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“Duck” of the Day Mallard (also known as Green Heads)

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1 “Duck” of the Day Mallard (also known as Green Heads)
French for wild male duck. Anas platyrhynchos (Duck with broad snout) Member of dabbling ducks, feed near the surface by flipping over not by diving. Found in ponds and pot holes, shallow water near shore with vegetation.

2 “Duck” of the Day Canadian Goose Branta canadensis canadensis
Black goose Branta canadensis canadensis (Dark streaked from canada from canada) There are 11 distinct subspecies, the Giant Canada Goose subspecies, B. canadensis maxima, was thought to be extinct until found at Silver Lake in The species becomes larger the further north and darker the further west. Female is a goose, males are ganders and young are goslings. They fly in a wedge not a V.

3 “Duck” of the Day Blue Winged Teal Anas discors
(Also called Mexican or White Faced Teal) Anas discors (Duck different) A member of the dabbling ducks, second in numbers to the mallards. The form small tight flocks that fly fast and change directions often.

4 “Duck” of the Day Green Winged Teal Anas carolinensis
(Also called Common Teal) Anas carolinensis (Duck from Carolina) A member of the dabbling ducks. The smallest and a very common duck. Their tiny size gives the illusion of great speed. They change direction quickly and as a flock .

5 “Duck” of the Day Wood Duck Aix sponsa
(Also called Carolina Duck) Aix sponsa (Water bird in wedding clothes) In the group of perching ducks and only other member of genus is Mandarin Duck. Wood duck was over hunted for its feathers and tasty meat. Was saved by Migratory Bird Treaty of 1918, which ended unregulated hunting of migratory birds.

6 “Duck” of the Day Greater Scaup Aythya marlia
(Also called Blue Bill, Black Head, Grey Back and Shuffler) Aythya marlia (Greek sea bird and coal dust) One of the diving ducks are seen in huge “rafts” on open water and bays.

7 “Duck” of the Day

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