

33 Measurement Types LENGTH Straight line distance between two points
How long something is SI unit = meters (m) Tools for finding Meter stick or ruler

34 Temperature Amount of heat given off by an object Based on Molecular Motion How hot or cold something is SI unit = Kelvin (K) Can also be measured in ºC, ºF Tools for finding Temperature is the Thermometer

35 How much Matter is in an object SI unit: kilogram (kg)
MASS How much Matter is in an object SI unit: kilogram (kg) Tools for Finding is a balances or scale Note: Mass and Weight are two different things. Mass never changes from place to place

36 VOLUME Amount of Space an object takes up Units: L, mL, cm3
Tools: graduated cylinder or ruler Three Different Methods for finding Volume Regular object Irregular object Liquid

37 Finding Volume Liquids (water) Regular Object (block)
Place the liquid in a graduated cylinder and read the level Regular Object (block) L * W * H Irregular Object (rock) Do Water Displacement Subtract water level without object from water level with object


39 Density Mass per unit Volume Unit: g/mL or g/cm3 Formula
Density = mass ÷ volume Density of water is 1 g/mL Less means float More means sink

40 Density Triangle: M D V

41 Bell Ringer 2/1/2017 What is a scientific theory?
Complete the questions on the sheet called “Bell Ringers – Unit 1” in your composition book. Copy & Answer the question. What is a scientific theory? Why is a scientific law? Describe the scientific method. After finding out that carbon dioxide is increasing in the atmosphere, what would be a good question to experiment? What is causing the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? What other greenhouse gases are increasing? How is the increase in carbon dioxide going to affect our earth? All of the above

42 Activity 5 Measurements Lab

43 Bell Ringer 2/2/2017 Write down your answer in your composition book under the Unit 1 bell ringer page An important step of the scientific method is to do background research. During this step, what should you research before you begin the experiment?

44 Bell Ringer 2/3/2017 Write down your answer in your composition book under the Unit 1 bell ringer page In your notebook, make a concept map, chart, list, or summary of everything you learned in unit 1. Try to not use your notes. Time: 5 minutes

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