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Tips for Resume’ Building and the College Application Process

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Presentation on theme: "Tips for Resume’ Building and the College Application Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips for Resume’ Building and the College Application Process

2 Agenda Resumes and the college application process Building a resume
Resume Tips Extended Resume Resumes with Apply Texas and the Common Application Naviance

3 Having a resume can help you…
Complete blank college applications With letters of recommendations With interviews Complete scholarship applications Get a job or internship “How to Write Your College Application Resume”;

4 How to Get Started with Your Resume
Brainstorm everything you have accomplished Think about everything you have accomplished during your high school years Ask for your parents’ input. They may remember things you did not List everything that makes you stand out besides grades and test scores Include things like awards, leadership roles, community service, special talents, hobbies, jobs, projects you led, etc. Note experiences can show a clear picture of your determination, initiative, and passion Think about situations that will set you apart from others Review your list and only include your most impressive accomplishments. Do not include GPA, Rank, or test scores for college resume, but ok for scholarship resume Mention special circumstances Include anything that might not fit neatly into the activities section of the application How to Write Your College Application Resume”;

5 What should be included on the Resume?
Full Name, Address, Phone number, , and your high school at the top Use Reverse Chronological Order (put the most recent events/accomplishments first) Activities Other Experiences Accolades References Anything else that makes you shine “The College Admission Resume: How to Prepare a Resume for the College Admissions Application”, Penny Loretto,

6 Resume Tips Use Reverse Chronological Order (put the most recent events/accomplishments first) Keep it brief. Admission officers want to be able to scan it and see the real you Use action words for great effect “Received merit award…”; “competed in numerous varsity level game…” Use simple formats with plain fonts (Naviance) Do not use acronyms Explain local or unique awards and clubs PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD


8 Why an extended resume? Most electronic college applications only ask for the facts. An extended resume gives you the opportunity to provide additional information that makes you stand out as a candidate. If you have specific computer skills, language fluency, or certifications, a resume is a great vehicle for presenting them. If you’ve conducted research, given presentations or participated in enrichment activities, you can add titles, summaries, or the names of your mentors. “10 very good reasons to add a resume to your college application toolbox”,, 1/17/12.

9 General to Expanded Resume Examples
General Statement Extracurricular Activities or Leadership Captain of __________________team 4hrs/wk 11 Expanded Statement Elected to position Arrive early and work with coach to get practices started Lead warm up drills Motivate and encourage players on and off the field College & Career Planning; Wendy Andreen, PhD; ddce.uteas.eud

10 IMPORTANT: All applicants must fill out the Online Resume Information even if they plan to submit an Extended Resume.

11 Extracurricular activities
Rigidly formatted

12 Community or Volunteer service
Brief Responses

13 Talents….Awards…..Honors
Brief responses

14 University of Texas Excerpt from: Texas Admissions/The University of Texas as Austin Resume Submit an expanded résumé offering additional information about your achievements. While this isn’t required, it’s strongly recommended. MORE INFORMATION What to Include Your résumé should include all your achievements, not just those that didn’t fit on the . That said, if you’re able to list everything on the Apply Texas application, there’s no need to submit a separate résumé.  If you submit a résumé, you should include: Details about what each activity involved rather than a general description The number of hours per week and weeks per year you spent on each activity

15 Submitting a resume – THE COMMON APPLICATION
Activities Section (10 Activities) Position/Leadership (50 characters) Details, Honors, and Accomplishments (150 characters) Ways to Submit an Extended Resume: Check the College-specific writing supplement – can upload a fully formatted resume. Some colleges provide space in their writing supplements specifically for scientific abstracts. Others give more general instructions allowing submission of a paper or additional information. Additional Information Section

16 Resume Builder in Naviance




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