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The Modern Atomic Theory

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1 The Modern Atomic Theory
Energy Level Diagrams The Modern Atomic Theory

2 The Bohr Model (Planetary Model)

3 Hotel with many floors and different types of rooms
Quantum Theory Analogy: Hotel with many floors and different types of rooms

4 What’s the difference? Electrons occupy particular regions (areas) of space called orbitals. i.e. Orbitals farther from It is impossible to know the precise (exact) location of the electron. Instead, we can only know the probability of finding electrons in a specific region.

5 Orbit: A definite circular path around the nucleus.
Orbit vs. Orbital Orbit: A definite circular path around the nucleus. Orbital: A region of space an electron is likely to be found.

6 Energy Level

7 Energy Level Diagram Energy Level (n) =The specific amount of
energy an atom’s electron possess. Orbital energy increases with increasing n E.g. E for n=4 > E for n=2.

8 Energy Level Diagram for a Multi-Electron Atom
numbers = energy level (n) letters = orbital type 1 dashed lines= 1 orbital (Max. 2 e- per dashed line)

9 Shell Orbitals having the same n value (same floor in a hotel) For n = 2, the shell consists of one 2s orbital, and three 2p orbitals For n = 3, the shell consists of one 3s orbital, three 3p orbitals, and five 3d orbitals.

10 Subshell Subshell: Orbitals of the same type of n value and letter. The subshell 2p consists of a set of three 2p-orbitals. The subhell 3d consists of a set of five 3d-orbitals.

11 Summary For a given value of “n”, n different types of orbitals are possible.

12 There are 4 types of orbitals: s, p, d, & f orbitals
D) Orbitals Shapes There are 4 types of orbitals: s, p, d, & f orbitals (Some Pilots Don’t Fly). They come in different 3-D shapes.

13 S Orbitals

14 P Orbitals

15 D Orbitals

16 F Orbitals

17 D. Application of Theory

18 Note: Orbital = Energy Level
Line Spectrum Absorbs energy  excited state higher orbital Releases energy  ground state lower orbital Note: Orbital = Energy Level

19 Quantum energy is the energy difference between the energy levels

20 Energy (& frequency) increases from red to violet.

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