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Quantum Mechanics & Electron Configuration

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1 Quantum Mechanics & Electron Configuration
Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms

2 Part 1: Models of the Atom
1897: Thompson Model (Plum Pudding) 1911: Rutherford Model – Small, dense, + charged nucleus Electrons orbit around 1913: Bohr Model 1926: Quantum Mechanical Model – Erwin Schrodinger & his math equations

3 Bohr Model (aka the versions you’ve learned before)
Electrons move around the nucleus in fixed spherical orbits with fixed energies Fixed energies = orbits / energy levels Aka rungs of a ladder Electrons can go to a higher or lower energy level Either gain or lose energy to move levels Electrons CANNOT be between levels

4 Atomic Emission Spectra
** When atoms absorb energy (i.e. electric current), they move to a higher energy level … … these electrons emit light when they return back to a lower energy level Emission spectra is unique for each element The light emitted consists of only a mixture to specific frequencies… If you pass the light through a slit and then a prism, you can separate the resulting light into its frequencies (aka colors) Gas: Run electricity through it … gives off light and run that light through a prism to get the spectra Metal: Heat it and it gives off light (glowing flame). Run this light through a prism to get the spectra Barium

5 Light Has properties of both:  a Particle ( ____________)  a Wave
Light Waves: Amplitude: crest of the wave (height from 0) Wavelength: distance between crests (λ) Frequency: # of waves per unit time (ν) Units: Hertz (Hz) aka s-1


7 C = speed of light (constant) = 2.998 x 108 m/s
Math Time!!! c = λν C = speed of light (constant) = x 108 m/s λ = Wavelength (m) ν = Frequency (Hz or s-1)


9 More Math… E = h x v E = energy (joules – J)
The energy (E) of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency. Higher freq = More Energy Lower Freq = Less Energy E = h x v E = energy (joules – J) H = Plank’s constant = 6.626E-34 J/s v = Frequency (Hz or s-1)

10 Example: What is the energy of a quantum of light with a frequency of 7.39 x 1014 Hz?

11 Think about this… E = h x v c = λν
What would you do if you were asked to solve for the frequency of light if you are given a wavelength of 700nm? What would you do if you were asked to find the energy of light if you are given a wavelength of 480nm?

12 Emission Spectra Lab Look at the gas tubes and follow directions provided.

13 Continuous Spectrum v. Line Spectrum
What did you observe in the Emission Lab?

14 Light has Wave-Particle Duality (& so do electrons)
Particle & Wave-like Nature Depends on experiment / what we try to observe Throws a wrench in Bohr Model… New method of describing the motion of subatomic particles = foundation of quantum mechanics = movement/organization of subatomic particles Bohr Model = two dimensional description of what was going on This does not work for atoms with more than one electron. For atoms with more than one electron, a model that showed movement in a three-dimensional space was needed.

15 The Quantum Mechanical Model
This is what we use today Describes: LOCATION & ENERGY of electrons Electrons do not have a direct orbit around nucleus Based on probability Electron clouds Electrons do have energy levels

16 Hog Hilton Sample Problem
Book 15 hogs into their rooms 6th floor ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ 6th floor ______ 5th floor ______ ______ ______ 4th floor ______ 3rd floor ______ ______ ______ 2nd floor ______ 1st floor ______

17 Hog Hilton Sample Problem Place 15 electrons into their spaces
3d_____ _____ _____ _____ ____ 4s _____ 3p ______ ______ ______ 3s ______ 2p ______ ______ ______ 2s ______ 1s ______

18 But…all of these electrons are not organized into hotel rooms, but ATOMIC ORBITALS

19 So, what exactly is an ATOMIC ORBITAL?
Atomic Orbital = region of space in which there is a high probability of finding an electron They come in different SHAPES, SIZES & ENERGY LEVELS!! These are described by Quantum Numbers…

20 Quantum Numbers Get ready…here we go…
Part 2 Quantum Numbers Get ready…here we go…

21 Quantum Numbers Used to describe the location of electrons Electrons in an atom CANNOT have the same quantum numbers  Unique for each electron  Like an address

22 Principle Quantum Number (think…Energy Level)
Allowable values = 1, 2, 3 … n (positive, integer values) Describes energy level Position of the electron w/ respect to nucleus As n increases = further from nucleus

23 Angular Momentum Quantum Number (Azimuthal Quantum Number) (think…energy sublevel) Pay attention…this is where it starts to get complicated l Allowed values: 0, 1, 2, … (n-1) Describes the sublevel SHAPE of the orbital SHAPES: l = 0 = s orbital = spherical cloud l = 1 = p orbital = dumbbell cloud l = 2 = d orbital = clover cloud l = 3 = f orbital = … too complicated

24 Example If I had a principal quantum number of 2, what are my possible angular momentum quantum numbers? n = 2 l =

25 Angular Momentum Quantum Number: Orbital Shapes

26 Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)
Determines spatial orientation (x, y, z, plane) Possible Values: - l to + l Examples: if it is a d orbital d orbital: l = ml = L = 2 M = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2

27 Example: p-orbital n = 2 l = ml = This means, there are _______ p-orbitals and that they are in three directions (x, y, z axes):

28 What orbital corresponds to : n = 2 l = 1 ml = 0
Energy level = Sublevel = _____ - orbital Orientation: Orbital: Energy level: 2 Sublevel: p orbital Orientation: z Orbital: 2pz

29 Number of orbitals within an energy level: n2
Examples: How many orbitals are in energy level 2? n = l = ml = Orbitals = Each orbital holds 2 electrons:So, how many electrons can energy level 2 hold? # Electrons = 2n2 N = 2 Orbitals = 0 , 1  s orbital , 3 p orbitals (px, py, pz) # Electrons = 2 per orbital = 8 total electrons can be held at energy level 2 2n^2  2 (4) = 8  They are the same!!

