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Lecture 2: Bias Jeffrey E. Korte, PhD

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1 Lecture 2: Bias Jeffrey E. Korte, PhD
BMTRY 747: Foundations of Epidemiology II Department of Public Health Sciences Medical University of South Carolina Spring 2015

2 Observational research
Observational research studies are subject to bias! This must be addressed early. Bias can only be avoided (or reduced) when designing studies and collecting data. After data are collected, we can only assess bias and try to estimate its impact on results.

3 Precision and validity
Random error Threatens precision Systematic error Threatens validity

4 Precision and validity (vs. random and systematic error)
High precision, high validity Low precision, high validity High precision, low validity Low precision, low validity

5 Precision (lack of random error)
Random error is always present Is it partly due to pure chance? Or is everything causally deterministic? We cannot tell the difference Causation is too complex Example: flipping a coin

6 Precision Sources of random error:
Sampling error (imperfect subset of entire population – any epidemiologic study) Measurement of important study variables Confounding by unmeasured variables Residual confounding from measured variables

7 Precision Three ways to reduce random error: Increase study size:
Improve measurement (e.g. finer distinctions) Increase the size of the study Increase the study efficiency (change study design) Increase study size: Statistical power depends on sample size, and standard error (or distribution) of key variables

8 Precision Increase the study efficiency:
Example 1: cohort study with 100,000 men Question: daily aspirin use and CVD mortality If only 100 men take aspirin daily, very few cases will occur in this group This will lead to an imprecise estimate of the association

9 Precision Increase the study efficiency:
Example 2: cohort study with 100,000 men Question: daily aspirin use and CVD mortality 50,000 men take aspirin daily But all men are aged 30-39, so very few cases will occur in this entire cohort This will lead to an imprecise estimate of the association

10 Precision Increase the study efficiency:
Example 3: cohort study with 100,000 men Question: daily aspirin use and CVD mortality 50,000 men take aspirin daily All aspirin takers are aged 40-49, but all others are aged 50-59, so if we try to stratify by decade of age, we cannot estimate any association at all Other analysis strategies are viable, but results will be problematic (must control for age)

11 Systematic error (error not distributed randomly)
Lack of internal validity Selection bias Affects internal and external validity Confounding Unmeasured variables Residual confounding Information bias Lack of external validity (generalizability)

12 Selection bias

13 Selection bias Individuals with different exposure/outcome combinations have different probabilities of being included in the study sample Exp No exp Dis ? No dis

14 Selection bias Cohort study Case-control study
Exposed population is systematically ascertained or identified in a different way from unexposed population (impacting likelihood of experiencing the outcome) Case-control study Case population is systematically ascertained in a different way from control population (impacting likelihood of being exposed)

15 Selection bias Example 1: healthy worker survivor effect
Occupational cohort study “Exposed” group composed of workers “Unexposed” group: includes non-workers, or a sample of a different group of workers Usual result of including non-workers in “unexposed” group: attenuation of associations between chemical exposures and disease/death

16 Healthy worker survivor effect (cohort study)
Dis Not dis Exp 50 450 500 No exp 21 479 71 929 1000 Dis Not dis Exp 35 465 500 No exp 21 479 56 944 1000 Experiment (RR=2.4) Occupational cohort study (RR=1.7)

17 Selection bias Example 2: medical surveillance bias
Subclinical disease, if present, is more likely to be detected among individuals with frequent physician visits This could result in a spurious association observed (for example) in a case-control study of oral contraceptive use and diabetes Diabetes cases identified in a clinic (more likely to be on OC than general population) Diabetes controls recruited from general population

18 Selection bias Example 2: medical surveillance bias
Any factor that increases the likelihood of screening will increase the likelihood of subclinical disease detection Screened population may be overrepresented in case group of case-control study One solution: recruit controls representative of the population giving rise to cases

19 Medical surveillance bias (case-control study)
Dis Not dis Exp 95 190 No exp 405 810 500 1000 Dis Not dis Exp 170 95 265 No exp 330 405 735 500 1000 No bias (OR=1.0) Biased (OR=2.2)

