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Classification of Consonants

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1 Classification of Consonants
Distinctive Features

2 Distinctive Feature Classification
A second way to classify consonants based on distinctive features According to df, phonemes are comprised of a bundle of features that make them distinct from any other phoneme df are binary with a “+” or “-” used to denote the presence or absence of that feature in a particular phoneme Each df typically represents some physiological aspect of sound production EX. The feature [voice] represents the presence or absence of vocal fold vibration as [+voice] or [-voice]

3 Distinctive Feature Classification
There are several different distinctive feature classifications, but the one most commonly used is by Chomsky & Halle (1968) In general, each distinctive feature relates to one of the three broad parameters of consonant production involving place, voice, or manner

4 Correspondence Between PVM and Distinctive Features
Distinctive Feature Place Voice Manner Sonorant X Continuant X Nasal X Syllabic X Consonantal X Delayed Release X Strident X Anterior X Coronal X Voice X

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