30 Spin Quantum Number ms Describes the direction of the electrons spin within an orbital (remember, each orbital only holds 2 electrons) Possible Values: ½ or -½ (spin up, spin down) Think back to hogs…

31 Ahhh…it’s too much information…HELP!!!
Solution: STUDY and PRACTICE!!! Quantum # Symbol Possible Values Description Principle Quantum Number n 1, 2, 3, etc Energy level Angular Momentum Quantum Number l 0 … n-1 Sublevel & shape Magnetic Quantum Number ml -l … +l Spatial Orientation of orbital (x,y,z) Spin Quantum Number ms +½ or -½ Direction of Spin

32 Examples n = 3 (what are the possible quantum numbers?)
What orbital corresponds to n = 4 & l = 2?

33 What orbital corresponds to
n = 4 , l = 1, ml = -1 Energy Level = Sublevel = Orbital orientation = Orbital =

34 How Many Types of Orbitals (orientations) How Many Electrons in Shape
Re-iterate: Orbital How Many Types of Orbitals (orientations) How Many Electrons in Shape s 1 p 3 d 5 f 7

35 Principle Quantum Number Angular Momentum Quantum Number (sublevels)
Shapes of Sublevels # electrons (2n2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

36 Principle Quantum Number Angular Momentum Quantum Number (sublevels)
Shapes of Sublevels # electrons (2n2) 1 s 2 0, 1 s p 8 3 0, 1, 2 s p d 18 4 0, 1, 2, 3 s p d f 32 5 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 s p d f (g) 50 6 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 s p d f (g h) 72 7 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 s p d f (g h i) 98

37 STOP Do You Have Any Questions?

38 PART 3 Rules of Electron Configuration

39 Aufbau Principle Electrons enter orbitals of lowest energy first
Orbitals within a sublevel have equal energy (3px, 3py, 3pz) Exceptions: Cr , Cu Which hog rules is this?

40 Pauli Exclusion Principle
An atomic orbital may only hold two electrons Electrons must have opposite spin Clockwise or counterclockwise spin Denoted with arrows Prevents two electrons from having same quantum numbers Which hog rule is this?

41 Hund’s Rule Every orbital of the same energy is singly occupied before any orbital is doubly occupied Electrons have the same spin Second electrons added have opposite spins Which hog rule is this?

42 PART 4 Writing Electron Configurations

43 Electron Configuration Diagonal Rule
Starting with the top arrow, follow the arrows one by one in the direction they point, listing the sublevels as you pass through them. Stop when you get to the sublevel you need.

44 Electron Orbital Diagram
3d ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 4s ___ 3p ___ ___ ___ 3s ___ 2p ___ ___ ___ 2s ___ 1s ___

45 Example: Fill Orbitals w/ 7 electrons
3d ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 4s ___ 3p ___ ___ ___ 3s ___ 2p ___ ___ ___ 2s ___ 1s ___

46 Review: How many electrons fill an s orbital?
How many electrons fill a p orbital ?(remember subshells…) How many electrons fill a d orbital? How many electrons fill an f orbital?

47 Example: Cl 3d ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 4s ___ 3p ___ ___ ___ 3s ___
Give the final E.C:

48 With a partner: Examples: Give the E.C
Li Be B C N F

49 No more…Make it Write the electron configuration for Barium: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Too many electrons!! But wait…there’s a shortcut… Noble gas / shorthand configuration: Find the nearest noble gas that came before the element you are interested in Write the symbol of that noble gas in [brackets] Write the configuration as normal from there…

50 Examples: Sb

51 Stop & Practice E.C. Worksheet

52 All Together Now… Mendeleev didn’t know quantum numbers Blocks
BUT…our periodic table is related to HOW electrons fill the levels in the different shells Blocks s block Groups 1 & 2 p Block Groups 3 – 8 d block Transition Elements f Block Rare earth metals Meaning, the electron configuration ends with this type of electron. I.e. Vanadium: ends w/ 3 d

53 It ends w/… It ends w/ the indicated orbitals…count across for number of neutrons…

54 Another Example: Ba (shorthand)

55 Stop & Practice Patterns in Electron Configuration Worksheet

56 Columns Elements have similar properties Why? Examples
Similar ground state electron configurations Examples Noble gases Complete sublevel Favorable - do not react Halogens One electron short of completely filled sublevel Readily react with elements who have a single electron

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