20 Selection bias Example 3: hospital controls
Hospital-based case-control study Cases come from hospital Controls are patients in the same hospital Might have different type of cancer Might have very different disease from disease of interest

21 Selection bias Example 3: hospital controls
Most groups of hospital patients are different from the general population More risk behaviors (smoking, diet, exercise) Lower socioeconomic status Risk factors may be similar across diseases Result: attenuate association when comparing cases and hospital-based controls Solution: recruit controls to be representative of population giving rise to cases

22 Selection bias Hospital controls may be different from cases in other ways, depending on disease Example: aplastic anemia cases being treated in a major referral hospital Usually there for a bone marrow transplant Therefore more likely to have large family (genetically matched sibling donor) Also more likely to have high income/wealth

23 Hospital controls (case-control study of smoking and heart attack)
Dis Not dis Exp 250 125 375 No exp 625 500 1000 Dis Not dis Exp 250 225 475 No exp 275 525 500 1000 Population controls (OR=3.0) Hospital controls (OR=1.2)

24 Selection bias Selecting controls
Equalize selection forces (bias) for cases and controls (they should be from the same subset of the population) Example: cases identified through screening program; controls taken from same screening program Cases and controls may have similar above-average risk factors, leading to screening This may allow valid comparison of case/control

25 Testing for selection bias
Recruitment rates into case-control study Differences between cases and controls? Recruitment rates into cohort study Differences between exposure groups? Note: low recruitment rates can result in low generalizability (separate issue)

26 Testing for selection bias
Collect minimal information on refusers (who were not recruited into study) Age, sex, ethnicity, education, etc. Maybe behavioral or health information After recruitment is complete: can compare basic measures between enrolled and non-enrolled, and quantify bias

27 Sensitivity analysis Test how much your results change if you could have included those who dropped out (under various scenarios, if information is missing) With complete information on factors affecting selection, selection bias can be quantified and adjusted

28 Selection bias (go through concrete example of how bias works, and how compensating bias can help solve the problem – tables 4-1 through 4-4, page )





33 Information bias

34 Information bias Systematic tendency for some individuals to be misclassified on exposure or outcome Continuous variable: may be systematically overestimated, or systematically underestimated Misclassification may be based on self-report, or study observations

35 Cohort study: exposure bias
Exposure information quality is unlikely to differ much by eventual disease status. Neither investigator nor participant knows what the eventual disease status will be Usual result: any misclassification is nondifferential (bias towards null)

36 Cohort study: outcome bias
Outcome information may be biased: Due to interviewer/observer Example: classification of pathology slides (e.g. alcoholic cirrhosis) Or due to participant If outcome is obtained by self-report (e.g. migraine headache)

37 Case-control study: exposure bias
Exposure information is gathered after disease status is known. Can result in differential misclassification Recall bias Cases may be more likely to recall exposures Cases may be more likely to overestimate exposures Interviewer bias Possible if non-blinded to case/control status

38 Cross-sectional studies
Exposure bias: same problems as case-control studies, because disease status is known Recall bias Interviewer bias Outcome bias: same problems as cohort studies, because exposure status may be known before outcome is assessed

39 Prevention of recall bias (exposure)
Verification of responses Using medical charts, pharmacy records, etc. Have to make judgment about resolving discrepancies Use “diseased” control group Try to equalize “rumination” about exposures between case group and control group e.g. symptomatic patients from the same clinic who were found not to have the disease May not ruminate the same amount as cases e.g. patients with a different disease Same problems as hospital controls discussed earlier

40 Prevention of recall bias (exposure)
Choose objective markers of exposure Self-report may be more consistent, compared to subjective factors Some biomarkers may reflect cumulative exposures, partially reflecting exposures occurring before disease Genetic polymorphisms obviously can be considered stable throughout life

41 Prevention of recall bias (exposure)
Use a prospective design! Cohort study Case-control study within a cohort study Case-cohort Nested case-control

