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Librarian as Researcher The Institute for Research Design in Librarianship Don Jason, Carolyn Schubert, Lisa Federer, & Electra Enslow.

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Presentation on theme: "Librarian as Researcher The Institute for Research Design in Librarianship Don Jason, Carolyn Schubert, Lisa Federer, & Electra Enslow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Librarian as Researcher The Institute for Research Design in Librarianship
Don Jason, Carolyn Schubert, Lisa Federer, & Electra Enslow

2 The IRDL Assessment Plan IRDL is Changing…
Agenda The history of the Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL) The IRDL Assessment Plan IRDL is Changing… IRDL Scholars discuss their projects

3 1. Background on IRDL A little bit of the history of how this Institute came to be, for context.

4 College & Research Libraries 73(5): 431-448.
Kennedy, Marie R. & Kristine R. Brancolini (2012). “Academic librarian research: A survey of attitudes, involvement, and perceived capabilities.” College & Research Libraries 73(5): Kris and Marie conducted a national survey and asked academic librarians about their research experience, research confidence, and perceived barriers to conducting research. They used the results to propose the Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL), designed for academic and research librarians to provide instruction in how to conduct a research project and establish a peer-network of like-minded library professionals to support each other throughout the research process. Although IRDL Scholars work on a specific research project, Scholar learn research skills that may be applied to future research.

5 Funding Source & Partners
IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, (RE , RE ) To improve social science research skills and create a support network for academic and research librarians. IMLS has funded this program twice now! W00t!

6 IRDL Summer Workshop Centerpiece of the program is a summer research “boot camp.” This is the library on the LMU campus in Los Angeles California where all the magic happens.

7 Improve the quality of librarian research.
Goals of IRDL Librarians are prompted now more than ever to conduct research to answer questions about the functions of their libraries. Until now there has been no continuing education mechanism in place to teach librarians how to design a research project and provide support in completing that project. Improve the quality of librarian research. Increase the number of academic librarians with specific research skills in conducting and disseminating the results of research.

8 2. Assessment Plan To determine if the model we constructed for the Institute is effective we put in place a 4-part assessment plan.

9 Development of personal learning networks
Assessment Plan Research proposals Mastery of content Development of personal learning networks Confidence Kris and Marie have developed a multi-phase assessment plan, to determine if the model of IRDL is working. If you are accepted as a Scholar you will be integrally involved in this assessment process. Participating in the assessment is your only “fee” for attending IRDL. Everything else is paid for, including your airfare, apartment on campus, food throughout the workshop, and the instruction sessions. SAGE Publishing is a sponsor of IRDL and has given four textbooks for each of the Scholars.

10 3. IRDL is changing… There are some changes to IRDL you need to be aware of.

11 There are two big changes to IRDL, beginning in 2017:
Sustainability There are two big changes to IRDL, beginning in 2017: The summer workshop will now be one week long You will be paired with a formal mentor When we think about sustainability of a model such as IRDL, Kris and Marie realized that being away from home/work for two weeks — that was the length of time for the summer workshops in — can be a hardship. In they are condensing the curriculum into 7 full days. In 2017 you will arrive to LMU on Saturday, June 3, begin the workshop on Sunday, June 4, work with us through the week, finishing the program Saturday night. You will return home on Sunday, June 11 and be back to work that next day; you’ll only be away for one week. Good, right? Your peers in IRDL cohort will still be your best research supporters after leaving the summer workshop but Kris and Marie want to make sure you have all the help you may need to complete your research. With a mentor you can expect consistent communication from a librarian who has designed and executed their own research projects. During the academic year after your workshop experience you will be matched with a mentor to help cheer you on and give guidance as you complete your IRDL project.

12 2017 IRDL Arrive in Los Angeles on June 3 Leave Los Angeles on June 11

13 Application process Step-by-step guidelines at Cover letter 8-page proposal. There are guidelines for how to construct your proposal on the website. Your resume A letter of support from your library director or Dean

14 Am I eligible? Applicant must have already completed a graduate program in library and information studies or equivalent (completed by May 2016, or earlier). Applicant must be employed in a single full time permanent position as an academic or research librarian in the United States. Persons in residency programs or time-limited positions are not eligible for IRDL. Applicant must be able to attend the entire summer workshop, arriving in Los Angeles, CA on June 3, 2017, departing June 11, 2017.

15 When to apply? Application center opens
December 1, 2016 and closes at midnight on January 13, 2017.

16 Any tips for applying? 1. The focus of IRDL is social science research methods. Select a topic and a research question that can be addressed using social science research methods. Think about the scope of your project. It may be conducted at your home institution, but it should have broader implications. Do not select a project that is so specific to your work environment that it unlikely to be applicable in other settings. 2. If you are actively job seeking, do not apply for this Institute experience. Your success in completing your research project depends on a stable work environment for one academic year after completing the summer workshop. This is why we don’t accept anyone in a time-limited position or residency. 3. Your research should be able to be completed within one year. If your research question is bigger than one year, consider how to propose to do a component of it during your IRDL year.

17 Questions? Marie Kennedy (
For additional information about IRDL: Marie Kennedy Kristine Brancolini

18 Thanks Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome presentation resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Backgrounds by SubtlePatterns

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