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3 Proscenium Stage: `the picture frame stage` allows the audience to see only one side of the stage, through what is known as the `fourth wall`

4 Theatre in the Round: the audience surrounds the stage for a more intimate performance

5 Thrust Stage: a stage that extends into the audience on only three sides, connected to a backstage

6 When a production begins to work on the set design, a number of professionals work together to design and build the stage: The director The lighting designer The construction crew The director will envision a stage, and together with the lighting designer and the construction crew, they will sketch out a floor plan for the performance on the stage. The director must tell the story in the space provided. The lighting director must allow for illumination onto the stage. The construction crew must build the materials used on the stage, plus the physical space both on the stage, underneath the stage and possible above the stage too.

7 Together, let’s read the setting & description for The Chocolate Affair and brainstorm some ideas on how to bring the setting to life.

8 Step 1: The Floor Plan The floor plan is usually an aerial shot of the stage. The parts of the stage are labelled on the floor of the stage. The backdrop (or walls) are labelled on the stage. Furniture and/or materials that take up physical space are labelled on the stage. Measurements for elevation (height) are labelled on the stage. The audience is labelled on the floor plan.

9 Set Design for Prima Donna - POTO

10 Sketch out a floor plan for one of the following three performances.
Assignment Sketch out a floor plan for one of the following three performances. Use the blank slide to brainstorm a rough draft for a stage. Use the legend to identify furniture and/or materials used on the stage. Once a rough draft is completed, you will sketch out a final draft on chart paper. Once the final draft is completed we will create a 3-D model of our design. Category 5 4 3 2 1 Blocking The audience is in full view of the entire stage Effectiveness The set is designed logical Construction The set has been neatly crafted Creativity The set offers and original interpretation


12 The Littlest Angel Gates into heaven. There is a golden gate, with a curved top, upstage. Directly centre stage is a Victorian desk with a feather pen, an ink stand and large books. A rack of angel robes or a large chest sits centre stage right. A large golden harp sits down stage left, with a stool. The backdrop and flooring is reflective of a beautiful sky with large clouds.

13 And Then There Was One A sofa occupies centre stage. Stage right stands a fireplace with a mantle. Stage left is a credenza or chest with a vase of flowers on it and a tape player or gramophone. Upstage of the chest is a chair. Behind and to the left of the sofa is a floor lamp with a shade. Stage right is the exit for the front door. Stage left is the exit for upstairs.

14 The Twelve Daughters of Hercules
It’s Ancient Greece. Stage Left is a an ancient Greek home, complete with 3 Greek column up stage. The walls & floor are made of marble, tapestry’s adorn the walls & there is an area for washing clothes/dishes. Stage right is in the middle of the forest. There are three large trees placed randomly, up stage right with large rocks center stage right – which are both set design & seats.

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