42 Interviewer bias (exposure)
Can occur when: interviewer is not masked to case/control status AND interviewer does not fully standardize the questionnaire Clarification of questions OK if there is a standardized protocol Probing for more information Must always follow established skip patterns

43 Prevention of interviewer bias
Reliability and validity substudies Laboratory tests Validation with medical records Questionnaire data: may be difficult to validate Repeat measurements Answer may vary for different interviews Participant may remember previous answer Interviewer may remember previous answer

44 Prevention of interviewer bias
Mask interviewer to case/control status, or exposure status in cohort studies May be feasible to blind them Or mislead them about the hypothesis/exposure of interest Or mislead them about participants’ case/control status

45 Outcome identification bias
Observer bias May occur when: Outcome assessment is subjective, AND Exposure status is known by assessor Results in differential misclassification Can bias towards or away from the null

46 Prevention of observer bias
Mask observer to exposure status Stratify on certainty of diagnosis “possible” disease: more vulnerable to bias Employ multiple observers e.g. 2 of 3 must agree on diagnosis

47 Outcome identification bias
Respondent bias May occur when: Outcome is based on self-report (e.g. migraines), AND Respondent knows exposure status Results in differential misclassification Can bias towards or away from the null

48 Prevention of respondent bias
Confirm self-reported outcome data Medical records Collect detailed information about outcome to characterize it as well as possible

49 Randomized controlled trial
Outcome information may be biased Observer bias: example: interpretation of signs of disease in a vaccine trial (discount possible signs among placebo participants) Participant bias possible if trial is unblinded, and if the outcome is obtained by self-report (e.g. migraine headaches)

50 Outcome-dependent follow-up
All follow-up studies (cohort or RCT) Outcome-dependent follow-up creates an opportunity for bias in outcome information Example: Study of sexually transmitted infections Participants encouraged to return for “problem visits” if they think they have symptoms Result: factors related to vigilance will be related to apparent risk of sexually transmitted infection

51 Nondifferential misclassification: bias towards null
Exp No exp Dis 50 10 60 No dis 250 290 540 300 600 Exp No exp Dis 70 ( ) 38 ( ) 108 No dis 230 ( ) 262 ( ) 492 300 600 NO BIAS RR=5 BIAS (10% outcome error) RR=1.8

52 Nondifferential misclassification: bias towards null
Bias towards null: conservative bias Therefore considered “safe” If you observe a significant association, you can be sure that it is valid (true association is even stronger)

53 Differential misclassification
Can result in bias towards null (conservative) Can result in bias away from null (inflated association) (may produce spurious association)

54 Differential misclassification: bias away from null
Exp No exp Dis 50 10 60 No dis 250 290 540 300 600 Exp No exp Dis 70 ( ) 10 80 No dis 230 ( ) 290 520 300 600 NO BIAS RR=5 BIAS (10% outcome error among exposed) RR=7

55 Differential misclassification: bias away from null
Exp No exp Dis 50 10 60 No dis 250 290 540 300 600 Exp No exp Dis 75 (50+25) 10 80 No dis 225 (250-25) 290 520 300 600 NO BIAS RR=5 BIAS (outcome specificity among exposed) RR=7.5

56 Differential misclassification: bias towards null
Exp No exp Dis 50 10 60 No dis 250 290 540 300 600 Exp No exp Dis 45 (50-5) 10 55 No dis 255 (250+5) 290 545 300 600 NO BIAS RR=5 BIAS (outcome sensitivity among exposed) RR=4.5

57 Differential misclassification: bias towards null
Exp No exp Dis 50 10 60 No dis 250 290 540 300 600 Exp No exp Dis 50 39 (10+29) 89 No dis 250 261 (290-29) 511 300 600 NO BIAS RR=5 BIAS (outcome specificity in unexposed) RR=1.3

58 Discussion in class next time
Selection bias Healthy worker survival effect Two articles Compensating bias, control selection: example of coffee and pancreatic cancer

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