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Introduce Species.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduce Species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduce Species

2 - plants and animals that naturally inhabit an area
Native Species - plants and animals that naturally inhabit an area Example: Wetland have ducks and cattails Introduced or Foreign Species - species that have been introduced into an ecosystem by humans Invasive Species – is an introduced species that can dramatically change or destroy an ecosystem, Example: purple loostrife some introduced species are harmless or beneficial in their new environment E.g. loosestrife-eating beetle

3 4 Ways Invasive Species Can Be Harmful
1) Competition - Compete against native species for resources (food, habitat) Ex: Florida wasp became extinct a few years after the southeast Asian wasp became established. 2) Predation - introduced predators can have a BIGGER impact on prey than native predators. In New Zealand, European rats have caused the extinction of 9 species of birds. 3) Parasites / Disease - invasion of parasites and disease can weaken immune response of native species. 4) Habitat Alteration - when an invasive species makes a habitat unsuitable for native species. Parasitic lamprey sucks the fluids from other fish. On Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), introduced deer have changed the ecosystem Other Habitat Alteration: - Change in light levels - Change in dissolved oxygen (water) - Change is soil chemistry - Upset the nutrient cycle balance Disease Many Hawaiian birds became extinct after falling victim to malaria, brought by the introduced Asian songbird.

4 Invasive Species in British Columbia
Highly adaptable and forms wide, dense mats at lake surfaces, cutting off sunlight to organism below. Adapts to every environment and fees on almost any food source. Can produce 72 young per year. Norway rat Eurasion Milfoil Takes over habitats and eat many native frogs. Can out-complete native birds (western bluebird) for nesting sites and for food. American Bullfrog European Starling

5 Garry Oak Ecosystem 95 percent of the original ecosystem has been lost to urban development, and the remaining 5 percent is threatened by invasive species. Scotch broom, English ivy, and other plant species

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